How to Draft and School Internet Policy

school internet safety policy

school internet safety policy

by Clementine Niyigena -
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Review school policy documents to ensure that ICT use and cybersafety is mentioned implicitly. While it isnot necessary to create a specific cybersafety policy it is important that Cybersafety concerns are implicitly addressed rather than assumed to fall under other headings. If the school has an ICT policy then it may become a part of this. It may be found across several areas, say perhaps details of use agreements for staff in a personnel policy while concerns around cyber bullying are addressed in a health and safety policy.

Review school procedure documentation where it refers to breaches of internet safety policy. Ensure that all procedures clearly lay out actions to be taken, promoting a consistent application across the school, and that those actions are commensurate with those taken against similar infringements not involving technology. For example a school should have effective anti-bullying policies and bullying-response strategies that address cyberbullying as seriously as other forms of bullying.