UNIT 5: Task #2

Growth Mindset and Critical Thinking

vidWatch and listen to this video on critical thinking

Video: Critical Thinking


Make a ‘Growth Mindset wall chart’ using language that will promote a growth mindset for your classroom. 

During this week at school, try to notice the language you use in class. Think about the questions that you ask in your classroom. Be aware of how you encourage your learners and be positive through the language you use. 

wspAfterwards, do the following activities and reflect on the questions, then share with your WhatsApp group: 

      1. Post a photo of your Growth Mindset Wall Chart.
      2. What kind of language do you use most often in your classroom? Take note of some examples of what you say to your learners when their answers are not correct the first time they try. 
      3. What kind of questions do you ask most often in your classroom? 
      4. Can you describe one example of how you changed your mindset this week? 
      5. Can you describe one example where a learner changed his or her mindset this week? 

We would love to hear about any changes that happen in your classroom that show that you and your learners are developing your Growth Mindsets!


Last modified: Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 1:27 PM