UNIT 1: Task #1

UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts

Task #1

Now that you have learnt what Behaviour for Learning (B4L) is and how it helps in behaviour management, let’s look at two possible examples of learners' misbehaviour and practise using B4L to identify the reasons WHY a learner is misbehaving. Which of the three pillars of B4L - relationship with self, relationship with the community and/or relationship with the curriculum - do you think could be the cause(s) of the learner's poor behaviour and what could you do to support the learner to solve their challenges?

Context & behaviour issue

Relationship pillar

Possible solution


The teacher introduces a new maths topic. Erisa spends a lot of the lesson speaking to other learners and not focusing on the learning. 

Which is more likely to be the cause of Erisa's misbehaviour?:

Self - Erisa doesn’t believe he can succeed at maths so he finds ways to distract himself rather than engage with learning.

Community -  Erisa may be having issues at home or with the other learners in the class and he is covering this up by misbehaving.

Curriculum - Erisa doesn’t believe he can make good progress in maths because of poor experiences earlier in his schooling.

Think through a possible response and the solutions that you could find to support the learners in each of these pillars of B4L, so that both Erisa and Mutoni can start to believe in themselves,  to solve any issues with their community and to enable them to work hard in all subjects.


Mutoni is always quiet in the class, sitting alone, and not wanting to work with other students.

Self -  Mutoni may lack self confidence and feel shy in the classroom.

Community - Mutoni may be having challenges forming friendships in class or she may not have a good relationship with you as her teacher.

Curriculum - Mutoni might not be comfortable with the learning activities in the lessons and she is withdrawing because of this.

We must always remember that not all challenging behaviour is the same. There are levels of misbehaviour and different reasons that cause it. A learner’s behaviour can start with minor problems and without good behaviour management from the teacher the issues can get more serious and more frequent. This is why the B4L approach helps the teacher to solve the reasons why a learner is misbehaving before it becomes very serious. Sometimes, more than one pillar can be causing the learner to have challenges in school. The teacher should identify the main pillar that is at the root of the problems and solve that one first, then solve the others.

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 2:06 PM