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UNIT ONE: Learning about the middle-level leaders’ course in leading learning Learning Task 1.1: Examining the course information

Study the first few pages of this self-study. The ‘course information’ section gives details of ...

Learning Task 1.6 Share the Learning

Add a new discussion about what your responses provided to the previous learning Task 1.5 , and ...

UNIT THREE: Reviewing and helping to implement the School Improvement Plan Learning Task 3.2 : Consulting with others and sharing the learning

Share your answers for learning task 3.1 with one or two other School Middle Level Leader in your...

A. Please read the following summary and think about it carefully:

Write in the provided space any words, phrases or sentences you do not understand and ask a ...

UNIT FIVE: Working with others to improve learning and teaching - Issues of safeguarding, child protection, inclusive education and remediation activities Learning Task 5.2: Learning more about child protection

Write in the provided space any words and items that are unclear to you in the two lists  and ask...