6.1 Design process


The Design Process is an approach for breaking down a large project into manageable sections. The process defines each step to tackle each project and reminds us to sketch all our ideas throughout the process. This process is used to design and develop a game in Scratch. We need to break the project into small parts to get a better understanding of each section and ease the implementation process.  In the process of designing the game, there are 4 things we need to ask ourselves.

  1. What is the objective of the game?  The goal of the game needs to be well defined.

  2. What is the operation process of the game? How will users play the game we are designing (i.e. Will they use keyboard arrow keys to move? Will they press the spacebar to jump or shoot? Will they need to move the mouse around?  Etc.)

  3. What are the challenges to overcome? (i.e. getting rid of bad guys, a timer counting down, running out of fuel, life meter, etc.)

  4. What to let the user know s/he won or lost? (i.e. “Congratulations, You Won!” message on the screen, “Sorry, You Lost” message screen, celebration dance, etc.

Last modified: Friday, 22 October 2021, 11:20 AM