ICT and Curriculum



by Gilbert Iragena -
Number of replies: 53
What are the ICT Assessment tools do you know?
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Ferdinand Twayigira -


Q1) what are the ICT Assessment tools do you know?

There are many ICT assessment tools that can be used by the teachers when they are assessing their students online such s:

1.      LINO: A commonly used ICT formative assessment tool where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom

2.      COLLABORIZE CLASSSROM: This is the free assessment tool combines a social media like approach with a discussion board. It is a safe, password-protected online community for students to continue their in-class discussion outside of the classroom. Students that are less willing to speak out in class are more likely to express their opinion online. Teachers can post questions and set response options, multiple choice, yes/no, comment or even poll-based answers.

3.      ZIPGRADE: is ICT formative assessment tools used by many teachers to grade students as soon as they complete a quiz or test. Students receive immediate feedback and teachers can redirect differentiated learning quickly.

4.      QUIZ STAR: is a free quiz-making tool! It is used to create online quizzes for your students, disseminate quizzes to students, automatically grade quizzes and view the quiz results online.

5.      SURVEY MONKEY: is another known ICT tool used online service that allows users to create web browser based surveys from responding numerous survey question as used in Introduction of ICT essential for teachers.

6.      GOOGLE FORMS: it is an online tools used   for Easy quizzes, evaluations or

7.      CLASSMAKER: it another assessment tools for questioning and Easy online testing.

8.      KAHOOT


10.   POPLET

11.   GEDDIT, and so on


In reply to Ferdinand Twayigira

Re: Assessment

by Gilbert Iragena -
Thank you for your comments Ferdinand! Do you use some of the mentioned ICT assessment tools?
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Callixte Gatera -

This question to Ferdinand might have been asked to many of us!

We don't use many of them. 

But like me , i used Google forms and i liked how they are very fruitful 

The students liked that !

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jules Nshimyumuremyi -

For example the students type their answers to a site such as wifitti (http://goo.gl/wrxOC) it hides their identity so they can be honest and don't feel embarrassed.

Also the Flubaroo script to create self-making quizzes that students can take for formative feedback on their understanding (http://flubaroo.com/)

I have this from this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nzhdnyMQmio5lNT75ITB45rHyLISHEEHZlHTWJRqLmQ/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g583166bc_1_58

I am still working on the second way (Flubaroo)

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Norbert Rukundo -
Socrative: Socrative, similar to Popplet, enables a student’s understanding of a topic to be visualised. Infuse Learning: Infuse Learning is a website that makes it extremely easy for teachers to track student understanding. Lino: A commonly used formative assessment method is admit tickets, where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom. ZipGrade: ZipGrade is an app that is available on the iPad or iPhone. What it does is it corrects multiple choice tests just by scanning the answer sheet using the camera on either Apple device. Popplet: Popplet can be described as a graphic organiser. It can be used by anyone who wants somewhere to jot down ideas and organise them visually into a mind map, graph or mood board.
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Josiane Batamuliza -

After reading through the ICT to support assessment course now I know that there are other assessment tools such as:

  • Graphic Organizers 
  • Rubrics;
  • Review and reflection tools 
  • Familiarization & discussion tools;
  • Feedback tools for formative assessment 

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Josias Rwambikana -


2. Zip Grade



5. Stick Pick

6.Infuse Learning


9.Collaborize Classroom

10. EDpuzzel


In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Anthere Hakizimana -

Morning sir.

the ICT Assessment tools are the following:

  • Graphic organizers:  Each of the following graphic organizers includes a description, and explains how, why and when it should be used. Where available, links are   provided to examples of how schools have successfully used a graphic organizer in the classroom.
  • Rubrics: A rubric is a printed set of criteria for assessing knowledge, performance or product and for giving feedback
  • Review and Reflection Tools: These tools enable students to review and reflect on their knowledge, progress, and what they have learnt   and achieved during a unit, topic or project. Some tools are specifically designed for early years students.
  • Familiarization and Discussion Tools: these tools are designed to help schools develop and deepen a common understanding of what assessment means. The tools examine formative assessment and the purpose of assessment for learning, as learning and of learning.
  • Feedback tools: These reflective tools enable students to provide feedback on their work and performance. It also includes strategies for teachers to increase the wait time when asking questions in class.

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Teacher Nahayo -
After reading through the ICT to support assessment course now I know that there are other assessment tools such as: •Graphic Organizers •Rubrics; •Review and reflection tools •Familiarization & discussion tools; •Feedback tools for formative assessment
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Teacher Nahayo -
After reading through the ICT to support assessment course now I know that there are other assessment tools such as: •Graphic Organizers •Rubrics; •Review and reflection tools •Familiarization & discussion tools; •Feedback tools for formative assessment
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Clarisse Niyongabire -

ICT assessment tools are many but the followings are some:

1. Lino

2. Zipgrade

3. Socrative

4. Infuse learning

5. Kahoot

6,Collaborize classroom


8. Stick pick

9. popplet


In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Joseph Nshimye -

Assessment tools

  • Zipgrade
  • Popplet
  • Socrative
  • Stick pick
  • Infuse learning
  • Kahoot
  • Geddit
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jean Pierre Uwimana -

These are examples of ICT assessment tools:

  • Rogō
  • The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications
  • OSCATS: Open Source Computer Adaptive Testing System
  • Concerto-platform(R-based Adaptive Testing platform)

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Olivier Habimana -

There are many new approaches to assessment with an emphasis on the process of learning along with the product of learning. Performance based authentic assessment is emphasized world over.

1.      LINO: A commonly used ICT formative assessment tool where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom

2.      COLLABORIZE CLASSSROM: This is the free assessment tool combines a social media like approach with a discussion board. It is a safe, password-protected online community for students to continue their in-class discussion outside of the classroom. Students that are less willing to speak out in class are more likely to express their opinion online. Teachers can post questions and set response options, multiple choice, yes/no, comment or even poll-based answers.

3.      ZIPGRADE: is ICT formative assessment tools used by many teachers to grade students as soon as they complete a quiz or test. Students receive immediate feedback and teachers can redirect differentiated learning quickly.

4.      QUIZ STAR: is a free quiz-making tool! It is used to create online quizzes for your students, disseminate quizzes to students, automatically grade quizzes and view the quiz results online.

5.      SURVEY MONKEY: is another known ICT tool used online service that allows users to create web browser based surveys from responding numerous survey question as used in Introduction of ICT essential for teachers.

6.      GOOGLE FORMS: it is an online tools used   for Easy quizzes, evaluations or

7.      CLASSMAKER: it another assessment tools for questioning and Easy online testing.

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Methode Urimubenshi -

I know more but I use:




How they are used are explained in the above submission.


In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Edmond Niyonzima -
On my side I know only two ways of ICT assessment tools which are summative assessment and formative assessment tools. Where summative assessment can become a race for teacher to get through the curriculum, and they may do this without confirming that the audiences understand the material before moving to the next topic. But formative assessment is informal and do not count towards any topic grade. It can contribute to learning by providing the teacher with feedback on how the lessons are going on.
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Gilbert Gasangwa -

¡Teachers can use a variety of assessment tools and strategies to assess student performance. Some of these strategies and tools include:

1.Observation checklists


3. portfolios

4.question and answer

5.checklists, rating scales and rubrics.

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by FeIicien Ngirinshuti -

There are many Assessment  tools for example:

1. Questionnaires

2. Books

3. Newspapers

4. Checklist

Multimedia production etc


In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jean Theoneste NZABIRINDA -
10 Digital Tools for Formative Assessment 1. Lino – A commonly used formative assessment method is admit tickets, where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom. 2. ZipGrade – ZipGrade is an app that is available on the iPad or iPhone. What it does is it corrects multiple choice tests just by scanning the answer sheet using the camera on either Apple device. It can grade the whole class’s quizzes in minutes, saving valuable class time and providing results on what the students know, etc. 3. Popplet – Popplet can be described as a graphic organiser. 4. Socrative – Socrative, similar to Popplet, enables a student’s understanding of a topic to be visualised. You can create quizzes for the class to complete on any internet device, laptop, tablet or smartphone. The teacher can create a free account and access it through the teacher app, whereas the class access it through a student specific app. The teacher directs the students to a web address where they log their answers. 5. Stick Pick :With Stick Pick you can set up an account and create as many classes as you need. Within your classes you enter the names of your students and these visually appear on sticks in soup cans. Just shake the device or tap the screen and Stick Pick will pick a student randomly to answer a question. 6. Infuse Learning – Infuse Learning is a website that makes it extremely easy for teachers to track student understanding. Using the site to build assessments and quizzes or shorter true/false questions for students to complete on their tablet, computer etc. 7.Kahoot – Kahoot is another website that encourages interaction with the class by using game-like quizzes. Questions and answer choices are projected onto a screen in the classroom, and students submit their answers using their own internet devices. 8. Collaborize Classroom – This free tool combines a social media like approach with a discussion board. It is a safe, password-protected online community for students to continue their in-class discussion outside of the classroom. Students that are less willing to speak out in class are more likely to express their opinion online. 9. EDpuzzel – EDpuzzle is a free and very user friendly video platform that teachers can use for formative assessments. A video can be taken from YouTube or another sharing site, you can then record your voice and insert audio notes throughout the video if necessary. 10. Geddit – Asking the class to raise their hand if they understand a topic is a technique that teachers sometimes use to gauge understanding. Geddit is basically an online version of that, without the obvious flaw; some students don’t understand a topic but pretend that they do as they are embarrassed to admit in front of the class. Geddit enables students to give their honest feedback on a topic in private and in real time by a ‘check-in’.
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Ferdinand Hasingizwumukiza -

Components of ICT Proficiency/ Outcome

PROCESS DEFINITION Define Using ICT tools to identify and appropriately represent an information need

Access Knowing about and knowing how to collect and/or retrieve information Manage Organizing information into existing classification schemes

Integrate Interpreting, summarizing, comparing and contrasting information using similar or different forms of representation

Evaluate Reflecting to make judgments about the quality, relevance, usefulness, or efficiency of information

Create Generating new information and knowledge by adapting, applying, designing, inventing, or representing information

Communicate Conveying information and knowledge to various individuals and/or groups

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

ICT asseasment tools include: 1. Computer assisted assessment 2. Computer adaptive assesent 3. E-portfolio 4. Online assessment
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jean Theoneste NZABIRINDA -
1. LINO 2. Zip Grade 3.Poppet 4.Socratic 5. Stick Pick 6.Infuse Learning 8.Kahoot 9.Collaborize Classroom 10. EDpuzzel
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jeremie Vuguziga -

 The ICT Assessment tools  I know:

Flip Grid: Create prompts to promote discussion and student reflection via video.

Quizzes: Build your own quizzes, or search through those made by other teachers. Quizzes can be assigned via homework mode for use in asynchronous settings.

Turbo note: A chrome extension that will allow the students to take notes and reflect as they watch a video.

Answer Garden: This tool for real time learner participation, online brainstorming and classroom feedback will allow you to see if your students see the big concepts and takeaways.

Socrative Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races all with their classroom or Socrative application

Tao tool : Is another such tool which provides an open architecture for computer

Oscats: Open Source Computer Adaptive Testing System

Chatzy and To day meet :are  an online platforms that allow users to create private chat rooms for group discussions. The chats are fluid and private. a great tool for putting a new twist on class brainstorming sessions, and a save/print feature allows users to print a transcript for later use.

Quick Key: Quick Key is a smart phone app for teachers that quickly grades SAT-style bubble answer sheets, uploads the results to teachers' electronic books, and runs analytics on the data.

E-Box: is a Technology Enabled Active Learning and Assessment platform. Apart from the basic LMS components like quizzes, assignments, lesson components, resource components etc….

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Francois Hakizimana -

There are many new approaches to assessment with an emphasis on the process of learning along with the product of learning.

1.      LINO


3.      ZIPGRADE

4.      QUIZ STAR




In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Eric Munyaneza -

There are many ICT assessment tools to be used. Some of them are follow:

  • Rubrics
  • Products
  • Graphical organizers
  • Students portfolios
  • Checklists
  • Conferences
  • Self reports
  • Students blogs
  • Reflective journals
  • Scales
  • Research logs
  • Word web
  • Web site
  • Multimedia 
  • And so on
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Francois Hitiyaremye -

ICT tools assessment in the classroom, include:

1. Lino

 2. ZipGrade

 3. Popplet

4. Socrative

5. Stick Pick

6. Infuse Learning

 7. Kahoot

8. Collaborize Classroom

9. EDpuzzel

10. Geddit

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Diouf Munyarukundo -
ICT assessment tools are: 1.computers with projector. 2.socrative: engaging exercises and games that engage students using smart phones,laptops,and tablets 3.googleForums: agoogle drive app that allows you to create documents that students can collaborate on in real time using smart phones,tablets,and laptops 4.thinkbinder: a collaboration tool that's students to ask questions and discuss topics in group,share,create and work together on almost any project.
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Emmanuel Karangwa -

  • The primary purpose of assessment is to improve students' learning and teachers' teaching.
  • Formative assessment provides feedback and information during the instructional process, while learning is taking place, and while learning is occurring. Summative assessment takes place after the learning has been completed and provides information and feedback that sums up the teaching and learning process. Diagnostic assessment can help you identify your students’ current knowledge of a subject, their skill sets and capabilities, and to clarify misconceptions before teaching takes place. Knowing students’ strengths and weaknesses can help you better plan what to teach and how to teach it. Authentic assessment describes the multiple forms of assessment that reflect student learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally relevant classroom activities. Performance assessment is one which requires students to demonstrate that they have mastered specific skills and competencies by performing or producing something.
  • Computer-assisted assessment is a term that covers all forms of assessments, whether summative or formative, delivered with the help of computers. This covers both assessments delivered on computer, either online or offline, and those that are marked with the aid of computers, such as those using Optical Mark Reading (OMR).
  • An electronic portfolio (also known as an e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or online portfolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web.
  • Rubrics can be used for a variety of assignments: research papers, group projects, portfolios and presentations. Rubrics help instructors: Assess assignments consistently from student-to-student, save time in grading, both short-term and long-term, give timely, effective feedback and promote student learning in a sustainable way, clarify expectations and components of an assignment for both students and course, and refine teaching skills by evaluating rubric results. Rubrics help students: understand expectations and components of an assignment, become more aware of their learning process and progress and improve work through timely and detailed feedback.
  • Some of the Web 2.0 tools available today can serve as alternative assessment tools for student learning. They can engage students as they reflect, share and demonstrate what they have learned or are learning.
  • Some of the digital assessment alternatives are Online assessment, Digital concept maps, Online forum, Survey tools, Wikis and Blogs.
  • ICT can support peer and self-assessment process. The use of electronic learning environments and web-based interfaces provide a good scope for peer and self-assessment in reflection and feedback.
  • Mobile Apps for Assessment are Socrative, Plickers etc.
  • The future trends for technology based assessment is Learning analytics which is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs.

Role of Technology in Education has detailed out how technology is transforming learning and assessment through enhanced question types, real time feedback, increased accessibility, adaptation to learner ability and knowledge, embedding with learning process, and assessment of on-going learning

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Marie Aimee Karekezi -
1. LINO 2. Zip Grade 3.Poppet 4.Socratic 5. Stick Pick 6.Infuse Learning 8.Kahoot 9.Collaborize Classroom 10. EDpuzzel 11.Geddit
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment


 LINO: A commonly used ICT formative assessment tool where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom

2.      COLLABORIZE CLASSSROM: This is the free assessment tool combines a social media like approach with a discussion board. It is a safe, password-protected online community for students to continue their in-class discussion outside of the classroom. Students that are less willing to speak out in class are more likely to express their opinion online. Teachers can post questions and set response options, multiple choice, yes/no, comment or even poll-based answers.

3.      ZIPGRADE: is ICT formative assessment tools used by many teachers to grade students as soon as they complete a quiz or test. Students receive immediate feedback and teachers can redirect differentiated learning quickly.

4.      QUIZ STAR: is a free quiz-making tool! It is used to create online quizzes for your students, disseminate quizzes to students, automatically grade quizzes and view the quiz results online.

5.      SURVEY MONKEY: is another known ICT tool used online service that allows users to create web browser based surveys from responding numerous survey question as used in Introduction of ICT essential for teachers.

6.      GOOGLE FORMS: it is an online tools used   for Easy quizzes, evaluations or

7.      CLASSMAKER: it another assessment tools for questioning an

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jackson Bizumuremyi -

Formative Assessment

This occurs in the short term, as learners are in the process of making meaning of new content and of integrating it into what they already know. Feedback to the learner is immediate (or nearly so), to enable the learner to change his/her behavior and understandings right away. Formative Assessment also enables the teacher to "turn on a dime" and rethink instructional strategies, activities, and content based on student understanding and performance. His/her role here is comparable to that of a coach. Formative Assessment can be as informal as observing the learner's work or as formal as a written test. Formative Assessment is the most powerful type of assessment for improving student understanding and performance.

Examples: a very interactive class discussion; a warm-up, closure, or exit slip; a on-the-spot performance; a quiz. 

Interim Assessment

This takes place occasionally throughout a larger time period. Feedback to the learner is still quick, but may not be immediate. Interim Assessments tend to be more formal, using tools such as projects, written assignments, and tests. The learner should be given the opportunity to re-demonstrate his/her understanding once the feedback has been digested and acted upon. Interim Assessments can help teachers identify gaps in student understanding and instruction, and ideally teachers address these before moving on or by weaving remedies into upcoming instruction and activities.

Examples: Chapter test; extended essay; a project scored with a rubric.

Summative Assessment

This takes place at the end of a large chunk of learning, with the results being primarily for the teacher's or school's use. Results may take time to be returned to the student/parent, feedback to the student is usually very limited, and the student usually has no opportunity to be reassessed. Thus, Summative Assessment tends to have the least impact on improving an individual student's understanding or performance. Students/parents can use the results of Summative Assessments to see where the student's performance lies compared to either a standard (MEAP/MME) or to a group of students (usually a grade-level group, such as all 6th graders nationally, such as Iowa Tests or ACT). Teachers/schools can use these assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of curriculum and instruction, with improvements affecting the next year's/term's students.

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Oda Ishimwe -

– All student response systems
– No hands up
– Feedback
– Activating self and peers
– Eliciting evidence of student learning

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Aphrodis Ndorimana -
there are many ICT tools used in assessment but what I know are the following:

1.   Rubrics

2.   Graphic organizer

3.   Review and reflection  tools

4.  Feedback Tools

Apart from the aforementioned tools according to specific subject you can use the following tools as explained.

Some of these Tools are offered as specific modules of learning management systems (LMS) sucH as:

1Moodle that enable the management of question banks and items together with the administration and internet-based delivery of tests. The various assessment question types which are available in LMS like moodle are calculated, description, essay, matching, embedded answers (cloze test / gap fill), multiple choice, short answer, numerical, true/false, drag and drop, jigsaw, ordering, multi select, short answer etc.

2 .Standalone assessment systems: There are comprehensive assessment management systems with specific focus on summative and formative assessment, like Rogō.

3. TAO is another such tool which provides an open architecture for computer-assisted test development and delivery, with the potential to respond to the whole range of evaluation needs.

4. The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Hot Potatoes is freeware, and you may use it for any purpose or project you like.

5. OSCATS: Open Source Computer Adaptive Testing System: The OSCATS library implements Item Response Theory (IRT) and cognitively diagnostic (latent classification) models and item selection algorithms used in Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT).

6. Concerto-platform(R-based Adaptive Testing platform): Online Adaptive Testing Platform Concerto is a web based, adaptive testing platform for creating and running rich, dynamic tests.

7.E-Box: E-Box is a Technology Enabled Active Learning and Assessment platform

8.myexambox: Create your own online exams and share privately for free

9. Assessment embedded in authoring tools: Most of the authoring software tools allow teachers to create, compile, administer and grade electronic tests, including, for example eXelearning, xerte, adapt and Learner Activity Management System (LAMS)

10.An electronic portfolio (also known as an e-portfolio, e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or online portfolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the web. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks.

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Dieudonne Ushizimpumu -

There are many new approaches to assessment with an emphasis on the process of learning along with the product of learning.

1.      LINO


3.      ZIPGRADE

4.      QUIZ STAR




1. LINO: A commonly used ICT formative assessment tool where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom

2.      COLLABORIZE CLASSSROM: This is the free assessment tool combines a social media like approach with a discussion board. It is a safe, password-protected online community for students to continue their in-class discussion outside of the classroom. Students that are less willing to speak out in class are more likely to express their opinion online. Teachers can post questions and set response options, multiple choice, yes/no, comment or even poll-based answers.

3.      ZIPGRADE: is ICT formative assessment tools used by many teachers to grade students as soon as they complete a quiz or test. Students receive immediate feedback and teachers can redirect differentiated learning quickly.

4.      QUIZ STAR: is a free quiz-making tool! It is used to create online quizzes for your students, disseminate quizzes to students, automatically grade quizzes and view the quiz results online.

5.      SURVEY MONKEY: is another known ICT tool used online service that allows users to create web browser based surveys from responding numerous survey question as used in Introduction of ICT essential for teachers.

6.      GOOGLE FORMS: it is an online tools used   for Easy quizzes, evaluations or

7.      CLASSMAKER: it another assessment tools for questioning an

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Dieudonne Ushizimpumu -

There are many new approaches to assessment with an emphasis on the process of learning along with the product of learning.

1.      LINO


3.      ZIPGRADE

4.      QUIZ STAR




1. LINO: A commonly used ICT formative assessment tool where the students leaves a comment on a sticky note about the lesson as they leave the classroom

2.      COLLABORIZE CLASSSROM: This is the free assessment tool combines a social media like approach with a discussion board. It is a safe, password-protected online community for students to continue their in-class discussion outside of the classroom. Students that are less willing to speak out in class are more likely to express their opinion online. Teachers can post questions and set response options, multiple choice, yes/no, comment or even poll-based answers.

3.      ZIPGRADE: is ICT formative assessment tools used by many teachers to grade students as soon as they complete a quiz or test. Students receive immediate feedback and teachers can redirect differentiated learning quickly.

4.      QUIZ STAR: is a free quiz-making tool! It is used to create online quizzes for your students, disseminate quizzes to students, automatically grade quizzes and view the quiz results online.

5.      SURVEY MONKEY: is another known ICT tool used online service that allows users to create web browser based surveys from responding numerous survey question as used in Introduction of ICT essential for teachers.

6.      GOOGLE FORMS: it is an online tools used   for Easy quizzes, evaluations or

7.      CLASSMAKER: it another assessment tools for questioning an

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Jean Baptiste Uwayezu -
1.Bookwidger 2.Class maker 3.Class tools 4.Educapacity 5.Flipquiz 6.Flubaroo 7.Formative 8.Google form 9.Kahoot.
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Obed Bisangabagabo -

the ICT assessment tools that I know are:

- Flubaroo - Assess and evaluate student's work/progress online

- Formative - A free platform for creating formative assessments + acting on real-time student insights

- Google forms - Easy for quizes, evaluations or questionnaires

- Classmaker - Easy online testing

- Kahoot - Interactive and motivational quiz

Lightsail - Formative testing, Lightsail Accelerates Literacy Development And Fosters A Love Of Reading - A quiz creator to quickly assess your studentsQuizbean- SurveyMonkey - Create Surveys, Get AnswersSocrative - Online quiz where the teacher can keep track of all students' progressRiddle - Create quizzes and polls online - Make awesome free surveys and quizzes for your website to keep visitors engagedQuiz Revolution
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Naome Uwimana -
ICT assessment tools are: 1. ProProfs, 2. ExamTime, 3. Interact, 4. QuestBase, 5. Respondus
In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Callixte Gatera -

I appreciate the list given by Ferdinand .

The all ICT tools to be used when assessing the students are listed .

I like it 

In reply to Gilbert Iragena

Re: Assessment

by Rose Dusabe -

Digital tools help teacher to evaluate student performance in formative assessment. 

There are numerous digital tools to facilitate assessment but these are some of them :


    All student response system


     No hands up


    Activating self and peers

     Eliciting evidence of student learning

Digital Technology tools used in Summative Assessment

ü An electronic portfolio:  is a collection of electronic evidence that highlight procedure of learning in a period of time. Such electronic evidence may include inputted text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks.  E-portfolios are both demonstrations of the user's abilities and platforms for self-expression and if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time.

E_Portfolio  is used for linking assessment to instruction means that you are sure that you     are measuring what you have taught and  assessment portfolio promote positive student involvement

ü Online multiple choice exams: learner supposed to choose a specific set of answers.

ü Online presentation: learner create an online presentation that explore into particular topic.

ü Online group projects: learner work together with their peers to complete an online group project that demonstrate their understanding and skills mastery. for instance, they might create a slide show that clarify the keyways from the eLearning course.