Determining gender responsiveness - questions

School leaders should determine the level of gender responsiveness of the school.  This can be done by collecting following information:

  • Does the school ensure that both girls and boys have equal access to school resources such as textbooks, library resources, and laboratory equipment?
  • How does the school deal with sexual harassment? How many cases of sexual harassment are reported in a given period?
  • Are there separate and adequate toilets and hygienic facilities for both boys and girls?
  • How many teachers have knowledge and skills about gender responsive teaching?
  • Does the school have any activities to promote the participation of girls in science and maths?
  • What action has the community taken to support girls’ education? For example, curbing early marriage, reducing pregnancy rates, reducing household tasks for girls, monitoring school attendance of girls, monitoring behaviour of teachers.

These questions can also be found in the following printable file:

Please reflect and formulate an answer to these questions. During our next face to face discussion we will discuss these and formulate steps to improve gender responsiveness.

Becoming a gender responsive school should be a key objective in the development of your SIP!

Last modified: Monday, 28 January 2019, 12:16 PM