UNIT 8: Reflection #1: Gender, traditions and culture

UNIT 8: Gender

refReflection #1- Gender, traditions and culture

As teachers we must think about how the traditions and culture we are born into, and grow up in, have a big influence on us and how we think of ourselves in terms of our gender, abilities and opportunities in the world. 

Let’s look at some proverbs that can be found in Rwandan culture and think about how these sayings represent gender.

The traditions and culture we are born into and grow up in have a big influence on us and how we think of ourselves in terms of gender, abilities and opportunities in the world. Let’s look at proverbs that can be found in Rwandan culture.

"Nta nkokokazi ibika"
A hen cannot crow in the presence of a rooster.

What thoughts do you have when you read or hear someone say this proverb above? How does it make you feel? Does your own gender have an impact on how you respond to this proverb? Why do you say so?

Have a look below now at three more proverbs.:

"amafuti y’umugabo nibwo biryo bwe"
Even when a man makes a mistake he is never wrong. 
"Ukurusha umugore aba akurusha urugo"   
When you have a good wife, you have a good family.
"Amazi iyo abaye make aharirwa impfizi"
 When there is little water available for the cows, you reserve it for the bull.

Have you heard these proverbs recently? 

    • Have you ever used them yourself?  
    • Who have you ever heard using them? 
    • Why do you think they are still being used or not being used today?
    • What kind of impact do you think they may have on how a girl or woman thinks of herself and her role in society?

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 August 2023, 2:37 PM