Forum Discussion: Computer labs or Smartclassrooms at schools



by Angelique Musabwa -
Number of replies: 0
1.Does your school have a computer lab or Smart classrooms?
yes, in our school has smart classrooms . we know the role of classroom
-Access to online resources: it means help student to ge resources information very easy.
-Digital medium for notes:in regular school teacher write in the board and student will write notebook.

-smart classes use all interactive modules like videos and presentation and these
visually attrative methods of teaching becomes appealing to students who are .already struggling with the traditional method of teaching in a classroom
-some students and teachers have problems with chalk dust and they tend to suffer from allergic reactions. the smartboards saves you from such distress and won"t let you develop any health issues later.

2.If not, is your school planning to create one or have they decided not go this route? What were some of the reasons for this?

-challenge lies in shifting from teaching and learning about ICT to teaching and learning with and through ICT. This means rather than using technology to do old  things in new ways, we want to do new things in new ways and use technology to enable and transform teaching,learning and the curricullum.
-  Others challenges are where we loss materials by using in learning process like loss of internet, computers, chairs,tables and even teacher not qualified in ICT.