Openness: Internet-based learning can overcome the traditional education in terms of time and space barriers, so anyone can at any time, any place choose any of the teaching content to their own learning style.
The benefits of using the information technologies: 1) increasing of the interest and overall motivation to education thanks to new forms of work and involvement in the priority area of scientific and technical progress; 2) individualization of education: everyone works in the mode that satisfies him; 3) objectivity of control; 4) activation of education through the use of attractive and rapidly changing forms of information presentation; 5) formation abilities and skills for the the creative activities; 6) training of information culture; 7) mastering the skills of operational decision-making in a complex situation; 8) students’ access to databases of information, quickly obtain the necessary information; 9) intensification of self student work; 10) increase the volume of completed tasks; 11) increasing the motivation and cognitive activity due to the diversity of the work forms, the possibility of including game time; 12) enhance of information flow at use the Internet; 13) Online forms of education offer new opportunities for more active involvement of students in the educational process.
Thanks to my followers.