Guiding information 6.5: preparing for a coaching session

Follow these steps as you prepare for the coaching sessions:

You can use the GROW Model for a simple, yet powerful structure for your coaching sessions. GROW stands for Goals, Reality, Options and Will. (The GROW model was originally described by Whitmore (1994) and Landsberg (2015); it was later complemented by Clement (2017) to become ‘GRROW’. The second R stands for resources. Do not worry if your colleague talks about GRROW model).

The GROW Model is like a journey. First you decide where you are going (the Goal), and then where you are now (the current Reality). You then explore different routes and means to get there (the Options). The final step is about agreeing that you will make the journey and that you are prepared for any problems along the way (the Will).

Having read and understood the guidance in Guiding information 6.5; please prepare for two different coaching sessions (Task 6.6 and Task 6.7).

REALITY: What is the situation now? What has happened so far? How different is the current situation to the desired situation?