UNIT 2: Introduction

UNIT 2: Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences

In the same way, over and over again
Can be seen.


This unit introduces Behaviour Triangles. Behaviour Triangles are visual behaviour management tools that help teachers to use rewards and consequences consistently in their classrooms. Behaviour Triangles help teachers and learners to have clear expectations of acceptable and unacceptable behaviours and to know what will happen if learners behave in good or bad ways. The unit includes how to introduce Behaviour Triangles to learners and gives examples of when to refer to the Behaviour Triangles in lessons. This unit also introduces House Points as an effective way of rewarding positive behaviour in the classroom, in the co-curricular activities and around the school campus.

cbcHow this unit links to the Competence Based Curriculum

The Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) states that learners should be aware of how “social factors, behaviour and personal attitudes can affect their level of achievement”.

The CBC includes competencies on acceptable behaviour. Learners are expected to “recognise the impact of individual choices and their consequences on individuals and larger societies” and “deeply analyse the choices and consequences before making and taking a decision and prevent all kinds of violence”.

Unite 2Furthermore, the CBC includes competencies on conflict transformation, tolerance and respect, and on peace and conflict. These competencies emphasise the “management and prevention of conflicts” and “analysing all forms and causes of conflicts and violence and their consequences” and how our behaviours have consequences at school and in our communities.

Positive behaviour management is the foundation upon which education for positive peace is built. It demonstrates, through our daily practice, that, as teachers, we are fair and firm, but not cruel.

Last modified: Monday, 4 September 2023, 5:34 PM