Topic Name Description
File KFIT Rwanda E-assessment System Expansion - Self Learning Course
Moodle user guide File eAssessments: Moodle User Guide

This document gives you all the technical information you need to create and administer tests (quizzes) on the Moodle, including:

  • logging into a Moodle account
  • how to create a test and manage its settings
  • how to write a range of different questions
  • how to grade tests and view the results.
Session 1 - Formative assessment & basic Moodle knowledge File 1.03 Formative assessment

This presentation gives a thorough introduction to formative assessment: what it is, how it should be used in the classroom and how it relates to formal testing.

Session 2 - Question writing for the Rwandan Curriculum & writing closed questions on the Moodle File 2.01 Linking questions to the Competence Based Curriculum

This presentation covers the structure of the Rwandan Competence Based Curriculum and how to identify testable material within it.

File 2.02 Writing competence based questions

This presentation begins with an overview of Bloom’s Taxonomy and gives a more in-depth discussion of a simpler, but related, three-level (higher, middle, lower) hierarchy of question demand.

File Using Bloom’s Taxonomy to write questions

This document applies the ideas contained in Bloom's Taxonomy to the task of writing questions for the Rwandan Curriculum.

File Question sorting exercise
This document supports a valuable activity that can be used in training or completed individually. It requires participants to categorise questions according to whether they test higher, middle, or lower level skills.

The answers are given on the second page.

File 2.03 Drafting closed questions

This presentation covers the key principles that underpin all question writing – the need to keep language simple, and avoid content that might introduce bias, for example. It proceeds to describe the requirements for a good multiple choice question.

URL Link to creative commons website
This link takes you to the Creative Commons website. This can be used to find legally available images for use in Moodle questions in question formats such as labelling.
Session 3 - Question quality principles & how to write open questions File 3.01 Question quality principles

This presentation introduces the ideas of reliability, validity and manageability and explains why they are so fundamental.

File 3.02 Closed questions continued Drafting open questions and marking guides

This presentation begins by introducing a range of different question types. It then presents important principles for writing open questions, and discusses a range of marking guides – points-based marking guides and large qualitative levelled marking guides.

Session 4 - Test construction and quality assurance File 4.01 Constructing a coherent test

This presentation covers what is needed for a test to function well: a range of question types and difficulties, a good coverage of the curriculum, and an avoidance of ‘enemies’.

File 4.02 Introduction to QA procedures and peer review

This presentation stresses the importance of quality assurance and presents the QA checklist (see below). It discusses the different quality assurance criteria on the checklist.

File Quality Assurance Template

This document lists the most important criteria which a test must meet. It is designed to enable a reviewer to give clear and specific feedback to a test writer, on a question-by-question basis (page 1) and a whole-test basis (page 2).

It is important to share this with test writers to help them appreciate the criteria against which tests are judged.

Session 5 - Using outcomes formatively File 5.02 Using results formatively

This presentation recapitulates the content from Session 1 on formative assessment, and discusses how formative feedback might be given after students have completed a test.

Other useful resources File 1.01-2 Introduction to 2019 training
The information in this presentation is specific to the training sessions from 2019. However, it is attached here as it may be useful as a summary of the aims of that project and the benefits of e-assessment.