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Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Vincent Nyirigira -
Number of replies: 67

Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

Click on the link below

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Josias Rwambikana -

1.Join a professional social network.

2.Pick 5 blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

3.Set up an i Google account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader.

4.Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read.

5.Join the micro blogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter.

In reply to Josias Rwambikana

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Gaspard Hitimana -
well,I appreciate a lots on these ways to be used in developing personal learning network.but now it would be better if you explain me what micro blogging is. what to do to join micro blogging? thx
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Norbert Rukundo -

some of the things you can do to develop personal learning network are: 

To use social media in learning for learning purposes

To use digital tools in learning

To use INTERNET for learning researches etc 

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Christine Musabyemaliya -

Personal Learning network is very important because help the student to collaborate with other schools in the district, city, state, country or beyond. they have some Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network:

1.       Join a professional social network: encourage the students    to participate in the great discussions, to receive event notifications, and to find and connect with colleagues.  

2.       Set up a google account:

3.       reading different social media including Tweets at Twitter because the Twitter is a totally crappy archive of reading and thinking.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Ferdinand Twayigira -
These are five things you can do to develop personal learning networks:

-Joining a professional social network like Linked in,watsaap,facebook ,and so on

-Select or Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

-Sining up the google account  and subscribe to the blogs you selected to be able to access different interesting Content.

-Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read.

-Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share.

-Vising other free online learning website which will facilitates you from reading or raising your own knowledge.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jules Nshimyumuremyi -

Familiarize myself with computer and internet 

Join professional networks such as linkedin, ...

Find my peer in the subject I teach and start making something like a network through which we can share ideas

Think that there is always something to learn

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Methode Urimubenshi -

5 Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network

1.    Join a professional social network.

2.    Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

3.    Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Caution: Limit your reader to five to start. Keeping up with more blogs will be difficult.

4.    Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. I invite you to begin here!

5.    Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira


by John Peter Gacinya Nsabimana -

being updated before updating our students as well as other teachers; troubleshoot some local problems found; being equipped and manage teaching effectively using some ICT devices found at school. 

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Gaudence Nyiranzeyimana -

  • Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs I read

    Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter.

  • Pick  at least 6 Blogs I find interesting and start reading them

  • Join a professional social networks

  • Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Methode Urimubenshi -

This is a very good subject to discuss about. We must join some social media groups that involved teachers such as whatsapp; facebook; twitter and so on...

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Methode Urimubenshi -

This is a very good subject to discuss about. We must join some social media groups that involved teachers such as whatsapp; facebook; twitter and so on...

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Anthere Hakizimana -

Personal Learning Networks are a terrific way to extend your knowledge and learning outside your classroom.

5 Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network are:

1.      Join a professional social network

2.      Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

3.      Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader

4.      Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read

5.      Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Norbert Rukundo -

Please there is no submission status for me in this unit 14

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Chantal Mukarutabana -
Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network 

1. Join a professional social network 

2. Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them

 3. Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. 

 4. Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read

 5. Join the micro blogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Drocella Bazubagira -

v  Join a professional social network

v  I have found great value in each of them. I am also a member of Linked In but haven't found much value in that as an educator.

v  2-Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

v   In addition to my own blo and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Caution:

v  Limit your reader to five to start. Keeping up with more blogs will be difficult.

v  Join the microblogging phenomena by reading

v  4-Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Theogene Bunane -

Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

  • ·         Join a professional social network
  • ·         Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them
  • ·         Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. I invite you to begin here! (If you're following closely you may note this is actually PLN 2.0 tip thrown in for those who are ready for a head start, and because I'd really love to get to know my readers through comments here)
  • ·         Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share. You'll learn a lot in minutes that fit into 140 character sound bytes

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Edmond Niyonzima -
To begin my learning network i may : have ICTs, that will help to connect one to another, I will try to create social media platform such as WhatsApp group, facebook group, twitter account, blogs, where all concerned will share resources and ideas, do their researches, where they will meet different topics and discussions.
In reply to Edmond Niyonzima

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Joseph Nshimye -

Beginin with my learning network I will: get used to ICTs, that will help me to connect one to others, I can try to create social media platform such as Whats App facebook group, echat group, twitter account, blogs, where all concerned will share resources and ideas, and different people do their researches, where they will find  different topics and discussions.It can help researchers to get more information 

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Job Kubwimana -
Keep the spirit of collaboration as your driving force. PLNs are all about working together. Be reciprocal and resourceful. Don’t think about what you have to gain, first think about what you have to give. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do. By buying into the process and sharing useful information, your PLN grows naturally. Collaboration creates a common ground and allows others to see your interests. Genuine interest builds a solid, authentic network. Try to see the big picture of how your ideas can change the world. Social responsibility is the best kind of motivation for establishing a PLN. Join an online community. Nings are online rings of people with similar interests. Sharing ideas and contacting people for direct feedback is more effective in a community setting. Communities such as, Classroom 2.0 and The Educator’s PLN provide a meaningful circle of experts. They provide professional development resources, such as online events, and are a great place to start networking. Plus, using Mightybell, Edmodo, or Ning you can create your own virtual space to share pictures, documents, calendars, or projects. Join a Meetup group. Meetups are common thread interest groups that meet in the real world. The groups can also extend in social networks. For instance, social studies teachers in your district or city might create a group to share teaching ideas. Meetups take online networks and bring them into the real world. And if you can’t meet online try using a cyberspace, like Google+ HangOut, SecondLife, or Skype. Some university academics even have virtual labs on SecondLife. Become a beacon of light. PLNs rely on open sharing of information. So if you know something, share it! It’s best to start with a specific interest and then grow into other topics as time goes on. Become an expert in your niche by researching current trends. This will draw a larger following on your network, because you can provide a novel source of information. You might write a blog, start a Scoopit page to repost interesting articles, share a free tool, or create a Youtube video. Cater to your strengths and use what’s comfortable for you. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. After all, PLNs are all about learning. But don’t ask questions that you can easily research yourself. Try simple searches on TED talks, Wikis, blogs, or news articles before posting a question. Try to be specific and think of how a question might generate interest from others. For example, you may want to refer to an article or research study when asking a question. Be specific! This will generate the best answers. Be an active participant. Brain power is the main asset of a PLN. Spend some time to identify a specific cause and communicate it on your profile. Let your knowledge of a specific cause help grow your PLN. Keep up to date with your niche. Stay relevant. Try to post at least once a week. Remember to be polite and acknowledge contributions to the rightful owner. Show common respect for the people in your network. This may seem like common sense, but can be a pitfall. It took me some time to learn “web etiquette” over the years, but it has helped me tremendously. Send thank you notes, acknowledgements, and use your true voice. Not only does it make the other person’s day, but it will help you gain more meaningful connections. Designate a professional and personal account. I keep my social life on Facebook and my professional life on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+. There can be some crossover, but it’s best to keep it minimal so things are easy to find. Certain groups will appreciate different types of content. Your Facebook friends might find your baby’s stories adorable, but your Twitter followers might not appreciate extra messages cluttering their inbox. Do this in ways that are comfortable to you. You might designate accounts for each sphere of your life. Create a landing page. It may be a good idea to consolidate all of your accounts on a landing page. A webpage or personal blog will make it easier for people to find you. It will also create a space where you can showcase the different projects you are working on. Engage newbies. It is best to include a mix of newbies, peers, and experts. Having this type of diversity in knowledge allows you to increase your mentoring skills. It keeps with the essence of collaboration. One blogger in Australia provided a great visual and commentary on how varying levels of expertise are vital to developing a meaningful PLN. He describes how he learned in a PLN learning MOOC that the 3’Rs have been replaced by the 3 C’s Collaborate, Communicate, and Create. PLNS create new projects through the power of active collaboration.
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Ferdinand Hasingizwumukiza -
As our world becomes increasingly
interconnected through web-based technologies, it is important for EFL teachers to think about how virtual resources and online connections can support their lifelong
learning efforts. This week we will examine virtual components you can include in your Persona lLearning Network, as well as how to overcome some of the challenges teachers face when trying to navigate today’sever growing number of virtual learning opportunities and resources

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Florantia Dufashimana -

Personal Learning Networks are a terrific way to extend your knowledge and learning outside your classroom.
5 Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network 
1.Join a professional social network. r.

2.Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. I

3.Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader.

4.Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. 
5.Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share. 

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jean Theoneste NZABIRINDA -
1. Join a professional social network 2. Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. 3. Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader 4. Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read 5. Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Moreover,this mooodle also contributes to our personal development by reading posts. Thanks
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Celestin Ndayisenga -
Join a professional social network. Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter.
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Celestin Ntuzibagirwe -


The Innovative Educator: 5 Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning

1-Join a professional social network. I belong to Classroom 2.0 (for educators using Web 2.0 technology) and EduBlogger World (for education bloggers) and I launched a social network called Transforming Ed for The 21st Century. I have found great value in each of them. I am also a member of Linked In but haven't found much value in that as an educator.

2-Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. In addition to my own blog, I follow weblogg-ed: learning with the read/write web, A Principal's Reflections, Practical Theory, The Brazen Careerist, Cool Cat Teacher, Ted Talks. You may want to look at some of these as well as find other Education Blogs or explore the listing of International Edubloggers.

3-Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Caution: Limit your reader to five to start. Keeping up with more blogs will be difficult.

4-Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. I invite you to begin here! (If you're following closely you may note this is actually PLN 2.0 tip thrown in for those who are ready for a head start, and because I'd really love to get to know my readers through comments here).

5-Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share. You'll learn a lot in minutes that fit into 140 character sound bytes. I'd recommend starting with willrich45 / Will Richardson, coolcatteacher / Vicki Davis, stevehargadon / Steve Hargadon, acarvin / Andy Carvin, penelopetrunk / Penelope Trunk, and because you can, why not follow BarackObama / Barack Obama. Just get ready because once people start following you, you may feel compelled to start engaging in exciting activities worth posting…in 140 characters or less.

So get to it and start building your learning network. Join a social network, subscribe to blogs, comment and Tweet. If you do, I promise you will learn a lot. Once you do, I encourage you to come back here and share your experience by leaving a comment.

In reply to Celestin Ntuzibagirwe

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Celestin Ntuzibagirwe -

1. join a professional social network

2. pick five blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

3. set upan iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in  google reader.

4. become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read.

5. join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twetter.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Aimable Munyensanga -

More use the social media and You might designate accounts for each sphere of your life. Create a landing page and free Blogging you find interesting. It may be a good idea to consolidate all of your accounts on a landing page. A webpage or personal blog will make it easier for people to find you.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning

by JMV Nziringirimana -

5 Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network :

1-Join a professional social network

2-Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. In addition to my own blog, I follow weblogg-ed: learning with the read/write webA Principal's Reflections, Practical Theory, The Brazen Careerist,Cool Cat Teacher, Ted Talks

3-Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Caution: Limit your reader to five to start. Keeping up with more blogs will be difficult. 

4-Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. 

5-Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share. You'll learn a lot in minutes that fit into 140 character sound bytes.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

Join a professional social network. Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. I invite you to begin here! Join the micro blogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Student Affairs Bloggers using facebook
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Abudu Habimana -
These my be the main steps to develop our Personal Learning network: 

1.  Connect with Other Educators.
     Use the “Search teachers” function on the right side of the screen to find colleagues and educators you’ve met at conferences and professional development events. 
    Connecting with them allows you to send direct messages and share content to each others’ libraries.
2.  Join Subject Area and Publisher Communities: 
3.  Participate in Conference Communities – even if you can’t make it to the  


In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jeremie Vuguziga -

Answer is yes I can begin my My Personal Learning Network

I. Ideas on how I can create my own PLN

My Personal Learning Network is the key to keeping me up-to-date with all the changes that are happening in education and how technology can best support and engage today’s students.

A PLN is an aspect of PLEs, where the individual has a group of people within his or her virtual professional network, and the relationship with each is based upon a common interest, collaborative project or research.

Communication and connections are made via social platforms or other Web applications, with the primary intent of sharing or gathering information.

I.1.Strategies that might be help me to read, to develop my own PLN

·        Using Google+ Community , Blackboard Collaborate and Twitter to interact.

·        Blogs are the primary tools that make learning visible, where participants write about and share their experiences about what they are learning.

·        Participate in the introductions by creating a personal introduction and by reading others

·        Participate in at least one of the events planned for a given week, i.e. webinar, Twitter chat, or Blackboard session. It is through these interactions that you are likely to find someone with a common interest.

·        Participate daily (if possible), by reading blog posts, daily updates, following/participating in Twitter conversations.

·        Contribute and share by commenting on others’ posts and engaging in conversation. I have found it is through conversation within a blog’s comment functions that I first established my PLN connections. I aim to be supportive of readers that do take the time to comment by responding to their comments and reading their personal blogs.

·        Look for opportunities to join and participate in sub-groups : As we see from the web diagram of the etmooc, there are hundreds of participants it is through the more intimate groups that spontaneously develop where  more meaningful and deep connections are made.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Gilbert Gasangwa -

YOU can find 10 tips to know when starting developing  a personal learning network.

download the attachment

In reply to Gilbert Gasangwa

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

  1. Start Now. Do something about your personal development plan today. ...
  2. Baby Steps. To make a plan you need to include steps. ...
  3. Learn From Other People. ...
  4. Embrace Change. ...
  5. Be Accountable. ...
  6. Be Grateful & Recognize Your Worth. ...
  7. Be Intentional. ...
  8. Challenge Yourself.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by FeIicien Ngirinshuti -

1. Join a professional social network

2. Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them

3. Set up an google account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader

4. Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read

5. Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Alphonse Bikorimana -

 5 Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning

1-Join a professional social network. I belong to Classroom 2.0 (for educators using Web 2.0 technology) and EduBlogger World (for education bloggers) and I launched a social network called Transforming Ed for The 21st Century. I have found great value in each of them. I am also a member of Linked In but haven't found much value in that as an educator.

2-Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. In addition to my own blog, I follow
weblogg-ed: learning with the read/write web, A Principal's Reflections, Practical Theory, The Brazen Careerist, Cool Cat Teacher, Ted Talks. You may want to look at some of these as well as find other Education Blogs or explore the listing of International Edubloggers.

3-Set up an
iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Caution: Limit your reader to five to start. Keeping up with more blogs will be difficult.

4-Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. I invite you to begin here! (If you're following closely you may note this is actually PLN 2.0 tip thrown in for those who are ready for a head start, and because I'd really love to get to know my readers through comments here).

5-Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at
Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by M.Claire Uwimana -

Things i can do for developing personal learning network are:

_using internet for research

_using social media for sharing knowledge with others

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by M.Claire Uwimana -

Things i can do for developing personal learning network are:

_using internet for research

_using social media for sharing knowledge with others

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Francois Hakizimana -

5 Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network 1.0
1-Join a professional social network. I belong to Classroom 2.0 (for educators using Web 2.0 technology) and EduBlogger World (for education bloggers) and I launched a social network called Transforming Ed for The 21st Century. I have found great value in each of them. I am also a member of Linked In but haven't found much value in that as an educator.

2-Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them. In addition to my own blog, I follow weblogg-ed: learning with the read/write web, A Principal's Reflections, Practical Theory, The Brazen Careerist, Cool Cat Teacher, Ted Talks. You may want to look at some of these as well as find other Education Blogs or explore the listing of International Edubloggers.

3-Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader. Caution: Limit your reader to five to start. Keeping up with more blogs will be difficult.

4-Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read. I invite you to begin here! (If you're following closely you may note this is actually PLN 2.0 tip thrown in for those who are ready for a head start, and because I'd really love to get to know my readers through comments here).

5-Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter. Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to share. You'll learn a lot in minutes that fit into 140 character sound bytes. I'd recommend starting with willrich45 / Will Richardson, coolcatteacher / Vicki Davis, stevehargadon / Steve Hargadon, acarvin / Andy Carvin, penelopetrunk / Penelope Trunk, and because you can, why not follow BarackObama / Barack Obama. Just get ready because once people start following you, you may feel compelled to start engaging in exciting activities worth posting…in 140 characters or less.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Celestin Ntirandekura -
those are things that I can do to begin development of my personal learning network.
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Diouf Munyarukundo -
how can begin developing personal learning network 1. using social networks 2.elearning 3.collaborative learning 4.using blogs. 5.using blended learning.
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Callixte Gatera -
Happy New Year 2018 to everyone here  

i wish i would have read all the stuff i come to find on that link you posted . but it's fine i tried my best to make my work better on unit 1. 

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Eric Munyaneza -

Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

1. Join a professional social network
2. Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them.
3. Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader
4. Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read
5. Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Anastase Nzabirinda -
Personal learning network requires one' s engagement, cooperation and collaboration with others, this is just where you can get updates and experience by sharing ideas with your colleagues. For myself, I have already discovered more than I knew, that sharing knowledge with the people who are from different sides but in the same domain/ carrier is much helpful. This will be done via social network just as whatssap, email, and phone calling and messaging.
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jackson Bizumuremyi -
Make research on internet
Use social media
Decide what you want to change
Write down your goals

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Francois Hitiyaremye -

Thanks for give us this link contains many things that we can use to develop my teaching and learning process integrated by ICT.

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jean Baptiste Mushimiyimana -
below is the list of what to do to buil my own PLN
1.join a professional social network
2.Pick 5 blogs I find interesting and start reading them
3.Set up a Google account and subscribe to the blogs I selected in Google reader
4.Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs I read
5.Join the micro blogging phenomena by reading tweets at twitter

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jean Baptiste Mushimiyimana -
below is the list of what to do to buil my own PLN
1.join a professional social network
2.Pick 5 blogs I find interesting and start reading them
3.Set up a Google account and subscribe to the blogs I selected in Google reader
4.Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs I read
5.Join the micro blogging phenomena by reading tweets at twitter

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Fabien Ngaboyimbere -
1.collaborate with others via social network. more topics from different blogs 3.Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read.
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Jean de Dieu Munyaneza -

In choosing a professional development path, there are points to take into consideration:

1. Identifying personal professional development goals and create a plan that can assist in achieving those goals.

2. Identifying available resources that will help in research to increase the knowledge of subjects taught as well as pedagogy and the internet is among the most suitable.

3. Ensuring the quality and credibility of the course/resource/programme identified.

3.  Being realistic about what to achieve.

4.  Ensuring that there is sufficient time to complete the planned professional development.


In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Dieudonne Ushizimpumu -

Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network



Personal Learning network is very important because help the student to collaborate with other


The Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network


v Join a professional social network

v join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter.

v  pick blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

v Join Subject Area and Publisher Communities: 

v Participate in Conference Communities – even if you can’t make it to the  


In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Obed Bisangabagabo -

These are various things that you can do while building your Personal Learning Network:

•Designate a professional and personal account and subscribe in wanted blog

•join an online community or  a Meetup group

•be an active participant and not be afraid to ask questions

•keep the spirit of collaboration as my driving force

•Remember to be polite to my PLN members

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Oda Ishimwe -

Thing I can do to begin my personal learning networking:

1.Join a professional social network.

2.Pick 5 blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

3.Set up an i Google account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader.

4.Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read.

5.Join the micro blogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter.

After this,- I follow amazing educators and technology

               -Share ideas with teachers in my content area

               - Search hashtags

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Didacienne MUSHIMIYIMANA -

5 Ways to Begin Building Your Personal Learning Network are:

1.      Join a professional social network

2.      Pick 5 Blogs you find interesting and start reading them.

3.      Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader

4.      Become a part of the conversation and start commenting on the blogs you read

5.      Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at Twitter

In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Gaspard Hitimana -
personal learning network as a way of interacting with others in a learning environment in with participants derive knowledge,skills,discuss ideas and other relevant issues. this require to join conversation through social media, read ,use blogs,carry research on internet using search engine like Google for example
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

The following are things you can do to develop your personal Learning Networks
In reply to Vincent Nyirigira

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Rose Dusabe -


u  First of all I have to Join  a professional social network: that network will enable me to extend my knowledge and learning training I it will help me to be Innovativative personal.

u  Secondary I can Pick 5 Blogs which I can explore for the purpose of incising my knowledge for future use.

u  Third one Set up an iGoogle account and subscribe to the blogs you selected in Google Reader

u  The fourth one I become a part of the conversation and begin commenting on the blogs I read.

u  The last one I Join the microblogging phenomena by reading Tweets at twitter .Start by selecting 5 well-known Edubloggers to follow and watch all the great stuff they have to after that I will learn more.

u  After following the above steps I will acquire more knowledge and skills about using ICT technology tools ,digital resources, social media which will help me to fit in society and be professional

u  I can do a google search for Personal Learning network , Another great tip is to follow hash tags like #edchat or #elemchat which expands your reach of the PLN to more educators.

u  Now  the real way to be successful  in social learning in the workplace is to make a network of personal contacts that can enable you in your lifelong journey of learning. The options to make a successful personal learning network, however, is to prepare yourself with the right individuals and groups.



In reply to Rose Dusabe

Re: Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network

by Gaspard Hitimana -
great,I appreciate to your way of developing your learning network. you can even be familiar a lots with the use social media like for example whastapp,Facebook where you will get chance to get the ideas from others