UNIT 1: Summary

UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts


In this unit we have talked about the importance of creating an environment in the classroom and school that is a positive one for you and the learners. Behaviour for Learning (B4L) brings benefits to the whole school community, helping teachers and learners to work together in a more focused way to understand the challenges being faced, find ways to address them and achieve more, in a more peaceful, less stressful atmosphere. 

One tool that helps build respect and trust between the teachers and learners is a Classroom Contract.  This is an important foundation of Ready to Learn: Education for Positive Peace because it acknowledges that teachers and learners are all people who deserve respect and who can contribute positively to a happy, healthy, learning environment, where everyone can thrive and do their best. A Classroom Contract is just one tool we can use on this journey. Perhaps you can think of, and share, some other ideas too; we would love to hear from you about this! 

Add your suggestions to the WhatsApp group please.

1. The United Nations. (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child. Treaty Series, 1577, 3.

Last modified: Friday, 8 September 2023, 3:18 PM