Forum: Educational Value of ICT Integrated in Teaching

Challenges and suggested solutions on integration of ICT in teaching and learning in my class

Challenges and suggested solutions on integration of ICT in teaching and learning in my class

by Obed RUZIBIZA -
Number of replies: 0

Challenges of integration of ICT in teaching and learning process are so many but some of them are:

1. Inadequate ICT equipments to both learners and teachers. Eg few number of  computers in the class, etc.....

2. Lack of Internet and/or slow internet connectivity.

3. Insufficient knowledge and skills about the use of ICT tools caused by lack of proper and continuous training on ICT use in teaching and learning.

4. Lack of electricity in the area where the school is located 

5. Lack of motivation to both learners and teachers.

Suggested solutions to the above challenges:

1.increase the numbers of ICT tools in the classroom especially computers and their accessories which enable learners and teachers to access computers. Eg one laptop per teacher and one laptop per student.

2.Avail internet in the school and increase the capacity of Internet for example accessing 4G.

3. Continuous training on ICT use in teaching and learning process through different program in order to enhance the capacity of teachers as well as learners about the use of ICTin their teaching and learning activities.

4.Using different methods to accesselectricty. Eg work with solar energy group company Ltd for getting solar electrical power which will facilitate us to connect our computers and getting internet connectivity.

5.Show the learners and teachers the best of using ICT in teaching and Learning activities as a vision of the world as well as our country particularly.