Key Unit competence
By the end of this unit, I should be able to compare different types of rocksand minerals and evaluate their importance.
Introductory activityObserve the rock provided below and answer the following questions:
1. Identify the types of rocks given above.
2. In which category can they be classified?
3. Which properties can help to identify these rocks and their minerals?4. Explain the economic advantages of the rocks and minerals.
5.1. Rocks: Definition, types and characteristics
Learning activity 5.1
Make a field trip in your environment; observe the rock and identify their
types and distinctive characteristics.
5.1.1. Definition
A rock is a natural aggregate of minerals in the solid state; usually hard and
consisting of one, two, or more mineral varieties. Rocks form the solid part of the
earth’s crust. Rocks may also include substances like clay, sandstones,
shells and corals. Rocks which contain metallic compounds are called ores.
5.1.2. Types of rocks
There are three major groups of rocks namely igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks
and metamorphic rocks. Their classification is based on the mode of formation
and the nature of constituting minerals. Characteristics of each rock group are
briefly described below.
i) Igneous rocks
The word igneous comes from the Latin word ignis, which means fire. Igneous
rocks are rocks formed by cooling of molten material from a volcano or from
deep inside the earth. This molten material from inside the earth is known as
magma. Igneous rocks are also called magmatic rocks or volcanic rocks. Their
formation is associated with the cooling and hardening of molten material from
the interior of the earth.
ii) Sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks are the result of the accumulation of small pieces broken
off from pre-existing rocks (igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks and sedimentary
rocks) or precipitation of dissolved minerals. Sedimentary rocks form when
sediments become pressed or cemented together or when sediments precipitateout of solution.
iii) Metamorphic rocks
The metamorphic rocks get their name from “meta” (change) and “morph” (form).
Metamorphic rocks are formed from pre-existing rocks due to increases in heat
and pressure which alter rock structure and chemical composition. Therefore,sedimentary and igneous rocks can become metamorphic rocks.
There are four factors that contribute to the formation of metamorphic rocks:
– Heat or high temperature: this speeds up the chemical reactions that
result in metamorphic rocks. The heat is from magma, steam from hot
water and rocks sinking deeper into the warmer layer of the crust
– High pressure which changes the mineral and feel of the original rock.
– Nature of the parent rock which determines how resistance it is to change.
– Time which determines the period required for the chemicalreactions to take place.
5.1.3. Characteristics of rocks
A. Characteristics of igneous rocks
Igneous rocks have the following characteristics:
– They are hard, and water does not pass through their joints easily, that
is why they are less affected by erosion;
– Igneous rocks have a lot of minerals;
– They do not have strata or layers;
– They do not contain fossils (fossils are remains of plants and animals
fixed in rocks);
– The number of joints increases upwards in any igneous rock;
– Igneous rocks are mostly associated with volcanic activities and are
mainly found in the volcanic zones. That is why they are also called
volcanic rocks.
Igneous rocks can also be classified based on the chemical and mineralogical
compositions, texture of grains, forms and size of grains, and the mode of origin,igneous rocks are classified as follows:
1) Classification based on the amount of silica
• Acidic igneous rocks: they contain more silica: (≥65% of SiO2 );• Basic igneous rocks: they contain low amount of silica (≤ 45% of SiO2 ).
2) Classification based on the chemical and mineral composition
• Felsic igneous rocks: they are composed of the dominant minerals of
the light group (e.g. Silicon, Aluminum).
• Mafic igneous: they arecomposed of the dominant mineral of dark
group (magnesium and iron).
3) Classification based on texture of grains
• Pegmatitic igneous rocks: they are very coarse grained: (e.g. granite);
• Phaneritic igneous rocks: grains of minerals are of intermediate size;•
Aphanitic igneous rocks: they are fine grained igneous rocks);
• Glassy igneous rocks: they don’t contain a defined grain size;• Porphyritic igneous: they have mixed graine sizes.
4) Classification based on the mode of occurrence
• Intrusive igneous rocks: They are formed when the rising magma,
during a volcanic activity, does not reach the earth’s surface but rather
cools and solidifies below the surface of the earth. Intrusive igneous
rocks fall into two categories:
a) Plutonic igneous rocks: they are formed due to the cooling of
magma very deep inside the earth.
b) Hypabyssal igneous rocks: they are formed due to the cooling
and solidification of rising magma during volcanic activity in cracks,
pores, crevices and hollow places just beneath the earth’s surface.
• Extrusive igneous rocks: They are formed due to the cooling and
solidification of hot and molten lava on the earth’s surface (examples
are basalt, Gabbro). Extrusive igneous rocks are further divided into
two major subcategories:
a) Explosive type: The igneous rocks formed by a mixture of volcanic
materials ejected during explosive or violent volcanic eruptions.
b) Quiet type: The appearance of lava through minor cracks and
openings on the earth’s surface is called ‘lava flow’. The lava formsbasallic igneous rocks after cooling and solidifying.
B) Characteristics of sedimentary rocks
Sedimentary rocks have the following characteristics:
– They are the product of other rocks that have already formed;
– They appear in the form of layers or strata;
– Sedimentary rocks are formed of fragment from materials from older
rocks, plant and animal remains;
– They are found over the largest surface area of the earth;
– Sedimentary rocks have various minerals because they are a product
of different sources;
– Most of the sedimentary rocks allow liquids and gases to pass through
them (permeable and porous);
– Sedimentary rocks are characterized by different sizes of joints;
– Sedimentation units in the sedimentary rocks having a thickness of
greater than one centimetre are called beds;
– As highlighted in the figure below, the composition of sedimentary
rocks includes clay, sand, rounded pebbles, angular fragments, calciumdeposits and organic carbon.
C) Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks
The following are the characteristics of metamorphic rocks:
– They are harder than the original rocks. Therefore, they are not easily
eroded;– They do not split easily;
– They contain minerals;
– Some are made up of just one mineral, for example, marble;
– They have a different texture or feel from the original rock.
Metamorphic rocks present two distinctive physical characteristics: Foliated
metamorphic rocks and Non-foliated metamorphic rocks. Foliated
metamorphic rocks such as gneiss, phyllite, schist and slate have a layered or
banded appearance that is produced by exposure to the heat and pressure.
Non-foliated metamorphic rocks such as hornfels, marble, quartzite do not havea layered or banded appearance.
Application activity 5.1
1. In which area of Rwanda do we find igneous rocks? Explain their
2. Observe rocks found in your environment and examine their majorrock groups.
5.2. Composition, properties of rocks and Impact of rocks
Learning activity 5.2
Rocks are composed of physical and chemicals elements. describe thephysical and chemical properties of rocks.
5.2.1. Composition of rocks
All rocks are composed of minerals. Composition refers to both the types of
minerals within a rock and the overall chemical makeup of the rock. The mineralthat compose the three types of rocks are presented in the table below.
Types of rocks and their forming minerals
5.2.2. Properties of rocks
i) Physical properties of rocks
Physical properties of a rock can be intensive (hardness and softness) and
extensive (volume, total mass and weight). Rocks, whether igneous, sedimentary
or metamorphic, are subject to powerful stress or pressure by tectonic forces
and the weight of overlying rocks. The physical properties of rocks determine
their behaviour and respective deformations when a rock is subject to stress
such as folding, faulting or warping, and their resulting landscape deformation.
– Stress refers to forces that constantly push, pull, or twist the earth
crust. There are three types of stress: tension (stretching), compression
(shortening), and shear (twisting or tearing).
– Strain is how rocks respond to stress whether by stretching, shortening,
– The surface expressions refer to the structure of landforms resulting
from the stress depending on whether the rock is brittle (hard) or ductile
(pliable). Surface expressions can be folding (bending) or faulting
(breaking). Brittle rock breaks (brittle deformation) while ductile
rocks like clay bend or flow (ductile deformation).
The figure below presents different types of stresses that are naturally appliedon rocks, their resulting strains and surface expressions.
ii) Chemical properties of rocks
A) Sedimentary rocks
All water falling onto the earth as rain and running over the earth surface carries
minerals in solution. These minerals may precipitate by direct evaporation of
water, chemical interaction or by the release of pressure where underground
water reaches the surface. Sedimentary rocks formed as chemical precipitates
include halite, gypsum, silcretes, ferricretes, limestone, and dolomite. The tablebelow gives details on their chemical composition.
Chemically formed sedimentary rocks and their composition
B) Metamorphic rocks
Metamorphism involves the alteration of existing rocks either by excessive
heat and pressure or through the chemical action of fluids. This alteration can
cause chemical changes or structural modification to the minerals making up
the rock. Metamorphism process results in the creation of new minerals by
the substitution, removal, or addition of chemical ions. Metamorphism may
consist of three minerals, kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite. These are
all aluminium silicates having the same chemical formula (Al2SiO5 ) but different
crystal structures and physical properties.
Below is an example of a simplified representation of sediments products andresulting metamorphic rocks from sea beaches to far shelf.
Lateral representation of metamorphic rocks form beach to far sea shelf
Igneous Rocks
The major indicator for the chemical classification of igneous rocks is the amount
of Silica (SiO2). Igneous rocks with a high proportion of silica exceeding 65%
are said to be acidic or felsic, for example, the granite found on an extensive
part of Muhanga District of the Southern Province. Where the amount of silica
is very low (less than 45%), the rocks are said to be ultramafic or ultrabasic.
Rock having intermediate silica content comprised between 65% and 45% are
said to be mafic or basic rocks.
Igneous rocks are classified according to their forming minerals (see the table
below). Mineral groups include Felsic minerals (feldspars and silica), mafic
minerals (magnesium and iron), and ultramafic minerals (low silica content).
Some of these rocks form underneath the earth’s crust and are known as
intrusive magmatic rocks, whereas other form from the volcanic lave thatreached the earth’s surface, forming extrusive volcanic rocks.
Families of igneous rocks and constituting minerals
5.2.3. Impact of rocks: advantages and disadvantages on the
landscape and man
A) Advantages of rocks on the landscape and on the man
Rocks have a wide variety of uses. Many of them are used as building materials
of houses and infrastructures such as roads and rail ways.
– Some rocks are more resistant to weathering and others are less resistant.
This difference in rock resistances provides various landscapes such
as alternation of elevated topographies (hills, mountains or interfluves)
and depressions (valleys and low-lying areas) which are sometimes
– Gravel and sand, being among products of rock weathering make
beautiful landscape at some location of the earth. Also, the weathering
of rocks provides different types of soils including sand, silt and clay
which are useful at varying points for agriculture.
– Some rocks present beautiful landscapes which may attract tourists;– Some rocks store, purify water and act as water sources to rivers.
The table below shows usages of rocks.
B) Disadvantages of rocks on the landscape and man
– Hard and resistant rocks hinder the penetration of plant roots hence,
limiting the weathering process or hindering the growth of vegetation;
– Rock forming minerals have different colours. The difference in colours
makes minerals to absorb differently the heat. Dark-coloured minerals
absorb much heat during daytimes and therefore expand, causing the
cracking and fragmentation of rocks.
– The sand can blow; rocks can roll risking injury to people;
– Light-coloured rocks reflect sunlight and increase the temperature
around the plants during the daytime;
– Some environments such as sand rocks (dunes, erg, etc.) are not
suitable for human settlement because of lack of water and soils;
– Some rocks may reflect landscape with steep slopes where human
activities such as agriculture or settlement cannot be possible.
Application activity 5.2
1) Referring to the properties of rocks, explain how rocks react to the
stress and the resulting landscapes?
2) Analyse a sedimentary rock in your local environment and describe
the process under which it might have been formed.
3) With relevant examples, discuss the disadvantages of rocks onlandscape and society.
5.3. Minerals
Learning activity 5.3
1) Account for the types and characteristics of minerals.
2) Examine the use of minerals to your society.
5.3.1. Definition, types and characteristics of a mineral
A mineral is a solid inorganic substance that occurs naturally in the earth’s
crust. A mineral deposit is a concentration of naturally occurring solid material
in or on the earth’s crust. Mineral resources are non-renewable.
There are five characteristics shared by all minerals.
– All minerals are formed by natural processes. They can form when
magma cools, when liquids containing dissolved minerals evaporate, or
when particles precipitate from solution.
– Minerals are inorganic. They are not alive and are not made by life
processes. Coal, for instance, is made of carbon from living things.
Although geologists do not classify coal as a mineral, some people do.
Miners, for example, generally classify anything taken from the ground
that has the commercial value as a “mineral resource”.
– Minerals are solid and have a definite volume and shape. A gas such
as air and a liquid such as water aren’t minerals because they do not
have definite shape.
– Every mineral is an element or a compound with a chemical
composition unique to that mineral.
– The atoms in a mineral are arranged in a pattern that is repeated
over and over again.
The table below shows two examples of mineral crystals (salt and quartz) with
defined shapes:Examples of mineral crystals with defined shapes
5.3.2. Types of minerals and ores
The wide varieties of minerals that have been explored by man for general and
commercial purposes to satisfy his needs are of two types: metallic mineralsand non-metallic minerals.
1) Metallic minerals
Metallic minerals include:
– Industrial metallic minerals: iron ore
– Ferroalloy metallic minerals: manganese, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum,
vanadium, nickel.– Precious metallic minerals: gold, silver and platinum
2) Non-metallic minerals
This category of non-metallic minerals includes salt, tin, potash, asbestos and
Rocks or minerals worked because they contain valuable (profitable) elements
are usually called ore-deposits. Minerals are extracted in a mineral ore. For in
stance, Aluminum comes from the ore bauxite. The iron comes from the mineral
ore Hematite. A mineral can also be called an ore, for example Hematite is a
mineral that can also be called an ore. A mineral is an ore if it contains useful
substance that can be mined at a high profit and be processed and refined into
more useful materials. For instance, Aluminum can be refined from bauxite, and
made into the useful products. These products are worth more money than thecost of the mining, so bauxite is an ore.
5.3.3. Physical properties of minerals
The most common minerals in earth’s crust can often be identified in the field
basing on their basic physical properties such as their form, hardness, fracture,
cleavage, colour, streak, density, luster, mass, taste, odour, feel, magnetism as
described below:
1) Form: Definite geometrical forms called crystals can be recognized
in minerals. These are for example: cubic, acicular (needle shaped),columnar, fibrous, reniform (kidney shaped) and nodular forms.
Pyrite (left) has a cubic form; Tourmaline (middle) is prismatic; azurite and
malachite (right) are often amorphous.
2) Hardness: The hardness of a mineral can be tested in several ways.
Most commonly, minerals are compared to an object of known hardness
using a scratch test developed by Friendrich Mohs. He assigned integer
numbers to each mineral, where 1 is the softest and 10 is the hardest.This scale is shown below.
If the gem minerals are excluded, the scale has only 7 numbers. Substitutes may
be used when the scale minerals are not available:
– Easily scratched by nail;
– Not so easily scratched;
– Can be scratched by a piece (a copper coin);
– Scratched easily by knife;
– Can be scratched by knife with difficulty;
– Scratched by window-glass;
– Window-glass is scratched by the mineral.
3) Fracture: Freshly broken surfaces of minerals present characteristic
fracture surfaces. The following important types are noted:
– Conchoidal (vitreous): the fracture surfaces are curved with a concave
or convex form; for example, quartz.
– Even: the fracture surfaces are nearly flat; for example, in chert.
– Uneven: the fracture surface is formed of minute elevations and
depressions; for example, most of minerals.
4) Cleavage: This is how the mineral breaks. Certain minerals split easily
along certain planes called cleavage-planes. These planes are parallel
to certain faces of the mineral crystal, or to faces of a form in which the
mineral may crystallize.
5) Colour: When a body absorbs all the seven colours that make up white
light it appears black, and when it reflects all the colours it appears white.
When a body reflects the green vibrations of white light and absorb the
other vibrations it appears green. Thus, the colour of a body depends on
the selective reflection and absorption of the different vibrations of white light.
6) Streak: The colour of the powder of minerals sometimes differs from
the mineral in mass. Different specimens of the same mineral might show
variation in colour, yet the streak is fairly constant.
7) Luster: The amount and the type of reflection from the surface of a
mineral determine its brightness.
8) Mass: The mass of a mineral can be used to identify its type.
9) Density: The density of a mineral can also be used to determine its type.
10) Taste: Some of the minerals which are soluble in water give distinctive
taste but the character is not very useful in identification of minerals
because there are only a few minerals which are soluble is water. For
example, we get a saline taste in case of common salt, and alkaline in
case of soda or potash.
11) Odour: Only a few minerals give characteristic odour, e.g. the odour of
garlic from arsenic compounds.
12) Feel: Minerals differ in the sensation they give by touch, e.g. minerals are
smooth, greasy or rough.
13) Magnetism: Generally, iron bearing minerals are magnetic, but not
necessarily all iron bearing minerals are magnetic. Some non-magnetic
minerals like monazite are also slightly magnetic. The electromagnetic
minerals depend on the varying magnetism of different minerals.
5.3.4. Chemical properties of minerals
Some minerals are affected by the variations in temperature and the pressure on
the earth’s surface. Others vary in the structure depending on the percentage of
water that they loose with the change of the temperature and the pressure. The
chemical composition influences the destruction of the rocks and development
of new minerals.
Chemical properties of minerals are identified from their chemical composition.
We refer to two elements that are Silicon and oxygen. These are the two most
abundant elements in the earth crust. They constitute approximately 90% of
the crust of the earth. Then we distinguish silicate minerals and non-silicate
minerals. Silicate minerals (silicates) are minerals containing Silicon and Oxygen
atoms usually with one or more other elements. Non-silicates are minerals otherthan silicate minerals.
Chemical properties of minerals
5.3.5. The importance of minerals and manufactured products
Minerals provide the material used to make most of the things of industrial-based
society; roads, cars, computers, fertilizers, etc. In more than 1600 minerals
identified in earth crust, only 200 are extracted for commercial and industrial
purposes and less than 1/3 are the most economically significant.
Some minerals have high economic value because of their uses or they are rare
and beautiful. For example, germs or Gemstones is a mineral with a distinctivecolour which makes it expensive. That is why it is used for jewellery.
The table showing manufactured products from minerals
Application activity 5.3
1. What are the five characteristics shared by all minerals?
2. Differentiate a mineral from an ore.
3. Identify minerals that are extracted in your district and describe theiradvantages and disadvantages.
Skills Lab
Show how you are going to use available rocks for the economicimprovement of your society.
End unit assessment
1. Classify the different types of rocks and their characteristics.
2. Evaluate the economic importance of rock and minerals in your society.3. Identify the physical and the chemical properties of the minerals.