Guiding information 7.3: negotiating an agreement to carry out a limited assessment of learning and teaching to influence future practice

  1. Consult with the Head Teacher and explain that you want to conduct a limited assessment of learning and teaching to support the implementation of the School Improvement Plan Annual Action Plan.
  2. Explain that you would like to invite other middle-level leaders to take part in a meeting, lasting no longer than 1 hour 30 minutes to discuss how practice can change for the better.
  3. Make sure that you obtain the Head Teacher’s agreement before you start and promise a brief report after the meeting with middle-level leaders, with commitments and recommendations on what will or could be done.
  4. Ask the Head Teacher if they have any advice for this work and request his/her support and participation, if possible. (For instance, the Head Teacher could lead an explanation of parts of the School Improvement Plan Annual Action Plan to do with teaching and learning in the meeting.)