UNIT 5: Task #1

Growth Mindset and Critical Thinking

Here is a video on growth mindset. You will see a boy who says he cannot answer the question in class. The teacher encourages the class to remind their classmate about what is written on their growth mindset wall chart. With encouragement from his teacher and fellow learners, the boy is able to answer the question and receives praise from everyone. 

vidVideo: Growth Mindset (Teacher Wivine)


As you saw in the video, Teacher Wivine gave a powerful message to her class and to Lionel. Think about this quote and how you can use it in your classroom this week: “Don’t fail to try. Try and fail, but never fail to try.” 

refReflect on the following questions and share your answers with your WhatsApp group:

      1. Describe how you used the above quote in class this week. What happened and how did the learner respond? 
      2. How would you use a Growth Mindset wall chart in your lessons?
      3. Is there anything you would do differently next time when you introduce Growth Mindset to your learners?

Last modified: Tuesday, 1 March 2022, 1:25 PM