UNIT 3: Task #1

UNIT 3: Behaviour Management - Active Citizenship, School and Parent Engagement

vidHere is a video on Circle Meetings. Watch and listen to the video. What do you notice about the way the learners participate? What do you notice about the way learners lead the meetings? Write down your ideas. 

Video: Circle Meetings

Task #1: 

After watching the video on Circle Meetings, plan a Circle Meeting with your learners to try out this week. After facilitating your first Circle Meeting, reflect on the following questions and share with your WhatsApp group: 

  1. What did you do as your ice breaker activity and was it effective?
  2. What did you discuss as your first topic and why did you choose this?
  3. What object did you use to pass around the circle or how did you take turns?
  4. What worked well? 
  5. Is there anything you would do differently next time? 

Try to plan one Circle Meeting each week and commit to doing this. Over time, you should see more engagement and begin to receive interesting, and maybe unexpected, ideas from your learners. 

Last modified: Wednesday, 29 November 2023, 4:10 PM