• UNIT 8:Population

    Key Unit Competence: Analyse consequences of overpopulation and ways to control population growth.
    Attitudes and Values: To appreciate the importance of controlling population growth and show concern about overpopulation and population growth.
    8.1 What is population?

    Population is the total number of people living in an area.


    Activity 8.1
    1. Discuss factors that may lead to overpopulation and sparse population.
    2. Identify and explain problems caused by overpopulation in an area?
    Terms used regarding population in an area
    Dense population: This is when there are many people living in an area.
    Sparse population: This is when there are few people living in an area.
    Population census: Is the counting of people living in an area.
    Population density: Is the total number of people living in an area per square kilometre.
    Population distribution: This is the way people are spread in an area.
    Population explosion: This is a sudden increase in the number of people in an area.
    Optimum population: When the number of people living in an area is equal to the available resources.

    8.2 Factors which influence population distribution

    There are many reasons for an area to have too many or too few people.

    Reasons for sparse population

    The following are some of the factors that lead to sparse population.
    • Lack of water.
    • Lack of employment.
    • Disease
    • Shortages of food
    • Unfavourable climate
    Some areas are mountainous and do not favour agriculture and settlement.

    Reasons for dense population

    The following are some of the factors that may lead to dense population in an area.


    Presence of fertile soil for agriculture: People prefer to live in areas where the soil is fertile because it is good for growing crops.
    Favourable climate: When the climate of an area has enough rain, many people settle there to farm.
    Availability of social services: People prefer to settle in areas with good roads , hospitals, schools and banks.
    Improved medical care: Many people like to live in towns because good medical facilities are available.
    Improved security: Many people like to live in areas with good security.
    Industrialization: When area is industrialised, it provides job  opportunities for a large number of people.
    Urbanization: Many people like to live in towns because of good social service, opportunities and lifestyle.

    8.3 Problems caused by high population growth

    When the number of people living in an area are higher than the available

    resources it leads to many problems. Some of these are listed below:


    • High crime rate.
    • Poor sanitation and hygiene.
    • Destruction of the environment.
    • Shortage of land.
    • Shortage of food.
    • Disease spreads easily.

    • High unemployment.

    8.4 Population census

    This is the official counting of people living in a country.s

    Population census is carried out every ten years.
    The most recent population census was carried out in 2012 and the
    population of Rwanda has reached 12 millions.
    Population census is carried out after a gap of ten years because it is
    • expensive.s
    • a government policy.

    Information needed during a population census

    During a population census the following information is required.
    • Level of education
    • Age
    • Sex
    • Number of children
    • Number of animals

    Reasons why the government carries out census

    The government carries out a population census to
    • plan for the citizens
    • know the birth and death rate
    • know the number of people in our country
    • demarcate electoral areas
    • determine the level of poverty
    • determine the level of unemployment
    • determine the level of literacy

    A person who carries out a population census is known as an Enumerator.

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning is responsible for organizing
    the population census.

    Activity 8.2

    1. Who is the minister for finance and economic planning?
    2. What is population census?
    3. identify information required during population census?
    4. Discuss the reasons why the government carries out
    population census.

    8.5 Population growth

    Population growth is an increase in the number of people living in an area at a given time.


    Ways in which the government can control population growth

    The government helps to control population growth by:

    • Encouraging family planning.
    • Educating people about the dangers of population growth.
    • Discouraging early marriage.
    • Discouraging polygamy.
    • Providing incentives to families which have accepted family planning

    Importance of controlling population

    The government tries to control population growth by:
    • Promote development.
    • Ensure easy family planning for citizen.
    • provide good social services.
    • reduce crime rate.
    • reduce unemployment.
    • control the spread of diseases.

    Population density

    Population density is the average number of people living in an area, per square kilometre. The Gasabo district of Kigali province is the most populous district, and the Nyarugenge district of Kigali is the least populated district.
    We can find out the population density of an area if we know the area and number of people are given.
    1. An area has a population of 5 000 people. Find its population density if the area is 10km2.
    Population Density = No. of People/Area
    = 5 000/10

    = 500 People per square km.

    2. An area of 20km2 has a population of 20 000 people. Find the population density.
    Population Density = 20 000/20

    = 1 000 People per square km

    8.6 Revision exercise
    1. Explain the meaning of the following terms.
    a) Population
    b) Population density
    c) Population census
    d) Population growth
    e) Population distribution
    f) Sparse population
    g) Optimum population
    h) Overpopulation
    2. Discuss four factors that influence population distribution.
    3. Identify the most densely populated province in Rwanda?
    5. Why should the government carry out a population census? Give four reasons.
    6. Which ministry is responsible for carrying out population censuses in Rwanda?
    7. What should the Government of Rwanda do to reduce the population?
    8. Give any three questions asked during the population census.
    9. explain why it is good to control he population growth in our province?
    10 ........................ is the counting of people in acountry
    11 An area of 3 000 km has a popuplation of 44 000 women and 28 000 men. Calculate the population density of the area.
    12 Choose from the list below problems affecting highly populated areas
    a) shortage og food
    b) poor housing
    c) shortage of labour

    d) poor hygiene and sanitation.

    UNIT 7:Environment and climate in our provinceUNIT 9:Infrastructures