Topic Name Description
Ready to Learn: Education for Positive Peace Page Course Introduction

A Partner in Education (APIE) course on Positive Peace in Rwandan Schools

Page What is Positive Peace?
Page Task #1:
Page Course Outline
Page How the course will work
Page Summary
UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts Page UNIT 1: Introduction

Page UNIT 1: Overview
Page UNIT 1: What is Behaviour for Learning?
Page UNIT 1: Task #1
Page UNIT 1: How will your school benefit from introducing B4L?
Page UNIT 1: Task #2
Page UNIT 1: Summary of Behaviour for Learning (B4L)
Page UNIT 1: What is a Classroom Contract?
Page UNIT 1: How to create a Classroom Contract
Page UNIT 1: Task #3
File UNIT 1: LESSON PLAN - Creating a Classroom Contract

Here is an example of a lesson plan which you could use to guide your lesson on Creating a Classroom Contract with your learners. The lesson plan will help you to move step-by-step through the process, from introducing the lesson topic to finally creating the Classroom Contract. We hope you find it useful!

Page UNIT 1: Summary
UNIT 2: Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences Page UNIT 2: Introduction
Page UNIT 2: Overview
Page UNIT 2: Task #1: What is Positive Behaviour Management?
Page UNIT 2: Task #2: What are Behaviour Triangles?
Page UNIT 2: What is the House Points system?
Page UNIT 2: Steps to take for setting up the Classroom Level House Points system
Page UNIT 2: Task #3
Page UNIT 2: Task #4
File UNIT 2: LESSON PLAN - Creating a Behaviour Triangles

To support you as you set up Behaviour Triangles for your classroom, we have provided the following lesson plan. We hope it will be a useful resource.

Page UNIT 2: Summary
UNIT 3: Behaviour Management - Active Citizenship, School and Parent Engagement Page UNIT 3: Introduction
Page UNIT 3: Overview
Page UNIT 3: Reflection
Page UNIT 3: What are Circle Meetings?
Page UNIT 3: Circle Meetings at Umubano Academy
File UNIT 3: LESSON PLAN - Circle Meetings
Page UNIT 3: Steps to take for conducting a successful Circle Meeting
Page UNIT 3: Task #1
Page UNIT 3: Engagement between school and parents/families/carers
Page UNIT 3: Steps to take for conducting a successful Parent-Teacher Meeting
Page UNIT 3: Task #2
Page UNIT 3: What are Restorative Approaches to Conflict Resolution?
Page UNIT 3: Task #3
Page UNIT 3: Task #4
File UNIT 3: LESSON PLAN - Introducing Restorative Approaches to Conflict Resolution
Page UNIT 3: Summary
UNIT 4: Social Skills Page UNIT 4: Introduction
Page UNIT 4: Overview
Page UNIT 4: Task #1
Page UNIT 4: Task #2
Page Unit 4: What is Emotional Intelligence?
Page UNIT 4: What is Empathy?
Page UNIT 4: Task #3
Page UNIT 4: How to Develop Empathy
Page UNIT 4: Reflection
Page UNIT 4: Summary
UNIT 5: Growth Mindset and Critical Thinking Page UNIT 5: Introduction

Page UNIT 5: Overview: What is Growth Mindset?
Page UNIT 5: Task #1

Page UNIT 5: What is Critical Thinking and Effective Questioning?
Page UNIT 5: Task #2

File UNIT 5: LESSON PLAN - Creating Growth Mindset Chart
Page UNIT 5: Summary
UNIT 6: Group Work and Collaborative Learning Page UNIT 6: Introduction
Page UNIT 6: Overview
Page UNIT 6: What are Home Teams/Learning Teams?
Page UNIT 6: Task #1
Page UNIT 6: What is Think-Pair-Share and Peer Marking?
Page UNIT 6: Task #2
Page UNIT 6: Summary
UNIT 7: Special Needs and Inclusive Education Page UNIT 7: Introduction
Page UNIT 7: Overview: What is Inclusive Education?
Page UNIT 7: Task #1
Page UNIT 7: Inclusive Education at Umubano Academy
Page UNIT 7: Task #2
Page UNIT 7: Task #3
Page UNIT 7: What is an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?
Page UNIT 7: Key Ingredients of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) Explained
File UNIT 7: Individual Education Plan template
Page UNIT 7: Summary
UNIT 8: Gender Page UNIT 8: Introduction
Page UNIT 8: Overview
Page UNIT 8: Reflection #1: Gender, traditions and culture
Page UNIT 8: Key Ideas Related to Sex, Gender and Gender Roles
Page UNIT 8: Task #1
Page UNIT 8: Reflection #2
Page UNIT 8: How to Build a Gender-Responsive Classroom
Page UNIT 8: Reflection #3
Page UNIT 8: Research Task
Page UNIT 8: Summary
Conclusion Page R2L Course Conclusion