People do different types of jobs for their living. Many jobs can be done using hands. But some jobs are not easy to do with hands alone. To make such jobs easier, we use tools.



    1. Identify the tools the farm workers use.

     2. Group these tools according to their uses. Fill in the table below


    Table 1.1 : Grouping Agricultural Tools Based on their Uses

             Can you name some other agricultural tools?


    1. Visit a nearby agricultural farm. 

     2. Observe and practice the ways people maintain all agricultural tools.

     3. Make a report on it and present to the class. 

    The following are useful methods to maintain agricultural tools in good condition: 

     1. Tools must be cleaned properly after use. 

     2. After cleaning, tools must be stored in a safe, dry and termite-free place.

     3. Digging and cutting tools should be kept sharp. 

     4. Plastic sprayers must be kept away from fire. Pipes and nozzles must be cleaned regularly to prevent blockages. 

     5. Damaged tools must be repaired properly.

     6. Metallic tools like wheelbarrows must be painted regularly to avoid rusting. 

     7. On transporting tools and their parts, oiling and greasing have to be done regularly.

     8. Tools must be handled with care.

     9. Tools must be used for the purpose they are designed for. 10. Records of the movement of tools must be kept.


    1. Visit a nearby agricultural farm. 

     2. Observe the techniques the farm workers use to store their agricultural tools. 

     3. Make a report on it and present to the class.

     After using the tools, they must be stored in a safe place. The following points should be kept in mind while storing tools:

     1. Store all tools in a damp-proof or a dry room.

     2. The store room should be well lit. 

     3. Tools should be kept dry.

     4. Tools may be hung on hooks on the wall or from the ceiling.             x

     5. Tools must be stored in the fixed places. 

     6. Damaged tools must be repaired and greased before storing.

     7. Tools we use often should be kept near the door.

     8. Store room should be locked to protect the tools from theft


    1. Discuss the prevention against possible dangers of misusing agricultural tools. 

     2. Make a report on it and present to your science teacher.

    Misuse of agricultural tools could lead to injuries to people and their co-workers.

     Incorrect storage of tools could also lead to injuries.

     We may get cut with the sharp edges of the tools.

     Therefore, tools must be handled with care. 

     If an agrochemical is inhaled as a mist, it may cause headache, nausea and diseases of lungs. 

    So it is necessary to wear a mask while spraying pesticides. 

    Ensure that nobody is around there while spraying.

    1. Go to a nearby agricultural farm.

     2. Observe the ways the farm workers handle the tools.

     3. Also list the precautions to be taken while using the tools.

    The following precautions should be taken while using agricultural tools: 

     1. Debris should be removed so that the fields become safer places to work.

     2. Worn out tools in poor condition can lead to accidents. Therefore, these must not be used. 

     3. If we get cut with any tools, first aid should be applied properly. 

     4. Agrochemicals are poisonous. These should be used by wearing gloves and mask. 

     5. Agrochemicals must not be checked by inhaling. 

     6. Handgloves, boots and a mask should be worn while sprinkling pesticides. 

     7. After working with pesticides, wash your hands with soap properly .

     Agricultural tools : Tools we use in farm work.

    ‹ Agrochemicals : Chemicals used in agriculture.  

     Container :Anything that can hold some other material. 

    ‹ Fertilizer:   Chemicals that add nutrients to the soil. 

    ‹ Herbicides :  Chemicals that can kill herbs. 

    ‹ Insecticides : Chemicals that can kill insects. 

    ‹ Pesticides : Chemicals that can kill pests.

     ‹ Tool : A hand-held instrument. 

    ‹ Weedicides : Chemicals that can kill weeds

    ‹ The tools we use in farming are called agricultural tools. Examples: hoe, spade, rake, axe, wheelbarrow, machete, trowel, milking can, sprayer and file.

     ‹ Tools like hoe, spade, and trowels are used for digging the soil. 

    ‹ Tools like watering cans, pipes and watering wheels are the common watering tools. 

     ‹ Transplanting of seedling can be done with the help of spades and trowels .

    ‹ Sharpening of tools can be done with the help of a file. 

     ‹ Axes and machetes are the common cutting tools. 

    ‹ Wheelbarrows and tractors are common transporting tools. 

    ‹ Maintenance of tools increases the life of the tools.

     ‹ After using the tools, they must be stored in a safe, dry and termite

    free place. ‹ Misuse of agricultural tools could lead to injuries to people and their co-workers.

     ‹ If agrochemicals are inhaled as a mist, it may cause headache, nausea and diseases of lungs. 

    ‹ Handgloves, boots and a mask should be worn while using agricultural tools.

    1. Fill in the blanks with the correction options :

    Do these review exercises in your exercise book.

    1. Axes and machetes are ............ tools. 

     (a) cutting                  (b) clearing 

     (c) watering               (d) transporting 

     2. ………… has toothed bars fixed diagonally to a handle.

     (a) Rake                     (b) File 

     (c) Trowel             (d) Spade 

     3. Trowel is a .................. tool.

     (a) sharpening                 (b) transplanting 

    (c) cutting                            (d) none of these 

     4. Wheelbarrow is a ................... tool. 

     (a) transplanting              (b) transporting

    (c) digging                            d) Sharpening

    5. ............... is a sharpening tool.

     (a) Spade                        (b) Trowel

     (c) File                              (d) Machete 

    II. State whether the following statements are true or false :  

     1. Tools make our job easier. 

     2. Digging and cutting tools should be kept sharp regularly. 

     3. Tools must be handled with care.

     4. Agricultural tools must be stored in a damped room.

     5. One must wear a mask while spraying insecticides.

    III. Much the following :

    Column A                              Column B

    1. Hoe                                     (a) Watering tool 

     2. Rake                                   (b) Transporting tool 3

    . Axe                                         (c) Digging tool

     4. Tractor                              (d) Levelling soil

     5. Watering can                  (e) Cutting tool

    IV. Answer the following questions briefly

    1. What are agricultural tools? 

     2. List some common agricultural tools. 

     3. Write the uses of the following tools: 

     (a) Hoe                            (b) Rake                      (c) Spraying pump

    (d) Trowel                       (e) Machete 

     4. Write some methods of maintenance of agricultural tools.

    5. Explain the dangers of the misuse of agricultural tools.



    2. It is a plastic container with backpacks and spray guns.

     4. The boat-shaped tool which is used for transplanting of seedlings.

     5. It is a single wheel, small hand pushed cart.


    1. We use this tool for storing and transporting milk.

    3. It is a big knife-like tool used for clearing bushes.

    • SET QUESTIONS P4 File Uploaded 26/04/20, 12:30
UNIT 2: Objects Productions