Guiding information 7.5: planning the assessment meeting

Use the meeting/session/workshop planning sheet you used in Guiding information 5.4 to plan the assessment meeting.

A suggested plan is provided below . You can adapt this suggested plan as necessary. You can use this suggested plan to check your plan and make sure you have covered all necessary points.

Once you have completed the plan, share it with the meeting participants at least one day in advance of the meeting.

Suggested plan for the assessment meeting 

Meeting planning sheet

Date, time and place of meeting: 10 October at 2 pm in classroom X.

Subject: Assessing learning and teaching to improve practice/SIP implementation.

Participants: The Head Teacher, DoS, SBM, SSLs (2), responsable

Objectives: By the end of the meeting we will have:

  1. Used reports on SIP progress, pupil achievement, classroom visits and the school environment to assess the current state of the school.
  2. Decided what we need to do, and can do, to improve the situation.
  3. Committed or recommitted ourselves to action to promote learning.

Duration: (how long) 90 minutes

Agenda (process):

  1. Welcome and reminder of the objectives. (No more than 3 minutes)


  1. Presentation and discussion on SIP. (No more than 10 minutes)


  1. Presentation and discussion on pupil achievement.  (No more than 10 minutes)


  1. Presentation and discussion on visits concerning learning and teaching. (No more than 10 minutes)


  1. Presentation and discussion on the school environment. (No more than 10 minutes)


  1. Summary of key learning from the four presentations and discussions, and what these tell us about the health of the school. (No more than 10 minutes)


  1. Focused discussion on what practical steps we need to take to address the challenges, mainly though CPD. (No more than 20 minutes)


  1. Making commitments to actions. (No more than 10 minutes)


  1. Evaluating this meeting. (No more than 5 minutes)


  1. Thanking participants and dispersal. (No more than 2 minutes)