After identifying the
room for computer lab which is large and determining all of its
needs (desks, tables computers cables …) you can arrange the lab using
- Face Front row design
it helps the lab instructor to control the room, where students sit as they sit
in classes But if you are using the "face front" design, try
installing mirrors in the back of the room and possible also on the side walls,
so that if the teacher is in the front of the room, a quick glance at the
mirrors will allow the teacher to see what is on the screens, or what else
students might be doing with the computer - like vandalism
- Around the Wall design:
the students sit as in round table or in rectangular design. Teachers can see
all machines & students, Electrical/Cabling stays on outer wall, and it
provides space in center for collaboration/tables.
From a teaching standpoint, the horseshoe (around the wall) is very desirable.
Besides the teacher being able to see the screens easily, if a student has
something on their screen that others want to see, it is easily done. It is
also easier for the teacher to move around to help and monitor students. It is
nicer for direct instruction, as long the students are not hiding behind the
towers or monitors
In my school I preferred to use the both above manners in our labs
and there are very successful
In addition,
need to have some sort of software that will allow you to look at all of the
computer screens but if you want to be able to move among the desks easily then
use the rows.