• Unit 13 Reproduction system

    1. Study the chat among family members in the picture below.


    2. Do you think all is well in this family?
    3. Predict what you are going to learn in this unit.
    13.1. Main function of the reproductive system in
    human being
    Find out

    The function of the reproductive system?

    Activity 13.1 Investigating main function of the
    reproductive system

    1. Using search engines, find out about main function of the human reproductive system.
    2. Write down your findings in your exercise note book.

    The main function of reproductive system in human being is to

    produce male and female sex cells and to insure the growth and
    development of off springs. Reproduction is the process of giving

    rise to new ones of own kind.

    13.2 Male reproductive organs
    Find out

    What makes the male reproductive systems

    Activity 13.2 Identifying external parts of male genitalia


    1. Observe the picture chart
    2. Draw and label diagrams of male
    external reproductive organs.
    3. What are the functions of each part?

    Major external male genitalia
    From the outside, the male reproductive system is made up of:
    The scrotum -This is a bag-like skin that contains the testis
    and protects them.
    Penis - This is a tube- likef muscular organ that deposits sperms
    to female vagina

    during sexual intercourse.

    The testicles (or testis

    plural testes) - Two oval
    organs that contain sex
    glands which produce sperms

    Major internal male genitala sperms.
    The male reproductive system is made up of:
    • The sperm duct also known as vas deferens is a tube that allows passage of sperms from the testis to the urethra.
    Prostate gland and seminal vesicles: Gland that produce fluid
    in which sperms swim. A mixture of sperms and these fluids is called semen.
    Urethra - This is the tube inside the penis that lets out sperms and urine.

    13.3 Female reproductive organs

    The female reproductive system is made up of external and internal 
    Activity 13.3  Identifying external parts of a female


    1. Observe the chart below.
    2. Can you identify parts of the female reproductive system above?
    3. Draw the diagrams in your notebook and label the various parts
    shown in the chart above.

    Major external female genitalia

    The major external organs of the female genitalia are shown below.
    The vulva consists of the following external female organs:
    The labia major and labia minor - protect female sexual organ.
    The Bartholin’s gland - secretes mucus which lubricates the vagina.
    Clitoris –A small electile female organ.
    • Mon pubis
    • Urinary meatus

    • Vaginary opening

    Major internal female reproductive organs


    Table 13.1 The functions of female internal gentialia


    Both boys and girls should clean their genitals regularly to avoid
    infections. Girls should particularly do this thoroughly during
    menstruations this helps to remove the blood stains and germs
    which may cause genital diseases.

    Self –Test 13.1
    1. Draw and label the male reproductive organs. Name both
    internal and external parts.
    2. State the functions of every part that you labelled in question (1)
    3. Name the parts of external genital organs in females.
    4. Draw and label the female internal genital organs.
    5. Come up with a table on the functions of internal parts of female

    13.4 Prevention of unplanned pregnancy
    Find out

    1. Consequences of early or teenage pregnancy.

    2. How teenage pregnancy can be avoided.

    Activity 13.4   Preventing unplanned pregnancy

    1. Study the pictures below carefully.

    2. Discuss what is going on in the pictures.
    3. Discuss how the pregnancy will affect the future life of the girl and
    the boy.
    4. Identify ways through which one can avoid unplanned pregnancy.

    Pregnancy occurs when a male and a female engage in sexual

    A teenage pregnancy/ early pregnancy is pregnancy in the females 
    under age.

    a) How to prevent unwanted pregnancy

    Unwanted pregnancy/unplanned pregnancy it is involuntary or un
    expected pregnancy. When a woman gets pregnant against her wish, the pregnancy is not planned.
    Unwanted pregnancy/unplanned pregnancy can be prevented by
    • Abstinence ( Not engaging in sexual intercourse).
    • Avoid sexual exploitation.
    • Using contraceptives diaphragms, pills, condoms, coils / IUD, Norplant,
    Depo - provera, spermicides)

    Activity 13.5 Demonstrating of safe use of male condom
    What you need

    • A packet of condom
    • A penis model or a ripe banana
    What to do
    1. Wash the penis model or the banana (without peeling) to ensure
    that it is clean.
    2. Check on the expiry date on the condom. If expired, do NOT use.
    3. Remove the condom from its packet carefully.
    4. Determine which way the condom is rolled.
    5. Ensure that the reservoir at the tip of the condom is facing away
    from you.
    6. Roll the condom down the length of the penis model or the



    7. As for penis, make sure that it is erect and roll the condom down
    the shaft as shown below then use. Continue rolling until it reaches
    the end of the banana or model.
    A condom is a thin rubber tube, closed at one end used to prevent the
    sperms from reaching the uterus. It is used during sexual intercourse.
    Condoms are about 98% effective. This means that in every 100 users
    only two get pregnant.

    b) Consequences of early pregnancy

    The consequences of early or teenage pregnancy include:
    • Dropping out of school or college.
    • Emotional stress especially for the girls.
    • Girls may die during pregnancy or at birth because their bodies are not yet prepared to handle giving birth.
    • Teenage pregnancy is associated with a stigmatization and rejection by families.
    • Illegal abortion.
    d) Dangers of abortion
    When a pregnant woman attempts to do away with the pregnancy. This is known as abortion. Abortion is very dangerous and is illegal in many countries including Rwanda.
    Dangers of abortion include:
    • Abortion leads to loss of life of the foetus.
    • Abortion may cause injury or damage to reproductive organs and
    other internal organs.e.g cervix, uterus, bladder, rectum.
    • Abortion may cause infection due to incomplete abortion or use of contaminated equipment.
    • Abortion may cause complete infertility.
    • Abortion may cause spontaneous abortion in the future.

    • It can lead to death of the mother.


    AVOID abortion always! It can lead to death!

    13.5 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
    Find out

    1. Sexually transmitted infections.
    2. Signs and symptoms of sexually transmitted infections.

    Activity 13.6 Research about STIS

    1. Use search engine or library to research on examples of sexually
    transmitted diseases. What causes them? How can they be
    2. Watch the video using the link: http://www.youtube.com/
    Sexually transmitted infections are diseases that can be transmitted from
    one person to another through sexual contact. Examples: syphilis,
    herpes, gonorrhea, chancroid, genital candidiasis and HIV and

    Table 13.2: The cause, transmission for the various Sexually Transmitted


    13.6 Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Activity 13.7 Investigating ways of preventing
    sexually transmitted infection

    1. Discuss how STIs can be prevented or controlled. Write short
    notes and share with the rest of the class.
    Ways of preventing sexually transmitted infections include:
    1. Abstaining from sexual intercourse.
    2. Married people should be faithful to their spouses.
    3. Seeking medical help immediately on suspicious of infection.
    4. Use of condom during sexual intercourse.
    5. An expectant mother who feels she has STI should seek medical
    assistance to ensure the baby is protected from contracting the


    13.7 HIV and AIDS
    Find out

    1. Mode of transmission of HIV and AIDS.
    2. How to prevent HIV and AIDS.

    3. How to live positively with HIV and AIDS.

    Activity 13.8 Research about HIV/AIDS

    1. Write down what each letter in the table below stands for.


    2. Discuss what causes , HIV and AIDS. How is it transmitted?

    3. Write short notes on these.

    HIV stands for human immuno defieciency virus is the virus that lead a
    acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS for not treated.

    Transmission of HIV and AIDS

    AIDS is transmitted when we come into contact with various body
    fluids. Examples: blood, breast milk, semen, vagina fluids and others.
    The fluids get into our body during sexual intercourse, blood transfusion,
    sharing body, piercing and cutting objects, and mother to child during
    pregnancy or during breast feeding.

    Prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS

    Ways of preventing the spread of HIV and AIDS include:
    1. Abstinence from sexual intercourse.
    2. Not sharing body piercing and cutting tools such as razor blades,
    nail cutters, scissors, syringes and ear piercing, circumcision and

    tattooing tools.

                         Fig 13.16 These tools can spread HIV when shared
    3. Seeking medical help from trained doctors or officers. They use
    sterilised instruments and have equipment for screening donated
    blood for presence of HIV.
    4. Using protective clothing such as gloves when handling bleeding
    5. Avoiding abuse of drugs. Drug addicts make poor decisions.
    They may engage in sexual activities This can lead to HIV infection.
    NOTE : Like many viral diseases, HIV and AIDS has no cure. However,
    the severity of the disease may be reduced using drugs called ARVs

             Fig 13.17 Sample of ARVs

    Stop HIV and AIDS spread! Insist on abstinence until you get married

    Living positively with HIV and AIDS
    Activity13.9 Chatting,reading and searching

    about living positively with HIV

    1. Talk to a person living positively with HIV and AIDS. Write down
    main points.
    2. Read textbooks, brochures, handouts and pamphlets on HIV and AIDS.
    Look out for:
    a) The ways of living positively with HIV and AIDS patients.
    b) Challenges that HIV and AIDS patients come across and
    how to manage them.
    c) How to live positively with other family members and the

    Ways of living positively with HIV and AIDS patients include:

    • The patients should be given love and affection.
    • They should not be isolated, but should be given good care.
    • They should be given a balanced diet at all times.
    • The infected persons should be counselled so that they may accept their conditions and not live in denial.
    UNIT TEST 13
    1. What is the role of reproductive system in human beings?
    2. Draw and label
    a) Internal parts of male genitalia.
    b) Internal parts of female genitalia.
    3. In males, sperms are produced in the ___________ while in females
    ova are produced in _____________.
    4. __________ as well as _________ pass through the urethra in males.
    5. Give other names for
    a) Uterus b) Oviduct c) Vagina
    6. You have been invited to your local church to talk to your
    friends about:
    a) How HIV and AIDS is spread.
    b) How the spread of HIV and AIDS can be prevented.
    c) How HIV and AIDS can be controlled.
    List down the points you will talk about.

    7. Label the external parts of male genitalia shown below.


    8. The most effective way of preventing HIV and AIDS, especially for
    adolescents is by:
    A. Abstinence                      B. Using condoms
    C. Having one partner         D. Being faithful.
    9. Which one of the following statements about STIs is incorrect?
    A. STIs are spread through sexual contact.
    B. STIs can be passed from mother to the unborn baby.
    C. STIs cannot be transmitted through kissing.
    D. The most effective way to avoid contracting STIs is
    10. Assume that your close relative is suffering from HIV and AIDS.
    How would you take care of him or her?
    11. Which signs will you look out for to know if your sister is pregnant?
    What should you do there after?
    12. What are the consequences of early or teenage pregnancy?
    13. Abortion is illegal in Rwanda. Why is this the case?
    14. What causes and how can these diseases be prevented?
    a) Candidiasis
    b) Syphilis
    c) Chancroid

    15. Match the contraceptive with its use using a line.


    16. Which one of the following cultural practices cannot lead to
    spread of HIV and AIDS?
    A. Wife inheritance
    B. Circumcision
    C. Teeth removal
    D. Sharing meat from a common pot.
    17. Which one of the following is not a mass communication medium
    through which HIV and AIDS education can be carried out?
    A. Television                                   B. News papers
    C. Radio                                         D. Mobile phone

    18. Role-play how to avoid early pregnancy with a friend.

    UNIT 12 :Respiratory SystemUnit 14 Energy management