Topic outline


    Key unit competence
    Describe the factors affecting population size and the importance of natural

    Introductory activity 1

    Living organisms in their natural habitat are different in number where by some are
    still represented by a significant number (figure A) While others can disappear when
    they are not protected (Figure B). The change in number of organisms does not
    happen abruptly without any reasons behind. Refer to the figures and do activity
    below :

    a) Referring to figure B above, identify the reasons that were behind
    their decrease?
    b) Referring to figure A, why does others species still represented by a
    significant number?
    c) Observe the graph C and identify what it indicates in terms of population
    growth, especially in developing countries. What do you think would be
    the effect on the nature and what measures would be taken to maintain
    the nature?

    1.1 Population characteristics

    Activity 1.1

    The human population size in some areas increases yet their habitat does
    not increase. The pyramid of age structure in that area shows there are
    more young people than adults.

    The growth pattern below shows that there is an increase in population
    of these areas which is a result of high birth rate compared to death rate.

    d) Among bolded terms (human population size, pyramid of age
          structure, growth pattern, birth rate and death rate
    ), one of them
          is better applied to the above figures. Find out the corresponding term
          based on the parameters presented on both figure A and B.
    e) Based on the shapes of figure A and B. Find out the figure that
          corresponds to the description done in above text. Explain how you
          have arrived to your choice.
    f) Using the school library and additional information from the internet,
         Explain bolded terms found in the text at the start of this activity.

    Populations are dynamic, constantly changing components of ecosystem. They
    are commonly described using the following characteristics:

    1.1.1 Population density
    Population density is defined as the numbers of individuals per unit area or per
    unit volume of environment. Larger organisms as trees may be expressed as
    100 trees per square kilometer. For example, the number of Acacia tree species
    per square kilometer in the Akagera National park, whereas smaller ones like
    phytoplanktons (as algae) as 1 million cells per cubic meter of water. In terms of
    weight it may be 50 kilograms of fish per hectare of water surface.

    1.1.2 Population age structure
    One important demographic variable in present and future growth trends is a
    country’s age structure, the relative number of individuals of each age in the
    population. The age structure of a population is the distribution of people
    of various ages. Age structure is commonly graphed as “pyramids” like those
    in figure below.

    The shapes of the age-sex structure pyramids shown above show the age
    sex-structure of a developing and developed country. The main characteristics
    of developing countries including some of the African countries in terms of
    population growth include high death rate; high birth rate and low life expectancy,
    while the main characteristics of developed countries such as most European

    countries in terms of population growth have low death rate, low birth rate and
    longer life expectancy. The age structure of a population affects a nation’s key
    socioeconomic issues. For example, countries with young populations (high
    percentage under age 15) need to invest more in schools while countries with
    older populations (high percentage ages 65 and over) need to invest more in
    the health sector.

    1.1.3 Population explosion
    The human population increased relatively slowly until about 1950, at which
    time approximately 500 million people inhabited Earth. Our population doubled
    to 1 billion within the next two centuries, doubled again to 2 billion between
    1850 and 1930, and doubled still again by 1975 to more than 4 billion. The
    global population is now more than 6.6 billion people and is increasing by about
    75 million each year. Population ecologists predict a population of 7.8-10.8
    billion people on Earth by the year 2050.

    Such human population increase impacts negatively the environment. For
    instance, human population explosion contributes to pollution leading to;
    ozone depletion, eutrophication, acid rain, global deforestation, soil
    erosion and desertification
    . A population explosion is a sudden increase in
    the number of individuals in a particular species. Human population explosions
    is sometimes cited as a cause of resource scarcity and a lack of opportunity for

    One of the best way of regulating human population increase in different
    countries including Rwanda is practicing the family planning. Family planning
    is the practice of controlling the number of children in a family and the intervals
    between their births. If married couples are sexually active, they have to adopt
    at least one family planning technique such as contraception and timing of
    reproduction. Other techniques commonly used include; sexuality education,

    prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections, pre-conception
    counselling and management, and infertility management.

    1.1.4 Birth and death rates
    Birth rate is the ratio of live births in a specified area to the adults in population
    of that area. It is usually expressed per one thousand individuals per year. It is
    estimated from this calculation:

    Death rate is the ratio of deaths to the adults in population of a particular area
    during a particular period of time. It is usually calculated as the number of deaths
    per one thousand individuals per year and it is estimated from this calculation:

    1.1.5 Population growth patterns
    Population growth patterns are graphs (population growth curves) in which
    increases in size are plotted per unit time. When a population size increases,
    the growth rate also increases. The factors that contribute to the population
    growth are immigration of new species as well as the birth rate. Population
    growth is also influenced negatively by emigration and death rate.

    Application activity 1.1

    1) In a habitat, there are 200 adult lions. Each year, 20 lions are produced
    while 5 lions die.
    a) Calculate the birth rate of this population.
    b) Calculate the death rate of that population
    2) A population of 820 insects occupies a surface area of 1.2 km2.
    These insects gather nectar from a population of 560 flowering plants
    which occupy a surface area of 0.2km2. Which population has greater

    1.2 Factors affecting population density

    Activity 1.2

    Observe the figures below and respond to the following questions:

    a) Observe the figures above and identify what is taking place in each
    b) Based on what is happening as a result of interaction between organisms
    or not, make two Groups from the above figures and find the names that
    correspond to those two groups.
    c) By use of books or search engine describe how identified factors in (a)
    affect the population density.

    Populations are differently distributed. The distribution and the density are
    controlled by environmental factors, which can either increase or decrease the
    population size by affecting birthrate, death rate, immigration and emigration.
    These factors are grouped into two major categories: Density -dependent
    factors and Density- independent factors.

    1.2.1 Density-dependent factors
    Without some type of negative feedback between population density and the
    vital rates of birth and death, a population would never stop growing. Density
    dependent factors are factors whose effects on the size or growth of the
    population vary with the population density. The density dependent factors
    include the following: availability of food or resources, predation, disease and

    a) Competition for resources
    In a crowded population, increasing population density intensifies competition
    for declining nutrients and other resources, resulting in a lower birth rate.
    Crowding can reduce reproduction by plants and many animal populations also
    experience internal competition for food and other resources.

    b) Diseases
    Population density can also influence the health and thus the survival of
    organisms. If the transmission rate of a particular disease depends on a certain
    level of crowding in a population, the disease would impact more the population
    with high density. Among plants, the severity of infection by fungal pathogens
    is often greater in locations where the density of the host plant population is
    higher. Animals, too, can experience an increased rate of infection by pathogens
    at high population densities.

    c) Predation
    Predation is also an important cause of density-dependent mortality if a predator
    encounters and captures more food as the population density of the prey
    increases. As a prey population builds up, predators may feed preferentially
    on that species, consuming a higher percentage of them which affects directly
    population density.

    1.2.2 Density-independent factors
    Density independent factors can affect the population regardless of their density.

    Most density independent factors are abiotic factors, such as volcanic eruptions,
    temperature, storms, floods, draught, chemical pesticides and major habitat
    disruption. Even if all population can be affected by these factors, the most
    vulnerable appear to be on small organisms with large population such as

    Application activity 1.2

    1) A population of field mice increases after a farmer leaves his field
    unharvest for a season. Which of the following categories does this
    factor fall into? Explain your choice.
    a) Density Independent Factors,
    b) Density Dependent Factors,
    c) Increased death rate
    2) Compare the density -dependent and density independent factors. In
    your comparison highlight examples of those factors.

    1.3 Methods or techniques of measuring and estimating
            population density

    Activity 1.3

    Using strings/ropes, a decameter and quadrats in your school garden, carry
    out the following field work:
    a) Move in the school garden and make a line transect of 15 meters by the
    use of a decameter and rope or a string.
    b) Count all plants species found at each five meters across transect.
    c) On the ground, apply five different quadrats of one square meter
    separated by 2.5 meters and count different plants species within each
    quadrat. The sketch that show the disposition of quadrats upon 15
    meters is as follow:

    Record your samples in the following table with respect to each quadrat:

    a) Calculate the population density and species frequency for each studied
    b) Compare the results of different quadrats.

    1.3.1 Quadrat method
    A quadrat is a square frame that marks off an area of ground, or water, where
    you can identify different species present and/or take a measurement of their
    abundance. Before any experiment, the decision on a suitable size for the
    quadrat and the number of samples to use is taken. Samples must be selected
    randomly to avoid any bias, such as choosing to take all of samples from the
    place with fewest species simply because it is the easiest to do. This would
    not represent the whole area you are surveying. A quadrat method enables the
    calculations of 3 aspects of species distribution including; species frequency,
    species density and species percentage cover.

    1.3.2 Species frequency
    Species frequency is a measure of the chance (probability) of a particular species
    being found within any one of the quadrat, and it is found simply by recording
    whether the species was present in each analyzed quadrat. For example, if a
    quadrat is placed 40 times, and a given plant was identified in 20 samples, then
    the species frequency for this plants equals

    1.3.3 Species density
    Species density is a quantity of how many individuals there are per unit area, it
    can also be the number of species in a sampled area for example, per square
    meter. To achieve this, one takes the total number of counted individuals and
    then divide it by the number of quadrats done. An example is:
    Total number of individuals= 250
    Total area of quadrats =500m2

    Species density

    1.3.4 Species cover
    Species cover is a measure of the proportion of ground occupied by the species
    and gives an estimate of the area covered by the species as the percentage of
    the total area. For example, if there are 100 small squares in one quadrat, then
    the squares in which the plant species are present are counted. If plants are
    found in 25 squares within that quadrat, the conclusion is that the plant covers
    25% of the area

    1.3.5 Line transect method
    Line transect is a tape or string laid along the ground in a straight line between
    two poles as a guide to a sampling method used to measure the distribution
    of organisms. For example, the investigation on change at the edge of a field
    where it becomes very marshy is done by randomly selecting a starting point
    in the field and lay out a measuring tape in a straight line to the marshy area,
    and then sample the organisms that are present along the line, which is called
    a transect. The simplest way to do this is to record the identity of the organisms
    that touch the line at set distances for example, every two meters.

    1.3.6 Capture-recapture method
    Capture-recapture method involves capturing the organism, marking it without
    any harm, and release it in the same area so that it can resume a normal role in
    the population. For example, fish can be netted and their opercula is netted with
    aluminium discs, birds can be netted and rings can be attached to their legs,
    small animals may be tagged by dyes, or by clipping the fur in distinctive pattern,
    while arthropods can be marked with paint. In all cases, some form of coding
    may be adopted so that individual organisms are identified. Having trapped,
    counted and marked are representative sample of the population.

    At a later stage, the population is trapped again and counted, and the population
    size is estimated using the Lincoln index as follows:

    Estimated total population No=

    N1: the number of organisms in initial sample,
    N2: the number of organism in a second sample,
    N: the number of marked organisms recaptured.

    Application activity 1.3

    1) Conduct a survey using a quadrat of 0.5m2 and found the following
    statistics for a couch grass by quadrat:

    a) Calculate the species frequency, and the species density of couch
    grass from the results of this survey.
    b) Given that the total surface area of the school ground is 200 m2 and
    couch grasses were found on 50 m2. Calculate the percentage cover
    occupied by couch grasses.

    A fish farmer wanted to know the total population in her fish pond. She netted
    240 fish and tagged (marked) their opercula with aluminium discs. She
    released those fish into the pond. After one week, she netted again 250 fish
    among which 15 had the aluminium discs. Calculate the estimated population
    from marked individuals.

    1.4 Population growth patterns and Environmental

    Activity 1.4
    The following graphs are of insect’s growth in separate conditions, study it
    and answer the following questions:
    a) What does these graphs represent based on parameters presented
    on horizontal and vertical axis?
    b) Based on the shape of the graphW from 0 to A and the shape of Z from
    A up to C findout their similarities and their differences.
    c) Explain how does food supply brings fluctuation which is the result of
    the shape B to C on graph Z.

    1.4.1 Population growth patterns
    Population growth patterns are graphs also called population growth curves in
    which the increases in size are plotted per unit time. Two types of population
    growth patterns may occur depending on specific environmental conditions:

    a) Exponential growth pattern / J-shaped curve
    Exponential growth is a pattern of population growth in which a population
    starts out growing slowly but grows faster as population size increases. An
    exponential growth pattern also called J shapes curve occurs in an ideal,
    and unlimited environmental resources. In such an environment there will be
    no competition. Initially population growth is slow as there is a shortage of
    reproducing individuals that may be widely dispersed. As population numbers
    increase, the rate of growth similarly increases, resulting in an exponential
    J-shaped curve. Exponential population growth can be seen in populations that
    are very small or in regions that are newly colonized by a species.
    b. Logistic growth pattern / sigmoid growth curve
    Logistic growth is a pattern of population growth in which growth slows and
    population size levels off as the population approaches the carrying capacity. A
    logistic growth pattern also called S-shaped curve occurs when environmental
    factors slow the rate of growth.
    The sigmoid or S- shaped curve represented by the figure 1.8 shows three main
    stages in population growth: The lag phase where there is a slow growth, the
    log phase or exponential growth phase, also called logarithmic phase,
    in which the number of individuals increases at a faster rate and the plateau
    phase or stationary phase
    , in which the number of individuals are stabilized.

    Causes of the exponential phase are various and include the plentiful of resources
    such as; food, space or light, little or no competition from other organisms,
    and favourable abiotic factors such as; temperature or oxygen and reduced of
    lack of predation or diseases. The stationary phase, however is caused by a
    balanced number of; births plus the number of immigrations and the number of
    deaths plus the number of emigration. Other causes may include; the increase of
    mortality caused by predators and diseases, excess of wastes and competition
    for available resources such as food, space, shelter and minerals. Some of these
    causes may include the carrying capacity explained as is the maximum number
    of individuals that a particular habitat can support.

    1.4.2 Environmental resistance
    Environmental resistance is the total sum of limiting factors, both biotic and
    abiotic, which act together to prevent the maximum reproductive potential also
    called biotic potential from being realized. It includes external factors such as
    predation, food supply, heat, light and space, and internal regulatory mechanisms
    such as intraspecific competition and behavioral adaptations.

    1.4.3 Environmental balance
    A balance of nature is the stable state in which natural communities of animals and
    plants exist, and are maintained by competition, adaptation and other interactions
    between members of the communities and their non-living environment. Every
    biotic factor, affects or causes a change in the natural environment. For
    example, when a living organism interacts with the environment, this causes a
    change in the environment. The following are some of the examples of biotic
    factors are include animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, and protists and their effects
    on balance of nature can be seen through the following phenomena:
    – Respiration: when animals are respiring, they take in oxygen and give
        out carbon dioxide (CO2) from respiration. The CO2 can be taken in
        by plant leaves and be used in the process of photosynthesis to make
        food and give out oxygen.
    – Predation: when animals, for example, predate on other animals, this
        reduces the numbers of prey, which in turn affects the ecosystem.
    – Parasitism: cause diseases that may slow down the growth rate of a
        population and/or reduces the number of organisms.
    – Competition: when organisms compete over nutritional resources,
        this could reduce the growth of a population

    Application activity 1.4
    A small group of mice invaded a new habitat with unlimited resources and
    their population grew rapidly. A flood then swept through the habitat and three
    quarters of the mice died. Two months later, the population was increasing
    a) What role did the flood play for the mouse population?
    b) Draw a graph depicting the population history of this mouse.

    1.5 Renewable natural resources
    Activity 1.5
    Observe the figures below carefully and respond to the following
    Natural resources refer to materials or substances occurring in environment
    and which can be exploited for economic gain. They are also resources that
    exist without actions of humankind Natural resources such as; solar energy,

    wind, air, water, soil and biomass (plants and animals) are renewable natural
    . Below are the examples of renewable natural resource:

    1.5.1 Importance of renewable natural resources in
              economic growth of Rwanda

    • Water is used for irrigation, domestic activities, industrial use, and mining.
    • Lakes and rivers are source of food (fish) for humans and contribute for
       recreation (tourism).
    • Land serves as the storehouse of water, minerals, livestock, and home for
       wild animals which generate an income in different ways.
    • Soil contributes to agricultural crop production, and supports forest and
       food crops.
    • Trees are the major sources of timber, construction materials and firewood
       and contribute to fight against erosion, water and air purification and wind
    • Some plants are source of food and money for humans and other animals.
    • National Parks contribute to economic development of the country through

    1.5.2 Methods of conserving renewable natural resources
    They are various methods used for conservation of renewable natural resources
    and they include:

    • Planting trees to prevent soil erosion. The vegetation prevents soil erosion
       but also is a home for most insects, birds and some symbiotic plants. This
       creates a habitat for wildlife hence conserving wild organisms

    • Practicing of judicious ways to conserve water in our homes: This
       entails simple practices like ensuring that taps are closed when they are not
       in use. Using less water during domestic activities aids to conserve lots of
       water in our homes.

    • Growing vegetation in catchment areas: Catchment areas act as a
       source of water that flows in; streams, rivers and oceans. Vegetation in the
       catchment areas allows sufficient infiltration of water into deeper soil layers
       thus leading to formation of ground water

    • Prior treatment of human sewage and Industrial wastes: Water flowing
      from industries comes with many toxic wastes that must be treated before
      getting to the natural water bodies. This reduces harm inform of pollutants
      e.g. chemical and thermal forms.

    • Practice of in-situ and ex-situ conservation of wild plants which
    involves conservation of flora in their natural habitats and outside the natural
    habitats respectively. This requires setting up measures that protect areas
    such as national parks and game reserves. The ex-situ conservation of plants
    uses the areas such as; pollen banks, DNA banks, seed banks, botanical
    gardens, tissue culture banks among others.

    • Ensure the recycling of wastes: These wastes include; plastics, paper bags
       that have resulted to tones of garbage. Recycling entails re-manufacturing of
       already used materials. This reduces the amount of waste available reducing
       soil and water pollution.

    • Practice crop rotation: Planting the same crops for a long period of time
       reduces soil fertility. The practice of crop rotation will restore and maintain
       soil fertility thus conserving the soil.

    • Construction of terraces in sloping land: This will prevent soil erosion as
      water tends to run downhill.

    Application activity 1.5
    1. You live in place which is dominated by sloping lands and bare soil then
    your parents complain about their soil that is washed away by the rainfall.
    What can you do to help your parent to prevent that sloping land?

    2. The water bill at your home is always high and you are given a responsibility
    to reduce it as some who attended secondary school. Implement the measures
    that will reduce that water bill at your home.

    1.6 Non-renewable natural resources

    Activity 1.6

    Observe the figures and respond to the following questions:
    a) Based on the on figures above identify the activities that are taking place
    on both A and B.
    b) Identify the effects of activity taking place on figure B.
    c) Find out the purpose of activity taking place on figure A.

    Non-renewable natural resource are resources of economic value that cannot
    be readily replaced by natural means on a level equal to its consumption.
    They include fossil fuels, oil, coal natural gas cited among many others as it is
    indicated below:

    1.6.1 Importance of nonrenewable natural resources in
               economic growth of Rwanda

    • Minerals including gravel, metals, sand, and stones are used for construction
    and for income generation for the country.
    • Imported fossil fuels derivatives such as gas oil and asphalts are used
    as source of energy and construction of asphaltic roads to easy the
    • Natural gas e.g. gas methane from Kivu is used as source energy.
    • Some animals including; mountain gorillas in Volcanoes National Park,
    lions in Akagera National Park and many other wild animals contribute to
    economic development of the country through tourism.

    1.6.2 Methods of conserving nonrenewable natural

    There are various a methods used for conservation of nonrenewable natural
    resources and they include:
    • The use of alternative sources of energy such as solar and wind energy because
    they do not produce harmful gases that damage the ozone layer compared to
    the burning of fossils fuels such as coal and charcoal.
    • Use pipelines to transport oil: During oil transportation on ships, spills can
    happen which will negatively affect both plant and animal life. Therefore, use of
    pipelines is more recommended
    • Putting in place of policies and regulations to prevent poaching
    because poachers continue to kill many animals such as; elephants and rhinos,
    for their tusks and skins which are sold off in the black market. Poachers are a
    major threat to our biodiversity as they are slowly making some species extinct.
    • Use of bio-fuels and biogas: For more than a century, fossil fuels have
    been a major source of energy. However, they are depleting rapidly, this calls
    for alternative sources of fuel such as bio-fuels and biogas which mainly reduce
    the occurrence of air pollution.
    • Establish special schemes to preserve endangered plant and animal
    species: This includes; botanical gardens, sanctuaries that may be established
    to protect the endangered species so that they can be available for future

    Application activity 1.6

    1) Different industries are making cars and motorcycles that use electricity
         instead of fuel. What is the contribution of that method compared to
         the one that uses fuel?

    2) Why does mining companies that extract minerals legally, are obliged
        to restore the mining site after the completion of extraction of minerals
        at that mining company.

    Skills lab 1
    Biogas is a type of biofuel that is naturally produced from the decomposition
    of organic waste. When organic matter, such as food scraps and animal
    waste, break down in an anaerobic environment (an environment absent of
    oxygen) they release a blend of gases, primarily methane and carbon dioxide.
    People are encouraged to use biogas in their home as alternative source
    of energy. This can reduce the rate of deforestation which can result in
    maintenance of plant and animal species as well as soil protection against
    erosion. Sensitization can be a tool to help people to have these alternative
    sources of energy in large number.

    – Select 10 families at your village.
    – Record the families that have biogas.
    – Select other ten families which use woods in cooking.
    – Record the money spent by each family while cooking either using
        biogas or woods
    – Compare the money spent by each family
    – Prepare action of sensitizing people on using biogas based on
       recorded data.

    Evaluation sheet

    End unit assessment 1

    I. Choose the letter of the answer that best complete each statement
    1. During population growth
    a) Birth rate increases
    b) Death rate increases
    c) Birth rate decreases.
    d) Birth rate and death rate decreases.

    2. Population that reaches the carrying capacity of its environment is
    said to have reached
    a) logistic growth
    b) exponential growth
    c) density dependence
    d) a steady state

    3. On a logistic growth curve, the portion of the curve in which the
    population grows rapidly is called
    a) logistic growth
    b) a steady state
    c) exponential growth
    d) carrying capacity

    4. Which of the following is a characteristic of developing countries?
    a) A fast population growth due to a high death rate but higher birth rate.
    b) A fast population growth due to a high birth rate but falling death rate.
    c) A slow population growth due to a low birth rate and falling death
    d) A slow population growth due to a low birth rate and low death rate.

    5. Which of the following would be an example of population density?
    a) 100 caterpillars
    b) 100 caterpillars per mango tree
    c) 100 caterpillars clumped into 5 specific areas

    II. Open questions
    1. How can a density dependent factor, such as a food supply affect the
    carrying capacity of a habitat?
    2. Describe how density dependent and density dependent factors regulate
    population growth.
    3. Suggest the reasons why the luck of available clean water could be a
    limiting factor for a country’s population.
    4. a) Distinguish between carrying capacity and biotic potential.
    b) Explain how environmental resistance affects the population growth.
    5. Students made a survey of blackjack (Bidens pilosa) growing their school
    environment. Ten quadrats of 1.0 m2 were placed randomly in the garden
    and the number of blackjack plants in each quadrat was counted.
    The results are summarized in the following table:

    Calculate: a. the species frequency of blackjack in this gardens.
    b. The species density of blackjack plants in that area.
    c. Explain why it is important to use randomly placed quadrats.

    6. Describe how has the growth of Earth’s human population has changed
    in 2 recent centuries? Give your answer in terms of growth rate and the
    number of people added each year?

    7. Construct a bar graph showing the age structure of a given country
    using the following data: Pre-reproductive years (0-14) are 42 percent;
    reproductive years (15-44) are 39 percent; post-reproductive years (45-
    85+) are 19 percent. Interpret obtained graph.

    8. Explain the relationship between a growing population and the environment

    9. Observe the pictures below and respond to the following questions.
    a) Identify the human activities shown above that harm the natural
    b) Describe all effects of the identified activities on the environment.
    c) Suggest the possible measures to solve the above problems.

    Key unit competence
    Describe the structure and importance of ATP, and outline the roles of the
    coenzymes NAD, FAD and coenzyme A during cellular respiration and the
    process of cellular respiration.

    Introductory activity 2.1

    Living organisms perform different tasks like running, moving and pumping
    substances across cell membranes as shown on the figures below:

    a) What is the requirement to perform such activities and others that seem
    like these?
    b) By which mechanism do you think is taking place in organism cells to
    obtain such requirement? In which form this requirement would appear?

    2.1 Energy of living organisms

    Activity 2.1

    Observe the figures below and answer to the following questions

    a) The figures A represents the activity that requires energy, based on
         figure A above identify other more activities that requires energy.
    b) What could be the name of figure B, its main chemical parts and its
        roles for living organisms?

    2.1.1 Need for energy by organisms
    Without some input of energy, natural processes tend to break down in
    randomness and disorder. Living organisms have high ordered systems that
    require a constant input of energy to prevent them becoming disordered which
    would lead to their death. This energy comes from the breakdown of organic
    molecules to make adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is a source of energy
    needed to carry out processes that are essential to life.

    More precisely energy is needed for:
    Metabolism which involves specifically the anabolism process in which
    simple substances are build up into complex ones e.g. monosaccharides
    are built up into polysaccharides and amino acids are built up into

    • Active transport of ions and different molecules against a concentration
    gradient across cell membranes. The transport of sodium (Na+), potassium
    (K+) magnesium (Mg+), calcium (Ca+) and chloride (Cl-) across the plasma
    membrane cannot be possible without the use of energy. The transport
    proteins that move solutes against their concentration gradients are all
    carrier proteins rather than channel proteins. Active transport enables a
    cell to maintain internal concentrations of small solutes that differ from
    concentrations in its environment. Some transport proteins act as pumps,

    moving substances across a membrane against their concentration
    or electrochemical gradients. Energy is usually supplied by adenosine
    triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis.

    • Movement within an organism when substances move in the body e.g.
    circulation of blood and of the orgasm it’s self during locomotion due to
    muscular contraction or movement of cilia and flagella.
    • Maintenance, repair and division of cell and organelles within
    • Maintenance of body temperature in endothermic organisms e.g.
    birds and mammals that need energy to replace that lost as heat to the
    surrounding environment.
    • Production of substances used within organism e.g. enzymes and

    2.1.2 Structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
    The special carrier of energy is the molecule of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
    The ATP molecule is a phosphorylated nucleotide and it has three parts:
    • Adenine: is a nitrogen containing organic base belongs to the group
       called purines
    • Ribose: is a pentose sugar molecule means it has 5-carbon ring structure
      that act as the backbone where the other parts are attached.
    • Phosphates: that are chain of three phosphate groups.

    ATP has the following biological functions in the cell:

    a) Active transport
    ATP plays a critical role in the transport of macromolecules such as proteins
    and lipids into and out of the cell membrane. It provides the required energy for
    active transport mechanisms to carry such molecules against a concentration

    b) Cell signaling
    ATP has key functions of both intracellular and extracellular signaling. In nervous
    system, adenosine triphosphate modulates the neural development, the control
    of immune systems, and of neuron signaling.

    c) Structural maintenance
    ATP plays a very important role in preserving the structure of the cell by helping
    the assembly of the cytoskeletal elements. It also supplies energy to the flagella
    and chromosomes to maintain their appropriate functioning.

    d) Muscle contraction
    ATP is critical for the contraction of muscles. It binds to myosin to provide
    energy and facilitate its binding to actin to form a cross-bridge. Adenosine
    diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate group (Pi) are then released and a new ATP
    molecule binds to myosin. This breaks the cross-bridge between myosin and
    actin filaments, thereby releasing myosin for the next contraction.

    e) Synthesis of DNA and RNA
    The adenosine from ATP is a building block of RNA and is directly added to
    RNA molecules during RNA synthesis by RNA polymerases. The removal
    of pyrophosphate provides the energy required for this reaction. It is also a
    component of DNA.

    Application activity 2.1

    1) Energy is contained within ATP, draw and label its structure. On
         diagram show the names that result from the combination of different
         parts of ATP.
    2) The person faints on playground as a result of doing vigorous physical
          exercise for long time. What can you do to save the life of that person?

    2.2 Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and coenzyme in

    Activity 2.2

    Based on the structure of ATP molecule, explain how the synthesis and
    breakdown of ATP is done.

    2.2.1 Synthesis and breakdown of ATP

    a) Breakdown of ATP

    Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is the energy currency for cellular processes. It
    provides the energy for both energy-consuming endergonic reactions and
    energy-releasing exergonic reactions. The three phosphate groups in ATP
    structure are the main key to how ATP stores energy. Each phosphate group
    is very negatively charged so they repel one another which makes the covalent
    bonds that link to be unstable. These unstable covalent bonds are broken easily
    because they have low activation energy. When the first two phosphates are
    removed 30.5Kjmol-1 are released for each phosphate group and 14.2 KJ mol-1
    are released for the removal of the final phosphate group. In living cells, usually
    only the terminal phosphate group is removed as follow:

    These reactions are all reversible. It is the interconversion of ATP and ADP that
    is all-important in providing energy for the cell:

    The calculated ∆G for the hydrolysis of one mole of ATP into ADP and Pi is
    estimated at −7.3 kcal/mole equivalent to −30.5 kJ/mol. However, this is only
    true under standard conditions, and the ∆G for the hydrolysis of one mole of
    ATP in a living cell is almost double the value at standard conditions and equals
    -14 kcal/mol or −57 kJ/mol. ATP is a highly unstable molecule. Unless quickly
    used to perform work, ATP spontaneously dissociates into ADP + Pi, and the
    free energy released during this process is lost as heat. To harness the energy
    within the bounds of ATP, cells use a strategy called energy coupling.

    The hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi is a reversible reaction, where the reverse
    reaction combines ADP + Pi to regenerate ATP from ADP as it is shown in the
    equation above.

    b) Synthesis of ATP
    Energy for ATP synthesis can become available in two ways. In respiration, energy
    released by reorganizing chemical bonds (chemical potential energy) during
    making some ATP. However, most ATP in cells is generated using electrical
    potential energy. This energy is from the transfer of electrons by electron carriers
    in mitochondria and chloroplasts. It is stored as a difference in proton (hydrogen
    ion) concentration across some phospholipid membranes in mitochondria and
    chloroplasts, which are essentially impermeable to protons. Protons are then
    allowed to flow down their concentration gradient (by facilitated diffusion)
    through a protein that spans the phospholipid bilayer. Part of this protein acts
    as an enzyme that synthesizes ATP and is called ATP synthase. The transfer
    of three protons allows the production of one ATP molecule, provided that ADP
    and an inorganic phosphate group (Pi) are available inside the organelle. This
    process occurs in both mitochondria and chloroplasts and it was first proposed
    by Peter Mitchell in 1961 and is called chemiosmosis.

    Since the hydrolysis of ATP releases energy, ATP synthesis must require an
    input of free energy. Recall that free energy is the portion of system’s energy
    that can perform work when temperature and pressure are uniform throughout
    the system. The synthesis of ATP from ADP involves the addition of a phosphate
    molecule, which is called phosphorylation reaction. This Phosphorylation is
    catalyzed by the enzyme ATP synthase (sometimes called ATP synthetase or

    2.2.2 Roles of coenzymes in respiration
    The transformation of succinate to fumarate, the sub-products of the breakdown
    of glucose during glycolysis process, two hydrogens are transferred to flavin
    adenine dinucleotide (FAD), forming FADH2. The reduced coenzymes NADH
    and FADH2 transfer higher energy electrons to the electron transport chain.
    Finally, another coenzyme called coenzyme A sometimes abbreviated by CoA,
    a sulfur-containing compound is attached via its sulfur atom to the two-carbon
    intermediate, forming acetyl CoA. The Acetyl CoA has a high potential energy,
    which is used to transfer the acetyl group to a molecule in the citric acid cycle
    (Krebs cycle), a reaction that is therefore highly exergonic producing great
    number of energy in the form of ATP.

    Application activity 2.2

    Application activity 2.2
    1) Using the chemical equations explain the synthesis and the hydrolysis
        of ATP in a living cell.
    2) The hydrolysis and synthesis of ATP are reversible reactions. Estimate
        the amount of energy for each process.
    3) Calculate the amount of energy produced by 5 moles of ATP
    a) Under standard conditions
    b) In a living cell

    2.3 Respiratory substrates and their relative energy values

    Activity 2.3

    Activity 2.3: Simple combustion experiments to determine the relative energy
    values of different food substances.
    – Cut up a range of dried foods into small pieces around 1 cm square
       or 0.5 cm cubed.
    – Use the measuring cylinder to measure 20 cm3 of water into the
        boiling tube.
    – Clamp the boiling tube to the clamp stand.
    – Measure the temperature of the water with the thermometer. Record
        the temperature in a suitable table.
    – Impale the piece of food carefully on a mounted needle.

    – Light the Bunsen burner and hold the food in the flame until it
        catches a light.
    – As soon as the food is alight, put it under the boiling tube of water as
        shown on figure and keep the flame under the tube.
    – Hold the food in place until the food has burnt completely.
    – As soon as the food has burned away completely and the flame
        has gone out, stir the water carefully with the thermometer and
        measure the temperature of the water again. Note down the highest
       temperature reached.
    – Repeat the procedure for other foods.
    – Calculate the rise in temperature each time and Calculate the energy
        released from each food by using this formula.

    Where 4.2 represents the value of the specific heat capacity of water, in
    joules per gram per degree Celsius. If the number is more than 1000 J/g,
    express it as kilojoules (kJ):
    1 kilojoule = 1000 joules
    Compare obtained results.
    Follow the set up below:

    A respiratory substrate refers to the substance required for cellular respiration
    to derive energy through oxidation. They include carbohydrates, lipids and

    Carbohydrates include any of the group of organic compounds consisting
    of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, usually in the ratio 1:2:1. The examples of
    carbohydrates include sugars, starch and cellulose. Carbohydrates are the
    most abundant of all classes of biomolecules, and glucose whose chemical

    formula is C6H12O6 is the most known and the most abundant. Its breakdown
    produces energy in the following way: C6H12O6 +6 O2→6 CO2 +6 H2O+Energy
    (ATP + heat).

    This breakdown is exergonic metabolic reaction, having a free-energy change of
    -686 kcal (-2,870 kJ) per mole of glucose decomposed.

    Lipids include diverse group of compounds which are insoluble in water but
    dissolved readily in other lipids and in organic solvents such as ethanol (alcohol).
    Lipids mainly fats and oils contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, though the
    proportion of oxygen is lower than in carbohydrates. Fats and oils have a higher
    proportion of hydrogen than either carbohydrates or proteins. This property
    makes them a more concentrated source of energy, where each gram of fat or
    oil yields about 38kJ (38 kJ/g) more than twice the energy yield of a gram of

    Proteins are other respiratory substrate. They are large and complex biological
    molecules which play many and diverse roles during respiration. They mainly
    work as enzymes. Enzyme is a biological catalyst that controls biochemical
    reactions in living organisms.

    Back to glucose when it is broken down during the process called glycolysis,
    the dehydrogenases enzymes transfer electrons from substrates, here glucose,
    to NAD+ which in turn forms NADH. At this stage the electron transport chain
    accepts electrons from NADH and passes these electrons from one molecule
    to another in electron chain transfer leading to a controlled release of energy
    for the synthesis of ATP. At the end of the chain, the electrons are combined
    with molecular oxygen and hydrogen ions (H+) to form one molecule of water.
    When NAD is oxidized, its oxidized form NAD+ is converted into its reduced
    from NADH, and two molecules of ATP are produced.

    Application activity 2.2

    1) Calculate the amount of energy produced by 5moles of glucose in kcal
         and kJ if one mole of glucose produce -686 kcal and 2,870 kJ per mole
         of glucose.
    2) Specify the number of ATP produced by glycolysis during respiration

    2.4 Measurement of respiration and respiratory quotients

    Activity 2.3

    – Set up the boiling tube so it is vertical and supported in a water bath
        such as a beaker.
    – Use pea seeds that have been soaked for 24 hours and rinsed in 1%
       formaldehyde for 5 minutes.
    – Kill an equal quantity of soaked seeds by boiling them for 5 minutes.
    – Cool the boiled seeds in cold tap water; rinse them in bleach or
       formaldehyde for 5 minutes as before.
    – Start with a water bath at about 20 °C and allow the seeds to adapt
       to that temperature for a few minutes before taking any readings.
    – Record the initial and final positions of the water drop with a
       permanent marker with small label onto the glass.
    – Measure the distance travelled by colored dye (or drop of water) with
       a ruler.
    – Repeat the procedure (introducing a new bubble each time) at a
       range of different temperatures, remembering to allow time for the
       seeds to adapt to the new conditions before taking further readings.
    – Interpret your observation. Follow the set up below:

    The rate of respiration is measured by the use of respirometer device, typically
    by measuring oxygen consumed and the carbon dioxide given out. It can also
    be used to measure the depth and frequency of breathing, and allows the
    investigation on how factors such as; age, or chemicals can affect the rate of
    respiration. Currently, the computer technology is also used to automatically
    measure the volume of gases exchanged and drawing off small samples to
    analyze the proportions of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the gases.

    The respiratory quotient (RQ) is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide
    produced to the volume of oxygen used in respiration during the same period
    of time. The RQ is often assumed to equal the ratio of carbon dioxide expired:
    oxygen inspired during a given time as it is summarized in the following formula:

    The RQ is important as it can indicate whether the respiration is aerobic or

    As each molecule of gas occupies the same volume, this would give RQ =
    1.0, and this is common for all carbohydrates. Further studies indicated the
    respiratory quotient to be 0.9 for proteins and 0.7 for fats, and concluded that
    an, RQ greater than 1.0 indicates anaerobic respiration, while RQ equals or less
    than 1.0 indicates aerobic respiration.

    Note that respiration during germination, especially in early stages was also
    studied. Results indicated that it is difficult for oxygen to penetrate the seed
    coat, so that at this stage, the RQ is about 3 to 4. Later when the seed coat is
    shed, it becomes easier for oxygen to reach respiration tissues and the levels of
    RQ falls. Results indicated that eventually seeds with large carbohydrate stores
    have an RQ around 1.0 and those with large lipid stores have RQs of 0.7 to 0.8.

    a. Measuring and obtaining the RQ values in invertebrate (e.g. woodlice)
    In this particular respirometer, woodlice have been placed in a boiling tube
    which is connected to a U-tube. The U-tube acts as a manometer (a device for
    measuring pressure changes). The other end of the U-tube is connected to a
    control tube which is treated in exactly the same way as the first tube, except
    that it has no woodlice but instead glass beads which take up the same volume
    as the woodlice. The two boiling tubes (but not the manometer) are kept in
    water bath at constant temperature. The U-tube contains a colored liquid which
    moves according to the pressure exerted on it by the gases in the two boiling
    tubes. Both tubes contain potassium hydroxide solution which absorbs any
    carbon dioxide produced. The setup is summarized below:

    When the woodlice respire aerobically, they consume oxygen, which causes
    the liquid to move in the U- tube in the direction of arrows. The rate of oxygen
    consumption can be estimated by timing how long it takes for the liquid to
    rise through a certain height. The experiment can be repeated by replacing the
    potassium hydroxide solution with water. Comparing the changes in manometer
    liquid level with and without potassium hydroxide solution gives an estimate of
    carbon dioxide production can be used to measure the respiratory quotient.

    If the internal radius of the manometer tube is known, the volumes of gases can
    be calculated using the equation:

    Volume of gases = π r2 h,

    Where π is equal to 3.14, r is the internal radius of the tube and h is the
    distance moved by the liquid.

    b. Measuring and obtaining the RQ values during seed germination

    During seed germination, CO2 is released. To test its presence, chemicals
    including Sodium hydroxide or Potassium hydroxide are used due to their ability
    to absorb CO2. As the germinating seeds use oxygen, pressure reduces in tube
    A so the manometer level nearest to the seeds rises (figure 2.8). The syringe is
    used to return the manometer fluid levels to normal. The volume of oxygen used
    is calculated by measuring the volume of gas needed from the syringe to return
    the levels to the original values. If water replaces the sodium hydroxide, then the
    carbon dioxide evolved can be measured. The setup is summarized below:

    This graph suggests that the seed begins with carbohydrate as a metabolite,
    changes to fat/oil then returns to mainly using carbohydrate.

    Application activity 2.4

    1) Using the following equation of oleic acid (a fatty acid found in olive

    a) Calculate the RQ for the complete aerobic respiration.
    b) Based on your findings, state which substrate is being respired
    2) Measurements of oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide production by
    germinating seeds in a respirometer showed that 25 cm3 of oxygen
    was used and 17.5 cm3 of carbon dioxide was produced over the
    same time period.
    i) Calculate the RQ for these seeds.
    ii) Identify the respiratory substrate used by the seeds.

    2.5 Aerobic respiration and Glycolysis

    Activity 2.5

    Glycolysis process
    Observe the figure below and do the following activities

    a) If this representation on figure above (→ATP) shows energy used and
         this (ATP→) represent energy produced during this process. Identify the
         energy used and energy produced then calculate net energy produced
         during this process.
    b) According to your observation, what are the end products of this
         process above?

    Cellular respiration is the complex process in which cells make adenosine
    triphosphate (ATP) by breaking down organic molecules. The energy stored
    in ATP can then be used to drive processes requiring energy, including
    biosynthesis, locomotion or transportation of molecules across cell membranes.
    The main fuel for most cells is carbohydrate, usually glucose which is used by
    most of the cells as respiratory substrate. Some other cells are able to break
    down fatty acids, glycerol and amino acids.

    Glucose breakdown can be divided into four stages: glycolysis, the link
    reaction, the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.

    Glycolysis is the splitting or lysis of a glucose molecule. It is a multi-step
    process in which a glucose molecule with six carbon atoms is eventually split
    into two molecules of pyruvate, each with three carbon atoms. Energy from ATP
    is needed in the first steps, and it is released in the later steps to synthesize ATP.
    There is a net gain of two ATP molecules per molecule of glucose broken down.

    Glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm of a cell. Within the mitochondrion, the
    citric acid cycle occurs in the mitochondrial matrix, and oxidative metabolism
    occurs at the internal folded mitochondrial membranes (cristae). Glucose enters

    the cell and is phosphorylated by the enzyme called hexokinase, which transfers
    a phosphate group from ATP to the sugar. The ATP used in this process has
    2 advantages: the charge of the phosphate group traps the sugar in the cell
    because the plasma membrane is impermeable to large ions. Phosphorylation
    also makes glucose more chemically reactive. Even though glycolysis consumes
    two ATP molecules, it produces a gross of four ATP molecules (4 ATP), and
    a net gain of two ATP (2 ATP) molecules for each glucose molecule that is
    oxidized. Glycolysis results in a net gain of two ATP (2ATP), two NADH and two
    pyruvate molecules

    Application activity 2.5

    1) Why is ATP needed for glycolysis?
    2) How many gross ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis from
    one glucose molecule?
    3) How many NADH are made during glycolysis?
    4) The following flowchart summarizes the reactions that take place in
    Glucose → 2 × glyceraldehydes 3-phoshate → 2 × pyruvate
    a) How many carbon atoms are there in glucose, glyceraldehydes
    3-phoshate and pyruvate?
    b) What is the net gain of ATP in glycolysis?

    2.6 Link reaction and Krebs cycle (TCA cycle)

    Activity 2.6

    Use the figure below and do the following activities:

    a) The above figure summarizes two stages that take place during
          respiration, observe it and identify the number of CO2, ATP, reduced
          FAD and reduced NAD.
    b) Knowing that the above stages involve two molecule of pyruvates
          calculate the total number of CO2, ATP, reduced FAD and reduced NAD.

    2.6.1 Link reaction
    Pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis is oxidized to Acetyl-CoA by enzymes
    located in the mitochondrion of eukaryotic cells as well as in the cytoplasm
    of prokaryotes. In the conversion of pyruvate to Acetyl-CoA, one molecule of
    NADH and one molecule of CO2 are formed (Figure 2.10). This step is also
    known as the link reaction or transition step, as it links glycolysis to the Krebs

    Krebs cycle (Citric acid cycle)

    The coenzyme has a sulphur atom, which attaches the acetyl fragment by an
    unstable bond. This activates the acetyl group for the first reaction of the Krebs
    cycle also called citric acid cycle or Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA). It is also
    known as the citric acid cycle, because the first molecule formed when an acetyl
    group joins the cycle. When oxygen is present, the mitochondria will undergo
    aerobic respiration which leads to the Krebs cycle.

    In the presence of oxygen, when acetyl-CoA is produced, the molecule then
    enters the citric acid cycle inside the mitochondrial matrix, and gets oxidized
    to CO2 while at the same time reducing NAD+ to NADH. NADH can then be
    used by the electron transport chain to create more ATP as part of oxidative
    phosphorylation. For the complete oxidation of one glucose molecule, two
    Acetyl-CoA must be metabolized by the Krebs cycle. Two waste products
    namely H2O and CO2, are released during this cycle.

    The citric acid cycle is an 8-step process involving different enzymes and co-
    enzymes. Throughout the entire cycle, Acetyl-CoA (2 carbons) combines with
    oxaloacetate (4 carbons) to produce citrate. Citrate (6 carbons) is rearranged
    to a more reactive form called isocitrate (6 carbons). Isocitrate (6 carbons) is
    modified to α-Ketoglutarate (5 carbons), Succinyl-CoA, Succinate, Fumarate,
    Malate, and finally to Oxaloacetate. The net energy gain from one cycle is 3 NADH,
    1 FADH2, and 1 Guanosine Triphosphate (GTP). The GTP may subsequently
    be used to produce ATP. Thus, the total energy yield from one whole glucose
    molecule (2 pyruvate molecules) is 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, and 2 ATP. 2 molecules
    of carbon dioxide are also produced in one cycle (for a total of 4 molecules of
    carbon dioxide from one glucose molecule).

    Application activity 2.6

    1) Use the chemical equation to show the conversion of pyruvate into
    2) Identify and note the main products of the Krebs cycle from one
        glucose molecule

    2.7 Oxidative phosphorylation

    Activity 2.7

    Observe the figure below and do the following activities

    a) This figure summarizes last stage that take place during cellular
          respiration, observe it and identify the role of reduced NAD, reduced
          FAD and oxygen in this stage.
    b) Give the explanation of the above figure.

    In the final stage of aerobic respiration known as the oxidative phosphorylation,
    the energy for the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP comes from the activity of the
    electron transport chain. Oxidative Phosphorylation is the production of ATP
    using energy derived from the redox reactions of an electron transport chain.

    In eukaryotes, oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondrial cristae. It
    comprises the electron transport chain that establishes a proton gradient across
    the inner membrane by oxidizing the NADH produced from the Krebs cycle. ATP
    is synthesized by the ATP synthase enzyme when the chemiosmosis gradient
    is used to drive the phosphorylation of ADP. Chemiosmosis is the production
    of ATP from ADP using the energy of hydrogen ion gradients. The electrons
    are finally transferred to oxygen and, with the addition of two protons, water is
    formed. The average ATP yield per NADH is probably 3 and for FADH2 of this
    electron carrier is worth a maximum of only two molecules of ATP.

    Role of oxygen in chemiosmosis
    ATP can be synthesized by chemiosmosis only if electrons continue to move
    from molecule to molecule in the electron transport chain. Oxygen serves as
    the final acceptor of electrons. By accepting electrons from the last molecule in
    the electron transport chain, and allows additional electrons to pass along the
    chain. As a result, ATP can continue to be synthesized. Oxygen also accepts
    the protons that were once part of the hydrogen atoms supplied by NADH and
    FADH2. By combining with both electrons and protons, oxygen forms water as
    shown in the following equation:

    Overview of aerobic respiration
    A considerable number of ATP is produced during oxidative phosphorylation and
    it is estimated between 32 and 34 ATPs. These are added to 2 ATP produced
    during glycolysis and 2 ATP produced during citric cycle. The total number
    of ATP produced during a complete respiration process for one molecule of
    glucose is then estimated between 36 and 38 ATPs.

    Note that the amount of ATP produced from glucose is usually less than 38
    ATP for the following reasons: some ATP is used to transport pyruvate from the
    cytoplasm into the mitochondria and some energy is used to transport NADH
    produced in glycolysis from the cytoplasm into the cristae of mitochondria.

    Overall net gain of energy from glucose

    Application activity 2.7

    1) a) How many ATP are formed from 1 NADH?
    b) How many ATP are formed from 1 FADH?
    2) How many ATP are formed after a complete oxidation of one glucose

    2.8 Efficiency of aerobic respiration

    Activity 2.8

    During the complete oxidation of a molecule of glucose it is estimated to
    produce 686Kcal. Knowing that inside the cell each ATP produced is
    equivalent to 7.3 Kcal,

    Considering all the amount of ATP produced, find out the percentage of
    energy that is equivalent to amount of total ATP produced during aerobic
    respiration. Use below formula for your calculations:

    The complete oxidation of glucose produces the energy estimated at 686 Kcal.
    Under the condition that exists inside most of the cells, the production of a
    standard amount of ATP from ADP absorbs about 7.3 Kcal. Glucose molecule
    can generate up to 38 ATP molecules in aerobic respiration. The efficiency of

    This result indicates that the efficiency of aerobic respiration equals 40%. The
    remained energy (around 60%) is lost from the cell as heat.

    Application activity 2.8

    1) 1. Under which conditions can aerobic respiration take place in animal
    2) 2. Calculate the efficiency aerobic respiration, when a complete
    oxidation of glucose produce the energy estimated at 500Kcal under a
    production of a standard amount of ATP from ADP absorbed is about
    7.3 Kcal.

    2.9 Efficiency of anaerobic respiration

    Activity 2.9

    Anaerobic respiration in yeast
    a) Boil some water to expel all the dissolved oxygen.
    b) When cool, use the boiled water to make up a 5% solution of glucose
    and a 10% suspension of dried yeast.
    c) Place 5 Cm3 of the glucose solution and 1 Cm3 of the yeast suspension
    in a test-tube and cover the mixture with a thin layer of liquid paraffin to
    exclude atmospheric oxygen
    d) Fit a delivery tube as shown in figure below and allow it to dip into clear

    Observe the change that takes place in test tube containing, then explain the
    bases of such change.

    Without oxygen, pyruvate (pyruvic acid) is not metabolized by cellular respiration
    but undergoes a process of fermentation. The pyruvate is not transported into
    the mitochondrion, but it remains in the cytoplasm, where it is converted to
    waste products like alcohol or lactic acid or other compounds depending on
    the kind of cells that are active which may be removed from the cell. This serves
    the purpose of oxidizing the electron carriers so that they can perform glycolysis
    again and removing the excess pyruvate. Fermentation oxidizes NADH to NAD+
    so it can be re-used in glycolysis.

    In the absence of oxygen, fermentation prevents the build-up of NADH in
    the cytoplasm and provides NAD+ for glycolysis. This waste product varies
    depending on the organism. In skeletal muscles, the waste product is lactic acid.
    This type of fermentation is called lactic acid fermentation. In yeast and plants,
    the waste products are ethanol and carbon dioxide. This type of fermentation is
    known as alcoholic or ethanol fermentation. The ATP generated in this process
    is made by substrate-level phosphorylation, which does not require oxygen.

    Fermentation is less efficient at using the energy from glucose since only 2 ATP
    are produced per glucose, compared to the 38 ATP per glucose produced by
    aerobic respiration. This is because the waste products of fermentation still
    contain plenty of energy. Glycolytic ATP, however, is created more quickly.

    Due to the fact that anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP, the efficiency
    of anaerobic respiration is less than that of aerobic respiration. It is calculated
    as follows:

    Efficiency of aerobic respiration = Energy required to make ATP x 100 Energy
    released by oxidation of glucose 2 ATP x 7.3 Kcal x 100 687 Kcal =2%.

    The production of a small yield of ATP from anaerobic respiration in yeast and
    mammalian muscle tissue, including the concept of oxygen debt.

    Standing still, the person absorbs oxygen at the resting rate of 0.2 dm3 min−1.
    (This is a measure of the person’s metabolic rate.) When exercise begins,
    more oxygen is needed to support aerobic respiration in the person’s muscles,
    increasing the overall demand to 2.5 dm3 min−1. However, it takes four minutes for
    the heart and lungs to meet this demand, and during this time lactic fermentation
    occurs in the muscles. Thus the person builds up an oxygen deficit. For the next
    three minutes, enough oxygen is supplied. When exercise stops, the person
    continues to breathe deeply and absorb oxygen at a higher rate than when
    at rest. This post-exercise uptake of extra oxygen, which is ‘paying back’ the
    oxygen deficit, is called the oxygen debt.

    The oxygen is needed for:
    • Conversion of lactate to glycogen in the liver
    • Re-oxygenation of haemoglobin in the blood
    • A high metabolic rate, as many organs are operating at above resting

    The presence of the lactic acid is sometimes described as an “oxygen debt”.
    This is because significant quantities of lactic acid can only be removed
    reasonably quickly by combining with oxygen. However, the lactic acid was
    only formed due to lack of sufficient oxygen to release the required energy to
    the muscle tissue via aerobic respiration. Lactic acid can accumulate in muscle
    tissue that continues to be over-worked. Eventually, so much lactic acid can
    build-up that the muscle ceases working until the oxygen supply that it needs
    has been replenished, this is called muscle cramps

    To repay such an oxygen debt, the body must take in more oxygen in order to
    get rid of the additional unwanted waste product lactic acid. Mineral depletion,
    inadequate blood supply and Nerve compression can be the causes of muscle

    Application activity 2.9

    1) Under which conditions can anaerobic respiration take place in animal
    2) Calculate the efficiency of anaerobic, when a complete oxidation of
         glucose produce the energy estimated at 200 Kcal under a production
        of a standard amount of ATP from ADP absorbed is about 7.3 Kcal

    2.10 Factors which affect the rate of respiration

    Activity 2.10

    – Fill a small vacuum flask with beans grains or pea seeds that have
        been soaked for 24 hours and rinsed in 1% formaldehyde for 5
    – Kill an equal quantity of soaked seeds by boiling them for 5 minutes.
    – Cool the boiled seeds in cold tap water, rinse them formaldehyde for
        5 minutes as before and then put them in a vacuum flask of the same
        size as the first one.
    – Place a thermometer in each flask so that its bulb is in the middle of
       the seeds.
    – Plug the mouth of each flask with cotton wool and leave both flasks
       for 2 days, noting the thermometer readings whenever possible. Set
       it as follow:

    a) What is the purpose of soaking seeds for 24 hours and in formaldehyde
        for 5 minutes.
    b) Why do you need flask containing dead seeds?
    c) Compare the temperature change in those two flasks and explain those

    Cellular respiration is the process of conversion of chemical energy stored in
    the food to ATP or higher energy compounds. The factors that affect the cellular
    respiration are:

    a. Amount of nutrients
    If the amount of nutrients is high, then the energy is high in the cellular respiration.
    The nutrients which can go through cellular respiration and transform into

    energy are fat, proteins and carbohydrates. The amount of nutrients available to
    transform into energy depend upon the diet of the person.

    b. Temperature
    The rate of the cellular respiration increases if the body temperature is warmer.
    The lower the temperature, the slower the rate of cellular respiration. The reason
    for this is enzymes which are present in cellular respiration process. Enzyme
    reactions require optimum temperatures.

    c. State of the cell
    Metabolically active cells such as neurons, root of human hair have higher
    respiration rate than the dormant cells such as skin cells and bone cells. This is
    because metabolically active cells can store energy in the body because of the
    many metabolic reactions that take place in them.

    d. Water
    It is the medium where the reaction happens. When a cell is dehydrated the
    respiration and other metabolism decreases.

    e. Cellular activity
    Some cells need more energy than others. For example, growing cells or very
    active cells such as neurons need a lot of energy.

    f. O2 /CO2 content
    When there is high mount of O2 and lower amount of CO2 there is increase of the
    rate of respiration. This is because oxygen is needed during aerobic respiration.

    g. ATP/ADP range
    When there is more ATP than ADP, respiration rate slows down to avoid excess
    of ATP.

    Application activity 2.10

    1) Explain how proteins and lipids are metabolized for energy during
    2) Explain why the body does not use fats to produce energy as
        carbohydrates given that they produce much energy than carbohydrates.

    2.11 Use of other substrates in respiration.

    Activity 2.11

    When someone has eaten carbohydrates such as cassava and sweet pota-
    toes you do not feel hungry in the same time as another one who has con-
    sumed milk or cheese.
    1) Can you suggest the reason for this?
    2) Which one can take a short time for digestion and why?

    Carbohydrates are the first nutrients that most organisms can catabolize for
    energy. In some cases, living things must be able to metabolize other energy-
    rich nutrients to obtain energy in times of starvation. Most organisms possess
    metabolic pathways that, when necessary, metabolize proteins, lipids. In each
    case, the larger molecules are first digested into their component parts, which
    the cell may reassemble into macromolecules for its own use. Otherwise, they
    may be metabolized for energy by feeding into various parts of glycolysis or the
    Krebs cycle

    Carbohydrates, fats and proteins can all be used for cellular respiration.
    Monomers of these foods enter glycolysis or the Krebs cycle at various points.
    Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle are catabolic pathways through which all kinds
    of food molecules are channeled to oxygen as their final acceptor of electrons.

    Application activity 2.11

    1) Explain how proteins and lipids are metabolized for energy during
    2) Explain why the body does not use fats to produce energy as
        carbohydrates given that they produce much energy than carbohydrates.

    Skill lab 2

    Fried breads are slices of bread that have been fried in oil or butter.
    1) On a sheet of paper write down the ingredients used to make fried
    2) Write down all requirement to make fried bread.
    3) Investigate the procedures and make your own fried bread according
        to that procedures investigated.
    4) Compare your fried bread with the one sold in shops.
    5) Present some samples to your teacher.

    End unit assessment 2

    1. Explain the reasons why chemical energy is the most important type of
        energy for living organisms.
    2. Why do all organisms need energy and where does this energy come
    3. Give the structure of ATP and specify its importance to living organisms?
    4. The equation C57H104O6 + 80O2→ 57CO2 + 52H2O + Energy represents
       oxidation of lipids. Calculate RQ for this equation.
    5. Calculate the total amount of energy produced for:
    a) 3 moles of hydrolysed ATP
    b) moles of synthesized ATP
    c) 5 moles of decomposed glucose
    6. Active mitochondria can be isolated from liver cells. If these mitochondria
    are then incubated in a buffer solution containing a substrate, such as
    succinate, dissolved oxygen will be used by mitochondria. The concentration
    of dissolved oxygen in the buffer solution can be measured using an electrode.
    When this experiment was done, the concentration of dissolved oxygen was
    measured every minute for five minutes. Sodium azide (NaN3) which combines
    with cytochromes and prevents electron transport was added thereafter. The
    results are shown in the graph below.

    a) Suggest what effect the addition of sodium azide will have on the
         production of ATP and give an explanation for your answer.
    b) Explain why the concentration of oxygen decreased during the first
        five minutes.

    c) Suggest what effect the addition of sodium azide will have on the
        production of ATP and give an explanation for your answer

    7. During an experiment, the mouse was inside the bell jar. The air pipe from
    the bell jar was connected to the first beaker containing lime water and filter
    pump. The glass wool containing soda lime covered by a piece of paper was
    connected to the second beaker by air pipe. Another air pipe was connected
    from the second beaker containing lime water to the belly jar in the first step.
    The set of the experiment looked like the following:

    8. What are the major differences between cellular respiration and
    9. Compare aerobic respiration with anaerobic respiration or fermentation.
    10. A student set up an experiment using germinating seeds and boiled seeds
         as shown in the diagram below:

    a) State the objective of this experiment and the observation made after
    24 hours?
    b) Account for the observation made in (a) above?
    c) Suggest why vacuum flasks were used in the experiment?
    d) What was the purpose of the set-up B?
    11) The diagram summarizes how glucose can be used to produce ATP,
    without the use of oxygen

    Which compounds are represented by the letters X, Y and Z?
    12) Complete the table below:


    Key unit competence
    Explain the mechanism of the regulation of blood glucose levels and
    regulation of temperature in living organisms

    Introductory activity 3

    The human body maintains constant different substances in the blood, a
    process called homeostasis. The figures below show different organs
    involved in the regulation of blood glucose level in the body.

    Observe the illustrations X and Y above and answer to the questions that
    a) What are the parts represented by the letters A, B and C on the
        illustration X?
    b) All the organs shown in the illustration X are involved in the digestion of
        food. What are the functions of A and B in the digestion?
    c) What are the organs involved in the regulation of blood glucose level
       on the illustration X? In which way does each organ state help in this

    d) The illustration Y shows the regulation of blood glucose level. What
        does the letters A, B and C show in this regulation?
    e) Alpha and beta cells are responsible for producing the hormones
       that are involved in the regulation of blood glucose level. Which
       organ on the illustration Y produces these hormones?
    f) Compare the mechanism of working of the organs A and B in the
       regulation of blood glucose level.

    3.1 Structure and functions of the liver and the pancreas

    Activity 3.1

    Each organ of our body is made of different tissues which are also composed
    of cells. These cells carry out different functions that help in the functioning
    of the organ. Refer to the image below to answer the questions that follow:

    a) Observe the liver and the pancreas and make short notes on their
    b) What are the functions of the liver and the pancreas?
    c) Which hormones are produced by the pancreas and what are their
    d) Compare the modes of action of insulin and glucagon.
    e) Examine what happens when the blood glucose regulation fails?

    3.1.1 Importance of glucose
    Glucose is one of the most important carbohydrates molecules in our body.
    Body requires glucose to carry out some of its most important functions. Glucose
    is synthesized in green plants, from carbon dioxide, CO2 and water, H2O with
    the help of energy from sunlight. This process is known as photosynthesis.
    The reverse of the photosynthesis reaction i.e., breakdown of glucose in the
    presence of oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water releasing the energy, is
    the main source of power for all the living organisms. The excess glucose in
    plants is stored in the form of starch which serves as foods for various animals.

    Glucose as an energy source
    Almost 80 per cent of carbohydrates in our food are converted to glucose during
    digestion in the alimentary canal. Fructose and galactose is the other main
    product of carbohydrates digestion. After absorption from the alimentary tract,
    fructose and galactose are converted into glucose in the liver. And therefore,
    glucose constitutes more than 95 per cent of all the carbohydrates circulating
    in the blood.

    Body cells require glucose continuously for its various metabolic activities. These
    cells directly absorbed glucose from the blood. Once inside the cells, glucose
    combines with a phosphate moiety to form Glucose-6-phosphate with the
    help of enzyme glucokinase in liver and hexokinase in most other cells. This
    phosphorylation reaction is irreversible and helps to retain the glucose inside the
    cells. However, in liver cells, renal tubular epithelial cells and intestinal epithelial
    cells, an enzyme glucose phosphatase converts the glucose-6-phosphate
    back to glucose.

    The complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose into carbon dioxide and
    water inside the cells produces as many as 38 molecules of ATP (2 from
    glycolysis, 2 from the Krebs cycle and 34 from the oxidative phosphorylation).

    3.1.2 Role of liver and pancreas in glucose regulation
    Our body maintains a narrow range of glucose concentration in the blood
    between 80 mg/dL to 120 mg/dL which may increase up to 180 mg/dL after a
    meal containing high amount of carbohydrates. The hormones responsible for
    the regulation of blood sugar level— insulin and glucagon are secreted by the
    pancreas. The excess glucose in our blood is converted into glycogen in the
    liver. Therefore, pancreas and liver play a vital role in the regulation of blood
    sugar concentration.

    Role of liver in glucose regulation
    The liver is the largest internal solid organ in the body second to the skin as the
    largest organ overall. It performs various functions in our body, including synthesis
    and storage of proteins and fats, carbohydrates metabolism, formation and
    secretion of bile, detoxification and excretion of potentially harmful compounds.
    Liver contains two main cell types: Kupffer cells and Hepatocytes.

    1) Kupffer cells are a type of macrophage that capture and break down
          old, worn out red blood cells passing through liver sinusoids.
    2) Hepatocytes are cuboidal epithelial cells that line the sinusoids and
          make up the majority of cells in the liver. Hepatocytes perform most of the
           liver’s functions—metabolism, storage, digestion, and bile production.

    Hepatocytes cells contain various enzymes which help in the regulation of blood
    These are:

    1) Glycogen synthase; responsible for glycogen biosynthesis (Glycogenesis).
    When the concentration of glucose in the blood increases beyond the normal
    value, the excess glucose is converted to glycogen in liver with the help of
    enzyme glycogen synthase.

    2) Glycogen phosphorylase; responsible for breaking down of glycogen
    (Glycogenolysis). When the blood glucose level drops, the enzyme
    glycogen phosphorylase convert glycogen to glucose-6-phosphate.
    Other two enzymes, glucan transferase and glucosidase also help in

    3) Glucose phosphatase; responsible for conversion of glucose-6-
    phosphate to glucose in the liver. Glucose is then released into the blood
    stream, thereby increasing the blood glucose level.

    Role of the pancreas in glucose regulation
    Pancreas is the most important endocrine organ for the regulation of blood
    glucose. It secretes insulin and glucagon, the two main hormones responsible
    for the regulation of blood glucose.
    1) Insulin: When the blood glucose concentration increases rapidly, for
    example after a meal with high carbohydrates content, pancreas secretes
    insulin hormone into the blood stream. Insulin binds to its receptors and
    increases the rate of glucose uptake, storage and utilization by almost all
    tissues of the body resulting in lowering of blood glucose level. Besides,
    insulin also stimulates glycogenesis, lipid and proteins biosynthesis
    which helps in decreasing blood glucose concentration.

    2) Glucagon: In response to decrease in blood glucose concentration,
    pancreas secretes glucagon which activates the enzyme glycogen
    phosphorylase responsible for degradation of glycogen to glucose-6-
    phosphate. Glucose-6-phosphate is then dephosphorylated to form
    glucose and finally released into the blood stream thereby increasing
    the blood glucose level. Glucagon also stimulates gluconeogenesis i.e.,
    biosynthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrate compounds like pyruvate
    and amino acids.

    3.1.3 Detailed structure of liver lobule and islet of

    Liver and liver lobules
    The liver is a roughly triangular in shape and extends across the entire abdominal
    cavity under the diaphragm. Most of the liver’s mass is located on the right
    hypochondrium (i.e., upper part of the abdomen) as well as part of the abdomen
    (Figure 3.3). The liver is made of very soft, pinkish-brown tissues encapsulated
    by a connective tissue capsule. This capsule is further covered and reinforced
    by the peritoneum of the abdominal cavity, which protects and holds the liver.

    The liver consists of 4 distinct lobes: the left, right, caudate, and quadrate lobes.
    The falciform ligament divides the liver into two main lobes, right and left. The
    larger right lobe is again sub-divided into three lobes, the right lobe proper, the
    caudate lobe and the quadrate lobe (Figure 3.1). Each liver lobe is made up of
    about 100,000 small hexagonal functional units known as lobules. A typical liver
    lobule comprises rows of liver cells, hepatocytes, radiating out from a central
    vein. The six angles of the hexagon are occupied by a portal triad comprising a
    hepatic portal vein, a hepatic artery and a bile duct. The portal veins and arteries
    are connected to the central vein through a network of capillary-like tubes called
    sinusoids (Figure 3.2). Blood flows out of the sinusoids into the central vein and
    is transported out of the liver.

    The pancreas is an elongated, tapered organ, located in the abdominal region,
    behind the stomach and next to the duodenum—the first part of the small
    intestine (Figure 3.3). The right side of the organ, called the head, is the widest
    part of the organ and lies in the curve of the duodenum. The tapered left side
    which extends slightly upward is the body of the pancreas.

    Structure and function of pancreas
    Pancreas has two main functional components:

    1) Exocrine cells, the acini—Cells that release digestive enzymes
    into the gut via the pancreatic duct. These enzymes include trypsin
    and chymotrypsin to digest proteins; amylase for the digestion of
    carbohydrates; and lipase to break down fats. The pancreatic duct joins
    the common bile duct to form the ampulla of Vater in the duodenum. The
    pancreatic juices and bile (from gallbladder) released into the duodenum
    help the body to digest fats, carbohydrates as well as proteins.

    2) Endocrine pancreas: Highly vascularized groups of cells known as
    the Islets of Langerhans within the exocrine tissue constitute the
    endocrine pancreas (Figure 3.4). The human pancreas has 1–2 million
    islets of Langerhans. It contains four different types of cells which
    are distinguished from one another by their morphology and staining

    i) Alpha cells: Which secrete glucagon, constitute about 25 per
    cent of all the cells of islet of Langerhans.

    ii) Beta cells: The most abundant of the islet cells constitute about
    60% of the cells. They release insulin, a hormone involved in
    decreasing the blood glucose level.

    iii) Delta cells: Constitute about 10 per cent of total cells and secrete
    somatostatin which regulates both the alpha and beta cells.

    Application activity 3.1

    1) The homeostatic level of blood glucose is around 90 mg per 100 ml
    of blood. Three person have taken their blood glucose levels using a
    glucometer and their results are:
    Peter: 85 mg per 100 cm3 of blood
    Mary: 130 mg per 100 cm3 of blood
    John: 65 mg per 100 cm3 of blood
    Interpret these results obtained by using a glucometer?

    3.2 Control mechanisms by hormones

    Activity 3.2

    Different hormones are involved in the regulation of blood glucose level. List
    and explain those hormones and their functions.

    3.2.1 Homeostatic control of blood glucose concentration
               by insulin and glucagon

    Insulin and glucagon are the major hormones responsible for the regulation of
    blood glucose. Both insulin and glucagon are secreted by the pancreas, and are
    referred to as pancreatic endocrine hormones.

    Insulin was first discovered in 1922 by Banting and Best. Although there is
    always a low level of insulin secreted by beta cells of pancreas, the amount
    secreted into the blood increases as the blood glucose level rises. In the blood,
    it circulates entirely in an unbound form with plasma half-life of about 6 minutes.
    Only a small portion of the insulin binds with the insulin receptors of the target
    cells while the rest is degraded by the enzyme insulinase, mainly in liver and to
    a lesser extends in kidney and muscles.

    Functions of insulin
    Binding of insulin to the receptors stimulates the rate of glucose uptake, storage
    and utilization by almost all tissues of the body mainly in muscles, adipose tissue
    and liver. Other important functions of insulin include:
    i) Insulin promotes glycogenesis by activating enzyme glycogen synthase.
    ii) Insulin inactivates liver phosphorylase, the key enzyme of glycogenolysis.
    iii) Insulin promotes lipid synthesis by increasing the conversion of excess
    glucose into fatty acids in the liver
    . These fatty acids are transported
    as triglycerides to the adipose tissue where it is deposited as fat.
    iv) Insulin inhibits the enzymes responsible for gluconeogenesis in liver.
    v) Insulin promotes protein synthesis by increasing the rate of transcription
    and translation. It also stimulates transport of many amino acids into the
    vi) Insulin inhibits breakdown of lipids and proteins.

    Regulation of insulin secretion
    The secretion of insulin by beta cells of islet of Langerhans depends on the
    following factors:
    i) Blood glucose level: Increased in the blood glucose level stimulates
    the insulin secretion while decreased in the blood glucose concentration
    inhibits the secretion.
    ii) Blood fatty acids and amino acids concentration: Insulin secretion
    is also stimulated by increased in the concentration of blood’s fatty acids
    and amino acids concentration and inhibited when its concentration
    iii) Gastrointestinal hormones: Insulin secretion increases moderately
    in response to several gastrointestinal hormones—gastrin, secretin,
    cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitory peptide.
    iv) These hormones are released after the person takes meal and the
    increased in insulin secretion can be regarded as preparation for the
    glucose and amino acids uptake by cells.
    v) Other hormones: Other hormones that are associated with the
    increase in the insulin secretion are glucagon, growth hormone, cortisol,
    progesterone and estrogen.

    Glucagon is secreted by the alpha cells of the pancreatic islets in response
    to low blood glucose levels and to events whereby the body needs additional
    glucose, such as in response to vigorous exercise.

    Functions of glucagon
    The effect of glucagon in regulating blood glucose level is exactly opposite to
    i) The most important function of glucagon is activation of glycogen
    phosphorylase enzyme responsible for degradation of glycogen to glucose-
    6-phosphates. The glucose-6-phosphate is then dephosphorylated to
    glucose and finally released into the blood stream resulting in increase in
    blood glucose concentration.
    ii) Glucagon also stimulates the increase in rate of amino acid uptake and its
    conversion into glucose, i.e., gluconeogenesis.
    iii) Glucagon activates adipose cell lipase enzyme which stimulates lipids
    iv) Glucagon also inhibits the storage of triglycerides in the liver by preventing
    the liver from removing fatty acids from the blood.

    v) Glucagon also enhances the strength of the heart; increases blood flow in
    some tissues, especially the kidneys; enhances bile secretion; and inhibits
    gastric acid secretion.

    Regulation of glucagon secretion
    Glucagon secretion increases with the decrease in the concentration of
    blood glucose level while the increasing concentration of glucose inhibits its
    secretion. Other factors which stimulate glucagon secretion are, increase in the
    concentration of amino acids in blood and vigorous physical exercise.

    Negative-positive feedback mechanism
    A positive feedback mechanism is the exact opposite of a negative feedback
    mechanism. With negative feedback, the output reduces the original effect
    of the stimulus. In a positive feedback system, the output enhances the
    original stimulus. Negative feedback is an important regulatory mechanism for
    physiological function in all living cells. It occurs when a reaction is inhibited by
    increase concentration of the product. Regulation of blood glucose level is an
    excellent example of homeostatic control through negative feedback mechanism
    (Figure 3.5).

    Response to an increase in blood glucose level
    When there is increase in blood glucose level, the beta cells of the pancreatic
    islets of Langerhans increase the release of insulin into the blood. Insulin
    binds to receptors on the cell membrane and stimulates the cells to increase
    glucose uptake. This led to decrease in blood glucose level. Besides, insulin
    also stimulates glycogenesis and glycolysis while inhibiting glycogenolysis,
    gluconeogenesis, lipolysis etc. which all contributes in reducing blood glucose

    Response to a decrease in blood glucose level
    Decreased in blood glucose level stimulates the alpha cells of pancreas islets
    to increase the secretion of glucagon. Glucagon activates enzyme glycogen
    phosphorylase in the liver and muscle cells which start glycogenolysis. It also
    promotes gluconeogenesis, lipid metabolism etc. The overall effect of glucagon
    is increase in the concentration of blood glucose.

    3.2.2 Other hormones involved in glucose regulation
    Other than insulin and glucagon, there are many hormones which contribute to
    the regulation of blood glucose level (Figure 3.6). They are:
    1) Somatostatin: It is secreted by delta cells of pancreatic islet of
    Langerhans in response to many factors related to ingestion of food like
    increased concentration of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids and several
    gastrointestinal hormones released from the upper gastrointestinal tract.
    Somatostatin acts locally within the islets of Langerhans and inhibits the
    secretion of both insulin and glucagon. It also reduces the motility of
    the stomach, duodenum, and gallbladder and decreases the secretion
    and absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, lowers overall blood
    glucose level.

    2) Epinephrine: Commonly known as Adrenaline, it is secreted by the
    medulla of the adrenal glands in response to strong emotions such as
    fear or anger. It causes increases in the heart rate, muscle strength, blood
    pressure and sugar metabolism. In response, it enhances the process of
    glycogenolysis, increasing the overall blood glucose concentration.

    3) Cortisol: It is also known as stress hormone and is secreted by the
    adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland in response to stress. Cortisol
    enhances gluconeogenesis and increases the concentration of glucose
    in the blood.

    4) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH): In response to various
    stresses, hypothalamus secretes corticotropin-releasing hormone which
    stimulates anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH. It stimulates adrenal cortex
    to release the cortisol hormones.

    5) Growth hormone (GH): It is another anterior pituitary hormone which
    antagonizes the action of insulin by inhibiting the glucose uptake by cells
    and increasing the blood glucose level.

    6) Gastrointestinal hormones: The hormones released by gastrointestinal
    tract such as gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin and gastric inhibitory
    peptide etc. increase the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the
    gastrointestinal tracts. These hormones stimulate the pancreas to secrete
    insulin in anticipation of the increase in blood glucose level.

    3.2.3 Mechanism of hormonal regulation
    Our body maintains certain variables like temperature, pH etc. within a safe range
    so that it does not cause any harm to the body and the internal environment
    remains stable and relatively constant. This is known as homeostasis.
    Hormones are chemical messenger that are directly released into the blood
    stream. They play very important role in maintaining the homeostasis.

    Steps of hormonal signaling
    Hormonal signal transduction is a complex process which involves the following
    i) Hormones are first synthesis in particular cells of an organ and stored for
    secretion in response to certain stimulus.
    ii) When the organ receives the stimulus; hormones are secreted directly
    into the blood stream.

    iii) Blood carries the hormone to the target cell(s).
    iv) The hormone is recognized by the specific receptor in the cell membrane
    or by the intracellular receptor protein.
    v) The hormonal signal is relayed and amplified through a series of signal
    transduction process in the target cells which lead to cellular response.

    3.2.4 Cause of blood sugar imbalances in the body
    Our body obtains glucose from various food sources or synthesis in the liver and
    muscles from other compounds like pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and glucogenic
    amino acids. The blood carries glucose to all the cells in the body where it is
    metabolized to produce energy.

    Blood sugar levels keep on fluctuating throughout the day increasing after
    meals and decreasing in between the meals. When the blood glucose level
    rises beyond the normal value, the condition is known as hyperglycaemia. On
    the other hand, hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar is the condition in which the
    blood glucose level is below normal (~80 mg/dL).

    High blood glucose level can be caused due to various reasons like:
    i) Carbohydrates: Eating food containing too much of carbohydrates. The
    body of a person cannot process high levels of carbohydrates fast enough
    to convert it into energy.
    ii) Insulin control: The pancreas of the individual are unable to produce
    enough insulin.
    iii) Stress: Stress stimulates the secretion of certain hormones like cortisol
    and epinephrine etc., which increases the blood glucose level.
    iv) Low levels of exercise: Daily exercise is a critical contributor to regulating
    blood sugar levels.
    v) Infection, illness, or surgery: With illness, blood sugar levels tend to
    rise quickly over several hours.
    vi) Other medications: Certain drugs, especially steroids, can affect blood
    sugar levels.

    A high blood sugar level can be a symptom of diabetes. If hyperglycaemia
    persists for several hours, it can leads to dehydration. Other symptoms of
    hyperglycaemia include dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination, blurry vision, dry,
    itchy skin, fatigue or drowsiness, weight loss, increased appetite, difficulty
    breathing, dizziness upon standing, rapid weight loss, increased drowsiness
    and confusion, unconsciousness or coma.

    Hypoglycaemia is generally defined as a serum glucose level below 80 mg/dL.
    Symptoms typically appear when the blood glucose levels reach below 70 mg/
    dL and levels below 60 mg/dL can be fatal.

    Common causes of low blood sugar include the following:
    i. Overmedication with insulin or antidiabetic pills
    ii. Use of alcohol
    iii. Skipped meals
    iv. Severe infection
    v. Adrenal insufficiency
    vi. Kidney failure
    vii. Liver failure, etc.
    Common symptoms of hypoglycaemia include trembling, clammy skin,
    palpitations (pounding or fast heart beats), anxiety, sweating, hunger, and
    irritability. If the brain remains deprived of glucose for longer period, a later set of
    symptoms can follows like difficulty in thinking, confusion, headache, seizures,
    and coma. And ultimately, after significant coma or loss of consciousness, death
    can occur.

    3.2.5 Diabetes mellitus
    Diabetes mellitus (commonly referred to as diabetes) is a chronic condition
    associated with abnormally high levels of sugar in the blood due to impaired
    carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. It can be due to absence or insufficient
    production of insulin by the pancreas, or inability of the body to properly use
    insulin. Hence, there are two types of diabetes mellitus – Type I causes by lack
    of insulin secretion and Type II, caused by reduced sensitivity of target cells to

    Type I diabetes
    It is known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and it is due to
    insufficient insulin production by the beta cells of pancreatic islet of Langerhans
    or due to absence of the beta cells itself. Since the pancreas makes very little or
    no insulin at all, glucose cannot get into the body’s cells and remain in the blood
    leading to hyperglycemia. The concentration of blood glucose level can be as
    high as 300 – 1,200 mg/dL. The symptoms of Type I diabetes include:

    i) Loss of glucose in urine; due to increase in blood glucose, concentration
    goes beyond 180 mg/dL.

    ii) Dehydration; due to osmotic loss of water from cells and inability to
    reabsorb water in kidney.
    iii) Tissue injury; due to damages blood vessels in many tissues.
    iv) Metabolic acidosis; due to increased fat metabolism.
    v) Depletion of body’s protein; due to increase protein metabolism.

    Treatment of Type I Diabetes
    Persons with Type I diabetes require treatment to keep blood sugar levels within
    a target range which includes:
    i) Taking insulin from external source everyday either through injections or
    using an insulin pump.
    ii) Monitoring blood sugar levels several times a day.
    iii) Eating a healthy diet that spreads carbohydrate throughout the day.
    iv) Regular physical activity or exercise. Exercise helps the body to use
    glucose more efficiently.
    v) It may also lower your risk for heart and blood vessel disease.
    vi) Not smoking.
    vii) Not drinking alcohol if you are at risk for periods of low blood sugar.

    Type II diabetes
    Also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), it is
    due to the inability of cells to take up glucose from the blood. It can be either
    due to defective insulin receptors over cell surfaces or abnormality of blood
    plasma protein, amylin. Due to decrease sensitivity of cells to insulin, a condition
    known as insulin resistance, the beta cells secrete large amount of insulin into
    the blood stream resulting in increased concentration of insulin in blood. This
    condition is known as hyperinsulinaemia. Type II diabetes are more common
    and account for almost 80–90 per cent of the total diabetes mellitus cases.

    The symptoms of type II diabetes include:
    i) Obesity, especially accumulation of abdominal fat;
    ii) Fasting hyperglycaemia;
    iii) Lipid abnormalities such as increased blood triglycerides and decreased
    blood high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; and
    iv) Hypertension.

    Treatment of Type II Diabetes
    There’s no cure for diabetes, so the treatment aims to keep the blood glucose
    levels as normal as possible and to control the symptoms and prevent health
    problems developing later in life. In type II diabetes, the pancreas is still working
    but our body develops insulin resistance and is unable to effectively convert
    glucose into energy leaving too much glucose in the blood. Therefore, Type II
    diabetes can be managed through lifestyle modification including:
    i) Healthy diet as eating well helps manage our blood glucose levels and
    body weight.
    ii) Regular exercise helps the insulin work more effectively, lowers your blood
    pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease.
    iii) Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels to test whether the treatment
    being followed is adequately controlling blood glucose levels or we need
    to adjust the treatment.

    Importance of controlled diet in diabetes
    Controlled diet is very important for diabetic patients because blood sugar is
    mostly affected by the food one eats. The glycaemic index of a food measures
    how the food affects the blood glucose level. The higher the glycaemic index
    of the food, the greater the potential of increasing blood glucose. Therefore, in
    order to control glucose levels in the blood, it is important that diabetic primarily
    chooses low glycaemic index carbohydrates like dried beans and legumes
    such as lentils and pintos, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread
    and cereals, sweet potatoes etc. Foods like white bread, white rice, cornflakes,
    white potatoes, popcorn, pineapple, and melons are high glycaemic index foods
    and should be eaten moderately.

    Because people with diabetes are at risk of high blood pressure, it makes sense
    to also choose foods that are heart healthy (i.e., lean, low-fat) and the ones that
    are low in salt. Increasing the amount of fibre in diet and reducing fat intake,
    particularly saturated fat, can help prevent diabetes or manage the diabetic
    condition from developing any complications. Therefore, one should:
    i) Increase the consumption of high-fibre foods, such as wholegrain bread
    and cereals, beans and lentils, and fruits and vegetables.
    ii) Choose foods that are low in fat for example, replace butter, ghee and
    coconut oil with low-fat spreads and vegetable oil.
    iii) Choose skimmed and semi-skimmed milk, and low-fat yoghurts.
    iv) Eat fish and lean meat rather than fatty or processed meat, such as
    sausages and burgers.
    v) Grill, bake, poach or steam food instead of frying or roasting it.

    vi) Avoid high-fat foods, such as mayonnaise, chips, crisps, pasties,
    poppadums and samosas.
    vii) Eat fruit, unsalted nuts and low-fat yoghurts as snacks instead of cakes,
    biscuits, bombay mix or crisps etc.

    Coping with situation of diabetics and hypertension
    Blood pressure is the measure of the force of blood pushing against blood
    vessel walls. The heart pumps blood into the arteries, which carry the blood
    throughout the body. The normal blood pressure is less than 120 (systolic) over
    80 (diastolic). High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is dangerous
    because it makes the heart work harder to pump blood out to the body and
    contributes to hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, to stroke, kidney
    disease, and to the development of heart failure. Diabetics are more likely to
    develop high blood pressure and other heart and circulation related problems,
    because diabetes damages arteries and makes them targets for hardening
    (atherosclerosis). Obesity is another main factor which is responsible for

    When it comes to preventing diabetes complications, normal blood pressure
    is as important as good control of blood glucose levels. Therefore, to treat
    and help prevent high blood pressure, one should control their blood glucose,
    stop smoking, eat healthy, maintain a healthy body weight, limit alcohol and salt
    consumption and exercise regularly.

    3.2.6 Monitoring of blood glucose levels
    Blood glucose monitoring is a way of testing the concentration of glucose
    in the blood (glycaemia)
    . As mentioned earlier, the concentration of blood
    glucose is fluctuating throughout the day. Under certain physiological disorders,
    especially when the person is suffering from diabetes mellitus, the blood glucose
    concentration can increase well above the normal concentration. Most people
    with type II diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar levels at home. A blood
    glucose test is generally performed by piercing the skin (typically, on the finger)
    to draw blood, then applying the blood to a chemically active disposable ‘test-
    strip’ or to a biosensors.

    1. Dipstick test
    A dipstick or the reagent strips is a narrow strip of plastic with small pads
    attached to it. Each pad contains specific reagents for a different reaction,
    thus allowing for the simultaneous determination of several compounds. The
    blood glucose test use enzymes glucose oxidase and hexokinase which
    are specific to glucose, embedded on a test strip or a dipstick. When the
    blood sample is applied onto the strip, the enzymes catalyzed glucose specific

    reaction which changes the colour. The chemical reaction involved in the
    glucose oxidase test is as follows:

    Numbers of chromogen like potassium iodide, tetramethylbenzine,
    O-tolidinehydrochloride, 4-aminoantipyrine etc. are used in the dipstick. The
    colour reaction of the dipsticks is kinetic and will continue to react after the
    prescribed time. Therefore, reading taken after the prescribed time can give
    false result.

    2. Biosensors
    A biosensor is a device which is composed of two elements; a bio-receptor
    that is an immobilized sensitive biological element (e.g. enzyme, DNA probe,
    antibody) recognizing the analyte (e.g. enzyme substrate, complementary DNA,
    antigen) and a transducer, used to convert biochemical signal resulting from
    the interaction of the analyte with the bioreceptor into an electronic signal. The
    intensity of generated signal is directly or inversely proportional to the analyte
    concentration. For example, the glucose biosensor is based on the fact that
    the immobilized Glucose oxidase enzyme which catalyzes the oxidation of β-D-
    glucose by molecular oxygen producing gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide.
    An electrochemical transducer converts this reaction into electronic signal
    which appears on the screen of the glucose meter.

    3. Continuous glucose monitoring
    Continuous glucose monitoring systems (CGMS) use a glucose sensor
    inserted under the skinin the form of a small needle. The signal from the sensor
    is transmitted wirelessly and the result is recorded in a small recording device.
    The monitor of the device updates and displays the blood sugar level every few
    minutes. The glucose sensor needs to be removed and replaced at least once
    per week.

    Advantages of continuous glucose monitoring:
    i) The monitor displays blood sugar level every few minutes, allowing one to
    see whether the level is increasing, decreasing, or is stable.
    ii) The receiver can also be set to alarm if the blood sugar level is above or
    below a pre-set level.
    iii) The blood sugar results from the continuous monitor can be downloaded
    to a computer, allowing you to check blood sugar trends over time.

    The only disadvantage of continuous monitor other than the cost is its inaccuracy
    compared to more traditional accurate dipstick method. Therefore, most experts
    recommend continuous glucose monitoring along with several finger sticks
    daily to calibrate the CGMS device and to verify that the sensor readings are

    Roles of adrenaline in the control of blood sugar level
    Adrenaline, a natural stimulant created in the kidney’s adrenal gland, travels
    through the bloodstream and controls functions of the autonomous nervous
    system, including the secretion of saliva and sweat, heart rate and pupil dilation.
    The substance also plays a key role in the human flight-or-flight response.

    The “fight or flight” hormone that gives us a quick boost of extra energy to
    cope with danger — including the danger of low blood glucose. When blood
    glucose levels drop too low, the adrenal glands secrete epinephrine (also called
    adrenaline), causing the liver to convert stored glycogen to glucose and release
    it, raising blood glucose levels. Epinephrine also causes many of the symptoms
    associated with low blood glucose, including rapid heart rate, sweating, and
    shakiness. The epinephrine response spurs the liver to correct low blood glucose
    or at least raise blood glucose levels long enough for a person to consume

    3.2.7. Detection of glucose in urine
    Urine analysis can be used to test pH, protein, glucose, ketones, occult blood,
    bilirubin, urobilinogen, nitrite, leukocyte esterase etc. in the urine sample. Simple
    test for glucose in urine can be used to diagnose diabetes mellitus. Generally,
    healthy person do not loss glucose in their urine whereas a person with diabetes
    mellitus loses small to large quantities of glucose in their urine.

    Detection of glucose in urine
    The presence of glucose in the urine is called glycosuria (or glucosuria).
    The urine analysis of glucose is based on enzyme glucose oxidase which is
    impregnated in a dipstick (reaction described in previous section).

    Detection of protein in urine
    The glomerular filtrate of a normal kidney contains little amount of low–molecular
    weight protein. Most of these proteins get reabsorbed in the tubules with less
    than 150 mg being excreted through urine per day. Therefore, the abnormal
    increase in the amounts of protein in the urine, Proteinurea, can be an important
    indicator of renal diseases. There are certain physiologic conditions such as
    exercise and fever that can lead to increased protein excretion in the urine in the
    absence of renal disease.

    Proteinuria is a symptom of chronic kidney disease (CKD), which can be due
    to diabetes, high blood pressure, and diseases that cause inflammation
    in the kidneys. Therefore, urine analysis for protein is part of a routine medical
    assessment for everyone. If CKD is not checked in time, it can lead to end-
    stage renal disease (ESRD)
    , when the kidneys completely stop functioning.
    A person with ESRD requires a kidney transplant or regular blood-cleansing
    treatments called dialysis to further sustain.

    The tests for proteinuria are based either on the “protein error of indicators
    principle (ability of protein to alter the colour of some acid-base indicators without
    altering the pH) or on the ability of protein to be precipitated by acid or heat.
    According to “protein error of indicators” principle, a protein-free solution of
    tetrabromphenol blue at pH 3 is yellow in colour and its colour changes from
    yellow to blue (or green) when the pH increases from pH 3 to pH 4. However,
    in the presence of protein (albumin), the colour changes occur between pH 2
    and 3 i.e., an “error” occurs in the behaviour of the indicator. The method is more
    sensitive to albumin than to other proteins, whereas the heat and acid tests are
    sensitive to all proteins.

    The test result may show false-positive results in a highly buffered alkaline urine,
    which may result from alkaline medication or stale urine. Also, if the dipstick
    is left in the urine for too long, the buffer could be washed out of the reagent
    resulting in increased pH and the strip may turn blue or green even if protein is
    not present. On the other hand, false-negative results can occur in dilute urines
    or when the urine contains proteins other than albumin in higher concentrations.

    Detection of ketones in urine
    As discussed earlier, ketones, or ketone bodies are formed during lipid
    metabolism. One of the intermediate products of fatty acid breakdown is acetyl
    CoA. If the lipid metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism are in balanced,
    Acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) where it reacts with
    oxaloacetate to form citrate. When carbohydrate is not available in the cells,
    all available oxaloacetate get converted to glucose and so none is available for
    condensation with Acetyl- CoA. As such, Acetyl-CoA cannot enter the Krebs
    cycle and is diverted to form ketone bodies.

    Application activity 3.2

    An experiment was carried out with two groups of people. Group X has type
    I diabetes mellitus while group Y did not (control group). Every 15 minutes’
    blood samples were taken from all members of both groups and the mean of
    levels of insulin, glucagon, and glucose were calculated. After an hour, every
    person was given a glucose drink. The results are shown in the figure below:

    a) Name a hormone other than insulin and glucagon that is involved in
    regulating blood glucose levels.
    b) State two differences between groups X and Y in the way insulin
    secretion responds to the drinking of glucose.
    c) Suggest a reason why the glucose level falls in both groups during the
    first hour.
    d) Using information from the graphs, explain the changes in the blood
    glucose level in group Y after the glucose drink.
    e) Explain the difference in blood glucose level in group X compared to
    group Y.
    f) Suggest what might happen to the blood glucose level of group X if
    they had no food intake over the next 24 hours.

    3.3 Adaptations of animals to temperature changes in the

    Activity 3.3

    Observe the photo below and answer the questions that follow:

    a) Show 2 main differences between individual A and individual E.
    b) How is individual C different from individual D?
    c) The individual A is adapted to live in cold environments. Analyze it
    carefully to identify any two characteristics that this animal has.
    d) Which among the animals on the photo is adapted to live in hot climates?
    Justify your answer.

    Thermoregulation is the ability of an organism to keep its body temperature
    within certain boundaries, even when the surrounding temperature is very
    different. This process is one aspect of homeostasis: a dynamic state of stability
    between an animal’s internal environment and its external environment.

    One of the most important examples of homeostasis is the regulation of body
    temperature. Not all animals can do this physiologically. Animals that maintain a
    fairly constant body temperature (birds and mammals) are called endotherms,
    while those that have a variable body temperature (all others) are called
    ectotherms. Endotherms normally maintain their body temperatures at around
    35 - 40°C, so are sometimes called warm-blooded animals, but in fact
    ectothermic animals can also have very warm blood during the day by basking in
    the sun, or by extended muscle activity. The difference between the two groups
    is thus that endothermic animals use internal corrective mechanisms, whilst
    ectotherms use behavioral mechanisms (e.g. lying in the sun when cold, moving

    into shade when hot). Such mechanisms can be very effective, particularly when
    coupled with internal mechanisms to ensure that the temperature of the blood
    going to vital organs (brain, heart) is kept constant.

    3.3.1 Importance of temperature regulation
    Besides water, our body consists of many inorganic and organic compounds
    including proteins, lipids, carbohydrates etc. Among these, proteins are the most
    important compounds and are regarded as “workhorse” molecules of life, taking
    part in essentially every structure and activity of life. Proteins make up about 75
    per cent of the dry weight of our bodies and serve four important functions:
    i) They are nutrients.
    ii) They also form the structural components of our body including skin, hair
    etc. They are building materials for living cells, appearing in the structures
    inside the cell and within the cell membrane.
    iii) As haemoglobin, Hb they carry oxygen to all the body organs and
    iv) They function as biological catalysts as enzymes facilitating and
    controlling various chemical reactions of our body.

    Protein molecules are often very large and are made up of hundreds to thousands
    of amino acid units. They are of varying shape and size. For examples, keratins, a
    protein in hair and collagen in tendons and ligaments linear chains of amino acids.
    Other proteins called globular proteins, fold up into specific shapes and often
    more than one globular unit are bound together. Enzymes are globular proteins.
    Though large, enzymes typically have a small working region, known as active
    site which acts as the binding site of ligands. The shape of globular proteins is
    held together by many forces, including highly resistant strong covalent bonds.
    However, there are also many weak forces, like hydrogen bonds, which are
    susceptible to pH, osmolality and temperature changes.

    Since the function of enzymes is attributed to its shape, small changes in the
    shape can greatly reduce its function. Every enzyme has an optimal temperature
    at which it works best and this temperature is approximately the normal body
    temperature of the body. Therefore, in order to ensure the optimal function of
    the enzymes within, the core body temperature need to be maintained more or
    less constant. If the body temperature falls below the normal value, the enzymes
    catalyzed reactions of the animal will be slowed. Similarly, too much rise in body
    temperature might result in enzyme denaturation and hence reduced catalytic
    activities. Rise in body temperature also reduces the oxygen carrying capacity
    of haemoglobin. Increasing temperature weakens and denatures the bond
    between oxygen and haemoglobin which in turn decreases the concentration
    of the oxyhaemoglobin. This can lead to hypoxia – a condition in which tissues
    receive insufficient oxygen supply from the blood.

    3.3.2 Adaptations of animals to temperature changes in
                the environment

    From deepest corner of the sea to high mountains, living organisms have colonized
    almost everywhere. However, they are not distributed evenly with different
    species found in different areas. Many abiotic factors including temperature,
    humidity, soil chemistry, pH, salinity, oxygen levels etc., influence the availability
    of species in certain area. Each species has certain set of environmental
    conditions within which it can best survive and reproduce to which they are best
    adapted. This is known as limits of tolerance (i.e., the upper and lower limits
    to the range of particular environmental factors within which an organism can
    survive). No organism can survive if the environmental factor is below its lower
    limits of tolerance or above the higher limits. Therefore, organisms having a
    wide range of tolerance are usually distributed widely, while those with a narrow
    range have a more restricted distribution. For examples, euryhaline fishes
    (like salmon) can survive wide range of salt concentration and therefore
    are found both in freshwater and salt water environment while stenohaline
    fishes are found only in saltwater or freshwater.

    Temperature is one of the most important factors which directly or indirectly
    influence the distribution of organisms to a large extend. For example, polar
    bears can survive very well in low temperatures ranges, but would die from
    overheating in the tropics. On the other hand, a giraffe does very well in the
    heat of the African savanna, but would quickly freeze to death in the Arctic.
    Compared to ectotherms or cold blooded animals, endotherms due to their
    ability to generate their own body heat, are generally more widely distributed.
    Besides, all the organisms have varying degree of morphological, physiological
    or behavioral adaptations that helps them to survive the extreme temperature
    conditions of their habitat.

    Effect of temperature
    As discussed above, all the living organisms have a particular range of
    temperature within which they can best survive and reproduce. Temperature
    below or above this temperature ranges are harmful to the organism in various
    ways. Some of the well-known effects of temperature on living organisms are
    given below.
    1. Effect of temperature on cells: If the temperature is too cold, the cell
    proteins could be destroyed due to the formation of ice, or as the water is
    lost, the cytoplasm can become highly concentrated. Conversely, extreme
    heat can coagulate cell proteins.
    2. Effect on metabolism: Most of metabolic activities of microbes, plants
    and animals are regulated by enzymes and the functions of enzymes are

    greatly affected by temperature. Therefore, increase or decrease in the body
    temperature will greatly affect the various metabolic activities. For example,
    the activity of liver arginase enzyme upon arginine increases gradually
    with increase in the temperature from 17°C to 48°C. With the increase in
    temperature beyond 48°C, the enzymatic activity decreased sharply.

    3. Effect on reproduction: Changes in temperature affect both the maturation
    of gonads i.e., gametogenesis and fecundity of animals. For example, some
    animal species can breed throughout the year, some only in summer or in
    winter, while some species have two breeding periods, spring and autumn.
    Therefore, temperature determines the breeding seasons of most organisms.
    Also, it was observed that female Chrotogonus trachyplerus an acridid insect
    lays highest number of eggs per female at the temperature of 30°C and
    decreases with increase in temperature from 30°C to 35°C.

    4. Effect on sex ratio: In certain animals like copepod Maerocyclops
    albidu, rises in temperature significantly increase the number of male
    offspring. Similarly, in plague flea, Xenopsyll acheopis, males’ population
    outnumbered females when the mean temperature is between 21°C to 25°C.
    However, further decreases in temperature reverse the conditions with the
    considerable increases in female population.

    5. Effect on growth and development: In general growth and development
    of eggs and larvae is more rapid in warm temperatures. For example, Trout
    eggs develop four times faster at 15°C than at 5°C. On the other hand,
    seeds of many plants will not germinate and the eggs and pupae of some
    insects will not hatch until chilled.

    6. Effect on colouration: Animals generally have a darker pigmentation in
    warm and humid climates than those found in cool and dry climates. This
    phenomenon is known as Gioger rule. In the frog Hylaand the horned toad
    Phrynosoma, low temperatures have been known to induce darkening. Some
    prawn turn light coloured with increasing temperature.

    7. Effect on morphology: Temperatures have profound effects on the size of
    animals and various body parts. Endotherms generally attain a larger body
    size (reduced surface-mass ratio) in colder temperatures than in warmer
    temperatures. As such the colder regions harbour larger species. Conversely,
    the poikilotherms (ectotherms) tend to be smaller in colder regions. We will
    discuss the various morphological modifications due to extreme climates in
    the later sections.

    8. Effect on animal behaviour: Temperature certainly has profound effect
    on the behavioural pattern of animals. The advantage gained by certain cold
    blooded animals through thermotaxis or orientation towards a source of
    heat are quite interesting. Ticks locate their warm blood hosts by a turning

    reaction to the heat of their bodies. Certain snakes such as rattle snakes,
    copper heads, and pit vipers are able to detect mammals and birds by their
    body heat which remains slightly warmer than the surroundings.

    9. Effect on animal distribution: Since the optimum temperature for many
    organisms varies, temperature imposes a restriction on the distribution of
    species. The diversity of animals and plants gradually decrease as we move
    from equator towards the pole.

    Morphological Adaptations
    1. Body size and shape: Ectotherms or cold-blooded animals whose body
    temperature depends on the temperature of external environments are usually
    smaller in size compared to endotherms or warm blooded animals. For instance,
    compare the size of elephant, blue whales and crocodiles or snakes. Within
    the same species, individuals living in the colder climates tend to be larger
    than those living in warmer climates. This is known as Bergmann’s rule. For
    example, whitetail deer in the southern part of the United States have a smaller
    body size than white tail deer in the northern states the far northern states.

    2. Body Extremities: According to Allen’s rule, animals living in the colder
    climates have more rounded and compact form. This is achieved by reducing
    the size of the body extremities i.e., ears, limbs, tails etc. On the other hand,
    animals living in the warmer climates have longer body extremities. For instance,
    compare the size of the ear of Arctic fox with that of the Desert fox (Figure 13.2).
    Longer body extremities increase the surface to volume ratio of the desert fox
    which enable them to lose heat more easily.

    Most cold-blooded organisms have either an elongated or a flat body shape.
    For example, fishes, snakes, lizards, and worms have long and slender body
    form which ensures rapid heat up and cool down processes.

    Both Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule depend on simple principle that “the ratio
    of surface area to volume of an object is inversely proportional to the volume of the
    object”. In other words, the smaller an animal is, the higher the surface area-to-
    volume ratio. Higher surface area-to-volume ratio ensures these animals to lose
    heat relatively quickly and cool down faster, so they are more likely to be found
    in warmer climates. Larger animals, on the other hand, have lower surface area-
    to-volume ratios and lose heat more slowly, so and they are more likely to be
    found in colder climates.

    3. Insulation: All the marine mammals have a thick insulating layer of fat
    known as Blubber, just beneath the skin. It covers the entire body of animals
    such as seals, whales, and walruses (except for their fins, flippers, and flukes)
    and serves to stores energy, insulates heat, and increases buoyancy. Thickness
    of blubber can range from a couple of inches in dolphins and smaller whales,
    to 4.3 inches in polar bears to more than 12 inches in some bigger whales. To
    insulate the body, blood vessels in blubber constrict in cold water. Constriction
    of the blood vessels reduces the flow of blood to the skin and minimizes the
    heat loss. In such animals, skin surface temperature is nearly identical to the
    surrounding water, though at a depth of around 50 mm beneath the skin, the
    temperature is the same as their core temperature.

    Some marine mammals, such as polar bears and sea otters, have a thick fur
    coat, as well as blubber, to insulate them. The blubber insulates in water
    while fur insulates in air or terrestrial environment. The feathers of the birds also
    function in insulating the body from cold temperature.

    Physiological Adaptations
    1. Evaporation: In a cold region, i.e., when the surrounding environment of
    the animal is cold than the body temperature, conduction and radiation are
    the main ways an animal will dissipate heat. However, in warmer region, the air
    temperature is often higher than the animal’s body temperatures, so the only
    physiological thermoregulatory mechanism available is evaporation. Animals
    use three evaporative cooling techniques that include sweating, panting, and
    saliva spreading.

    (a) Sweating: It is the loss of water through sweat glands found in the skin of
    mammals. The number of sweat glands can vary from none in whales, few in dogs
    to numerous in humans. Most small mammals do not sweat because they would
    lose too much body mass if they did. For example, in a hot desert the amount
    of water a mouse would lose through sweating to maintain a constant body
    temperature would be more than 20% of its body weight per hour, which could
    be lethal for the animal. Therefore, smaller mammals use other techniques to cool
    down their body. On the other hand, sweating is an important thermoregulatory
    mechanism for primates including humans. An adult human can loss as much as
    10–12 litres of water per day through sweating.

    (b) Panting: It is rapid, shallow respiration that cools an animal by increased
    evaporation from the respiratory surfaces. It is a common thermoregulatory
    technique used by small animals like dogs and rodents to loss heat.

    (c) Saliva spreading: It is a means of thermoregulation used by marsupials.
    Under extreme heat, saliva will drip from animal’s mouth and is then wiped on its
    fore and hind legs. This technique induces the cooling effect of evaporation by
    wetting the fur. However, since the animal cannot spread saliva while moving,
    they need to adapt other evaporative techniques during such situation.

    2. Counter current mechanism: As mentioned above, in addition to its role in
    the transport of oxygen and food, circulatory system of our body is responsible for
    distribution of heat throughout the body. This is true in case of both endotherms
    and ectotherms. In endotherms, most of the body heat is generated in brain,
    liver, heart and skeletal muscles. This heat is transported to other parts of the
    body through blood. On the other hand, in ectotherms, the circulatory system
    help in transporting heat from skin to others body parts. The counter current
    heat exchanger is generally located in body extremities like limbs, neck, gills,
    which are directly in contact to the external environment.

    In cold region, when the warm blood flows through the arteries, the blood gives
    up some of its heat to the colder blood returning from the extremities in the
    veins running parallel to the arteries. Such veins are located in the deeper side
    of the body and carry the warm blood to the heart and most of the body heat is
    retained. Such mechanism can operate with remarkable efficiency. For instance,
    a seagull can maintain a normal temperature in its torso while standing with its
    unprotected feet in freezing water (Figure 3.8).

    When the external temperature is higher than the body temperature and heat
    loss is not a problem, most of the venous blood from the extremities returns
    through veins located near the surface. If the core body temperature becomes
    too high, the blood supply to the surface and extremities of the body is increased
    enabling heat to be released to the surroundings.

    3. Hyperthermia: Hyperthermia is a condition of having the body temperature
    greatly above the normal. Although all the endotherms can maintain a constant
    body temperature, some are able to raise their body temperature as a way
    to decrease the amount of water and energy used for thermoregulation. For
    example, camels and gazelles can increase their body temperature by 5–7°C
    during the day when the animal is dehydrated. Hyperthermia helps in saving
    water by letting their body temperature increase instead of using evaporative
    cooling to keep it at a constant temperature.

    4. Water retention: Human body obtains about 60 per cent of the water they
    need from ingested liquid, 30 per cent from ingested food, and 10 per cent from
    metabolism. While rodent adapted to arid conditions obtains approximately 90
    per cent from metabolism and 10 per cent from ingested food. The predaceous
    marsupial Mulgara species can go its whole life without ingesting water but by
    obtaining water from the food they eat and from metabolism. The fawn hopping
    mouse eats seed, small insects, and green leaves for moisture, and Kowaris eat
    insects and small mammals to obtain water. These animals have specialized
    kidneys with extra microscopic tubules to extract most of the water from their
    urine and return it to the blood stream. And much of the moisture that would be
    exhaled in breathing is recaptured in the nasal cavities by specialized organs.

    Many desert dwelling insects tap plant fluids such as nectar or sap from stems,
    while others extract water from the plant parts they eat, such as leaves and
    fruit. The abundance of insects permits insectivorous birds, bats and lizards
    to thrive in the desert. Elf owls survive on katydids and scorpions. Pronghorns
    can survive on the water in cholla fruits. Kit foxes can satisfy their water needs
    with the water in their diet of kangaroo rats, mice, and rabbits, along with small
    amounts of vegetable material.

    5. Excretion: As mentioned above, desert dwelling mammals and birds have
    specialized kidneys with long loops of Henle compared to animals that live in
    aquatic environments and less arid regions. A longer tubules help in reabsorbing
    most of the water from their urine and return it to blood stream. As a result, the
    urine becomes highly concentrated. In these animals, most of the water in the
    faeces gets reabsorbed in the alimentary canals and colon. Camels produce
    dryer faeces than other ruminants. For example, sheep produce faeces with 45
    per cent water after 5 days of water deprivation, while camels produce faeces
    with 38 per cent water even after 10 days of water deprivation. The ability to
    excrete concentrate urine and dry faeces is an important adaptation to arid
    conditions. Desert rodents can have urine five times as concentrated as that of

    Behavioural adaptations
    Behavioural adaptations are used to reduce the amount of heat gained or lost by
    animals, and, thereby, reducing the amount of energy and water to maintain the
    body temperature. Ectoderms or cold blooded animals rely on their behaviour to
    maintain a favourable body temperature.

    1. Nocturnality: It is the simplest form of behavioural adaptation characterized
    by activity during the night and sleeping during the day. As such, nocturnal
    animals avoid direct exposure to heat of the day, thereby preventing loss of
    water needed for evaporative cooling. The night temperatures are generally
    15–20°C colder than the daytime, so require much less energy and water to
    regulate body temperature. Most of the desert animals like quoll, bilby, and the
    spinifex hopping mouse, are nocturnal. Other large animals like lions prefer to
    hunt at night are to conserve water.

    Crepuscular animals are those animals that are mainly active during twilight
    (i.e., the period before dawn and that after dusk). Examples include hamsters,
    rabbits, jaguars, ocelots, red pandas, bears, deer, moose, spotted hyenas etc.
    Many moths, beetles, flies, and other insects are also crepuscular in habit.
    These crepuscular animals take advantage of the slightly cooler mornings and
    evenings to escape the daytime heat, and to evaporate less water.

    2. Microhabitat: Among the diurnal animals (animals which are mainly active
    during the day and rest during night), the use of microhabitat like burrows, shade
    is another type of behavioural adaptation to avoid the daytime heat. Fossorial
    animals (digging animals), such as mulgaras, spent much of their time below
    ground eating stored food. Lizards and snakes seek a sunny spot in the morning
    to warm up their body temperatures more quickly and remain in shade when the
    temperature rises.

    3. Migration: It is the physical movement of animals over a long distance
    from one area to another. It is found in all major animal groups, including birds,

    mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and crustaceans. Many factors
    like climate, food, the season of the year or mating could lead to migration. It
    helps the animals in avoiding the extreme environmental conditions by moving
    to more favourable places. For example, many migratory birds like arctic tern
    (Sterna paradisaea) migrate north-south, with species feeding and breeding in
    high northern latitudes in the summer, and moving some hundreds of miles
    south during the winter to escape the extreme cold of north. Monarch butterflies
    spend the summer in Canada and the Northern America and migrate as far
    south as Mexico for the winter.

    4. Hibernation and Aestivation: Warm blooded animals which do not
    migrate generally survive the extreme cold condition of winter by sleeping.
    Hibernation is the state of dormancy during the cold conditions, i.e., winter.
    During hibernation, body temperature drops, breathing and heart rate slows,
    and most of the body’s metabolic functions are put on hold in a state of quasi-
    suspended animation. This allows them to conserve energy, and survive the
    winter with little or no food.

    Many insects spend the winter in different stages of their lives in a dormant
    state. Such phenomenon is known as diapause. During diapauses, insect’s
    heartbeat, breathing and temperature drop. Some insects spend the winter as
    worm-like larvae, while others spend as pupae. Some adult insects die after
    laying their eggs in the fall and eggs hatch into new insects in the spring when
    the food supply and temperature become favorable.

    Aestivation or summer dormancy on the other hand, is a state of animal dormancy,
    characterized by inactivity and a lowered metabolic rate, in response to high
    temperatures and arid conditions. It allows an animal to survive the scarcity of
    water or food as aestivating animal can live longer off its energy reserves due
    to the lowered metabolism, and reduced water loss though lowered breathing
    rates. Lung fishes, toad, salamander, desert tortoise, swamp turtles are some of
    the other non-mammalian animals which undergo aestivation.

    5. Social behavior: Among all the adaptations, living together is one of the
    most important adaptations of the animal kingdom. Animals can derive a lot of
    benefit from spending time with other members of the same species like finding
    food, defense against predators and care for their young. For example, emperor
    penguins can survive the harsh Antarctica winter huddling together in groups
    that may comprise several thousand penguins. Huddling greatly reduces the
    surface area of the group compared to individuals and a great deal of warmth
    and body fat is conserved. Many social mammals, including many rodents, pigs
    and primates survive extreme cold by huddling together in groups.

    6. Locomotion: Different types of locomotion require varying amount of energy.
    Many mammals like kangaroo, hares hop, which is an energy efficient type of

    locomotion. When animals go from walking to running, there is an increasing
    energy cost; however, once kangaroos start moving, there is no additional
    energy cost. This is because when a kangaroo lands, energy is stored in the
    tendons of its hind legs which is used to power the next hop.

    Application activity 3.3

    1) The figure below shows different animals living in different climates

    a) Which animal(s) on the photo appears to be adapted to live in cold
    climates? Why?
    b) Which animal(s) on the photo appears to be adapted to live in hot
    climates? Why?
    c) What are the adaptations of the animal A that help it to survive in its
    d) What is the functions of the humps on the animal B?
    e) Some animals such as the animal A hibernate during the winter. Explain
    the importance of hibernation to these animals.

    3.4 Response to cold and hot conditions by endothermic
          and ectothermic animals

    Activity 3.4

    1) The figure below shows different animals living in different climates

    a) The animals A and B are reptiles under different environmental
    conditions. Compare their behaviors in regards to how they regulate
    their temperature.
    b) The animals’ C and D are mammals under different environmental
    conditions. Compare their behaviors in regards to how they regulate
    their temperature.
    c) What are the adaptations of the animal D that help it to survive in its
    d) How is the animal A different to animal D according to how they regulate
    their body temperature.

    3.4.1 Endotherms’ response to temperature changes

    Endothermic organism can maintain relatively high body temperatures within a
    narrow range. Since most of the body heat is produced as a result of various
    metabolic activities, thermoregulation in endotherms depends on food and
    water availability. For example, bear undergoes hibernation during the winter
    because there is no sufficient food during the cold season. On the other hand,
    in arid environment like deserts, many deserts animals are nocturnal to avoid the
    extreme daytime heat to avoid loss of water through evaporation.

    Response to hot temperature
    When the body temperature increases in response to the external temperature,
    the body’s temperature control system uses three important mechanisms to
    reduce the body heat. These are:

    1. Vasodilation of blood vessels in the skin: The blood vessels in skin become
    intensely dilated due to the inhibition of the sympathetic centres in the posterior
    hypothalamus that cause vasoconstriction. Vasodilation increases the rate blood
    flow to the skin and as a result, the amount of heat transfer from the core of the
    body increases tremendously.

    2. Sweating: As discussed in the previous section, sweating is an important
    adaptation to lose body heat through evaporative cooling. An increase in 1°C in
    body temperature causes enough sweating to remove ten times the basal rate
    of body heat production.

    3. Decrease in heat production: As mentioned above, metabolic activities of
    the body are the main source of body heat. The mechanisms that cause excess
    heat production, such as shivering and chemical thermogenesis, are strongly
    inhibited when exposed to hot temperature.

    Response to cold temperature
    In response to cold temperature, the temperatures control system performs
    exactly opposite mechanism to that performs in hot temperature. These are:

    1. Vasoconstriction of blood vessels in the skin: The blood vessels in the skin
    constrict under the influence of posterior hypothalamic sympathetic centres
    which reduce the blood flow to the skin.

    2. Piloerection: Piloerection means hairs “standing on end”. Sympathetic
    stimulation causes the arrector pili muscles attached to the hair follicles to
    contract, which brings the hairs to an upright stance. The upright projection of
    the hairs allows them to entrap a thick layer of air next to the skin which acts as
    insulator, so that transfer of heat to the surroundings is greatly depressed.

    3. Increase in heat production (thermogenesis): Endothermic metabolic
    rates are several times higher than those of ectotherms. The metabolic heat
    production of endotherms is regulated in response to fluctuations in the
    environment temperature. This phenomenon is known as adaptive thermogenesis
    or facultative thermogenesis. It can be defined as “Heat production by metabolic
    processes in response to environmental temperature with the purpose of
    protecting the organism from cold exposure and buffering body temperature
    from environmental temperature fluctuations”. Under cold temperature stress,
    heat production by the metabolic activities increased tremendously by promoting
    shivering, sympathetic excitation of heat production, and thyroxine secretion.

    These mechanisms will be discussed later. Extreme shivering can increase the
    temperature four to five times the normal production.

    3.4.2 Ectotherms’ response to temperature changes
    Ectotherms cannot maintain stable body temperature and their body temperature
    relies on the external temperature. They depend more on energy assimilation
    rather than utilizing it for temperature regulation. Therefore, ectotherms regulate
    their body temperature behaviourally and by cardiovascular modulation of
    heating and cooling rates. At the same time, metabolism and other essential
    rate functions are regulated so that reaction rates remain relatively constant
    even when body temperatures vary. This process is known as acclimatization or
    temperature compensation. For example, many fish adjust metabolic capacities
    to compensate for seasonal variation in water temperature with the result that
    metabolic performance remains relatively stable throughout the year. Reptiles
    often regulate their body temperature to different levels in different seasons
    to minimize the behavioural cost of thermoregulation. At the same time, tissue
    metabolic capacities are adjusted to counteract thermodynamically-induced
    changes in rate functions.

    Response to hot temperature
    When the external temperature increases, ectotherms protect their bodies from
    overheating using various mechanisms. These are:

    1. Use of microhabitat: Under extreme heat conditions, many ectotherms like
    lizards and snakes prefer to stay in shade, either beneath the rocks, crevices or
    underground burrows.

    Amphibians and fishes enter cold water when their body temperature increases.

    2. Acclimatization: If a salamander living at 10°C is exposed to 20°C, its
    metabolic rate increases rapidly. But if the exposure to the higher temperature
    lasts for several days, the animal experiences a compensating decrease in the
    metabolic rate. This decrease in the metabolic rate is due to acclimatization.
    The higher metabolic rate is due to the increase in the enzymes activity with
    temperature. However, with prolonged exposure to the condition, the metabolic
    rates decrease to prevent excessive energy loss. Ectotherms also exhibit
    acclimatization of temperature tolerance range with animal acclimated to high
    temperature are able to tolerate higher temperature than those exposed only to
    low temperature. Similarly, cold acclimated animals have better tolerance to low
    temperature than high temperature acclimated animal.

    Response to cold temperature
    Ectotherms response to cold temperature is exactly opposite to the response
    shown when exposed to hot temperature. That is:

    1. Basking to sun: When the body temperature of the ectotherms becomes
    colder than the normal, the animals either bask to sunlight to warm up the body
    or move to a warmer place. Under extreme cold conditions, all the metabolic
    activities may cease and the animals enter the state of torpor (reduced metabolic

    2. Cold Acclimatization: Decrease in the temperature result in reduced
    metabolic rate. Therefore, as a compensatory measure to meet the require body
    metabolism, the cold acclimatization of ectotherms is characterized by increase
    in concentration of various metabolic enzymes. There is also significant increase
    in the mitochondria and capillaries concentration in the skeletal muscle. This
    increase the ATP production through aerobic respiration in these tissues.
    Therefore, in those animals which have prolonged exposure to cold temperature,
    there may be increase in the locomotion, though the basal rates of metabolism
    remain below the warm acclimatized animals.

    Application activity 3.4

    1. a) Describe the importance of hibernation to animals.
    b) The camel is one of the animals adapted to live in deserts. Explain
    three of its adaptations that help it to survive in arid conditions.
    c) State three adaptations of animals to living in cold climates.

    3.5 Role of the brain

    Activity 3.5

    Find information about the role of hypothalamus and different thermoreceptors
    in temperature regulation. Make short notes and present them in front of the

    So far we have discussed that on the basis of types of thermoregulation, all the
    living organisms can be classified into two groups – ectotherms and endotherms.
    Endotherms can regulate their body temperature within a narrow range through
    various physiological mechanisms while ectotherms being depended on external
    temperature mostly rely on their behaviour to maintain body temperature. But
    how do these animals sense and counter the changing temperature of their
    body will be discussed in the section.

    A thermoreceptor is a sensory receptor which is basically the receptive
    portion of a sensory neuron that converts the absolute and relative changes
    in temperature, primarily within the innocuous range to nerves impulses.
    Thermoreception is the sense by which an organism perceives the
    temperature of the external and internal environment from the information supply
    by thermoreceptors. In vertebrates, most of the thermoreceptors are found in
    skins which are actually free nerve endings. Deep body thermoreceptors are
    also found mainly in the spinal cord, in the abdominal viscera, and in or around
    the great veins in the upper abdomen and thorax region.

    Mammals have at least two types of thermoreceptors: the warm receptors,
    those that detect heat or temperatures above normal body temperature and cold
    , those that detect cold or temperatures below body temperature. The
    warm receptors are generally unmyelinated nerves fibres, while cold receptors
    have thinly myelinated axons and hence faster conduction velocity. Increasing
    body temperature results in an increase in the action potential discharge rate
    of warm receptors while cooling results in decrease. On the other hand, cold
    receptors’ firing rate increases during cooling and decreases during warming.
    Another types of receptor called nociceptors, detect pain due to extreme cold
    or heat which is beyond certain threshold limits.

    A specialized form of thermoception known as distance thermoreception is found
    in some snakes like pit viper and boa, use a specialized type of thermoreceptor
    which can sense the infrared radiation emitted by hot objects. The snake’s
    face has a pair of holes, or pits, lined with temperature sensors. These sensors
    indirectly detect infrared radiation by its heating effect on the skin inside the pit
    which helps them to locate their warm blooded prey. The common vampire bat
    may also have specialized infrared sensors on its nose.


    The hypothalamus is a very small, but extremely important part of the brain
    that acts as the link between the endocrine and nervous systems of the
    . The hypothalamus plays a significant role in the endocrine system and is
    responsible for maintaining the body’s homeostasis by stimulating or inhibiting
    many key processes, including body temperature, fluid and electrolyte
    balance, appetite and body weight, glandular secretions
    of the stomach
    and intestines, production of substances that influence the pituitary gland to
    release hormones and sleep cycles.

    Role of Hypothalamus in thermoregulation
    Thermoregulation is carried out almost entirely by nervous feedback mechanisms,
    and almost all these operate through temperature-regulating centres located in

    the hypothalamus (Figure 3.7). The hypothalamus contains large numbers of
    heat-sensitive as well as cold sensitive neurons which acts as thermoreceptor,
    sensing the temperature of the brain. The posterior hypothalamus region
    contains the thermoregulatory centre which integrate the signals from of all
    the thermoreceptors found in skin, deep organs and skeletal muscles, as well
    as from the anterior hypothalamus and control the heat-producing and heat-
    conserving reactions of the body.

    Cooling Mechanism
    When the body temperature increases beyond the set-point, the anterior
    hypothalamus is heated. The posterior hypothalamus senses the heat and
    inhibits the adrenergic activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which control
    vasoconstriction and metabolic rate. This causes cutaneous vasodilation and
    increase heat loss through skin. It also reduces the body metabolic rate resulting
    in decreasing heat production through metabolic reactions. Under intense
    heating, the cholinergic sympathetic fibres innervating the sweat glands release
    acetylcholine, stimulating the secretion of sweat. Many behavioural responses
    to heat, such as lethargy, resting in shade, lying down with limbs spread out,
    etc., decreases heat production and increases heat loss.

    Heating Mechanism
    When the body temperature falls below the set-point, the body regulating
    mechanism tries to reduce heat loss and increase heat production. The
    immediate response to cold is vasoconstriction throughout the skin. The
    result is vasoconstriction of the skin blood vessels, reducing the blood flow
    and subsequent heat loss through skin. Sympathetic stimulation also causes
    piloerection and reduces the heat loss from the body by trapping heat within
    the body hair.

    The primary motor centre for shivering is excited by the cold signals from skin
    and spinal cord which cause shivering of the skeletal muscles. Intense shivering
    can increase the body heat production four to five times normal. Cooling
    the anterior hypothalamic due to decrease in body temperature stimulates
    hypothalamus to increases the production of the neurosecretory hormone
    thyrotropin-releasing hormone. This hormone in turn stimulates the anterior
    pituitary gland, to secrete thyroid-stimulating hormone. Thyroid-stimulating
    hormone then stimulates thyroid glands to increased output of thyroxine. The
    increased thyroxine level in the blood increases the rate of cellular metabolism
    throughout the body and hence increases heat production.

    Application activity 3.5

    1) The diagram shows the way in which temperature is regulated in body
         of a mammal.

    a) Which part of the brain is represented by box X?
    b) i) How does the heat loss center control the effectors which lower the
          body temperature?
    ii) Explain how blood vessels can act as effectors and lower the body

    3.6 Temperature controls in plants

    Activity 3.6

    Observe carefully the photos below and answer to the questions that follow:

    a) In which habitat do these plants live?
    b) What are the adaptations of plant A that help it to survive in its
    c) Make a comparison between plant A and plant B.

    Like all the other living organisms, plants depend on enzymes catalyzed chemical
    reactions for their growth and development. For example, plants synthesize their
    own food from water and carbon dioxide using sunlight through photosynthesis.
    The process of photosynthesis involves a series of complex enzyme system
    and other proteins. Therefore, along with carbon dioxide, water, light, nutrients
    and humidity, temperature is also one of the limiting factors for growth and
    development of plants.

    Unlike animals, plants remain fixed in a particular site and absorb heat from the
    sunlight. The excess heat from the body is released to the surrounding through
    radiation and evaporation. The process of evaporation of water from the leaves
    and stem of plants to the surrounding environment is known as transpiration. It
    occurs through stomata, small opening located on the underside of the leaves.
    The stomata are specialized cells in the leaves which can open or close, limiting
    the amount of water vapour that can evaporate. Higher temperature causes the
    opening of stomata whereas colder temperature causes the opening to close.
    The opening of the stomata and hence the transpiration rate of plants depends
    on environmental conditions such as light, temperature, the level of atmospheric
    CO2 and relative humidity. Higher relative humidity leads to more opening,
    while higher CO2 levels lead to closing of stomata. Under high environmental
    temperature, the plant body gets heat up. In order to cool down, the plant
    increases its transpiration rate. The evaporative loss of water from the plant’s
    body lowers the temperature.

    Besides transpiration, many plants have different adaptations that help them
    survive in extreme temperature conditions ranging from hot and arid deserts
    to cold and snow covered mountains. These adaptations make it difficult for
    the plant to survive in a different place other than the one they are adapted to.
    This explains why certain plants are found in one area, but not in another. For
    example, cactus plants, adapted to desert conditions can’t survive in the Arctic.

    These adaptations will be discussed later in this unit.

    3.6.1 Effect of temperature changes on plants
    The most obvious effect of temperature on plants is changes in the rate of
    photosynthesis and respiration. Both processes increase with rise in the
    temperature up to a certain limit. However, increase in temperature beyond the
    limits, the rate of respiration exceeds the rate of photosynthesis and the plants
    productivity decreases.

    Another important effect of temperature is during the process of germination
    of seeds. Like most other processes it also depends on various factors
    including air, water, light, and, of course, temperature. In many plant species,
    germination is triggered by either a high or low temperature period that destroys
    germination inhibitors. This allows the plant to measure the end of winter season
    for spring germination or end of summer for fall germination. For example, winter
    adapted plant seeds remain dormant until they experience cooler temperatures.
    Temperature of 4°C is cool enough to end dormancy for most cool dormant
    seeds, but some groups, especially within the family Ranunculaceae and others,
    need conditions cooler than –5°C. On the other hand, some plants like Fire
    poppy (Papaver californicum) seeds will only germinate after hot temperatures
    during a forest fire which cracks their seed coats. The fire does not cause direct
    germination, rather weakens the seed coat to allow hydration of the embryo.

    Pollination is another phenological stage of plants sensitive to temperature
    extremes across all species. Since pollination is carried out by pollinators like
    honey bees, butterflies etc., any factors including temperature that affect these
    pollinators will certainly affect the process.

    Heat adapted plants
    In extremely hot and dry desert region with annual rainfall averages less than
    10 inches per year, and there is a lot of direct sunlight shining on the plants,
    the main strategy for the survival of the plants is to avoid extensive water loss
    through transpiration. Therefore, in such region many plants called succulents,
    like cactus can store water in their stems or leaves. Some plants are leafless
    or have small seasonal leaves that only grow after rains. These leafless plants
    conduct photosynthesis in their green stems. Leaves are often modified into
    spines to discourage animals from eating plants for water. Also waxy coating

    on stems and leaves help reduce water loss. Other plants have very long root
    systems that spread out wide or go deep into the ground to absorb water.

    On the other hand, in hot and humid tropical rainforest, the abundance of water
    can cause problems such as promoting the growth of bacteria and fungi which
    could be harmful to plants. Heavy rainfall also increases the risk of flooding, soil
    erosion, and rapid leaching of nutrients from the soil. Plants grow rapidly and
    quickly use up any organic material left from decomposing plants and animals.
    The tropical rainforest is very thick, and not much sunlight is able to penetrate
    to the forest floor. However, the plants at the top of the rainforest in the canopy
    must be able to survive the intense sunlight. Therefore, the plants in the tropical
    rainforest usually have large leaves with drip tips and waxy surfaces allow water
    to run off easily. Some plants grow on other plants to reach the sunlight.

    Similarly, in aquatic plants adapted for life in water, the leaves are very large,
    fleshy and waxy coated. Increase surface area allows plants to lose excess
    water while the shiny wax coating discourages the growth of microbes. The
    roots and stems are highly reduced since water, nutrients, and dissolved gases
    are absorbed from the water directly through the leaves.

    Cold adapted plants
    In extremely cold region like tundra which is characterized by a permanently
    frozen sub-layer of soil called permafrost, the drainage is poor and evaporation
    slow. With the region receiving very little precipitation, about 4 to 10 inches
    per year usually in the form of snow or ice, plant life is dominated by small,
    low growing mosses, grasses, and sedges. Plants are darker in colour, some
    even red which helps them absorb solar heat. Some plants are covered with
    hair which helps keep them warm while others grow in clumps to protect one
    another from the wind and cold.

    In a slightly warmer temperate forest, with temperature varies from hot in the
    summer to below freezing point in the winter, many trees are deciduous that is
    they drop their leaves in the autumn to avoid cold winter, and grow new ones in
    spring. These trees have thin, broad, light-weight leaves that can capture a lot
    of sunlight to make a lot of food during the warm weather and when the weather
    gets cooler, the broad leaves cause too much water loss and can be weighed
    down by too much snow, so the tree drops its leaves. They usually have thick
    bark to protect against cold winters.

    Application activity 3.6

    1) The diagram below shows a transverse section of a leaf Ammophila
    arenaria, which is a xerophyte. The photomicrograph shows the details
    of the area indicated by the box in the diagram.

    a) Name the parts labelled A and B.
    b) Describe two xeromorphic features shown in this leaf and, in each case,
    indicate how the feature helps to reduce transpiration.

    Skills Lab 3

    1) Wash your hands with soap and water and dry them properly.
    2) Prepare the blood glucose meter with the test strip according to the
    manufacturer’s instructions.
    3) Use the lancet device to prick the side of your fingertip with a lancet.
    4) Place a drop of blood onto the correct part of the test strip.
    5) The strip will draw up the blood into the meter and show a digital
    reading of the blood glucose level within seconds.
    6) Note the reading.
    7) Use a clean cotton ball to apply pressure to the fingertip for a few
    moments until the bleeding stops.
    8) Similarly, measure the blood glucose level of your friends.
    9) Compare your blood glucose level with that of your friends.

    In general, a fasting blood glucose reading (taken before a meal) should be
    between 72 mg/dL to 126 mg/dL. And a blood glucose reading 2 hours after
    a meal should be between 90 mg/dL to 180 mg/dL.

    1) Make sure the lancelet is properly sterilized.
    2) Insert the test strip properly.

    End unit assessment 3

    I. Multiple Choice Questions
    1) Which of the following monosaccharides is not a product of
    carbohydrate metabolism in our body?
    (a) Glucose (b) Fructose (c) Ribose (d) Galactose

    2) Which of the following is not a part of portal triad?
    (a) Central vein (b) Hepatic artery
    (c) Hepatic portal vein (d) Bile duct.

    3) Somatostatin is secreted by
    (a) Alpha cells (b) Beta cells
    (c) Delta cells (d) F cells

    The process of formation of glucose from non-carbohydrates source in the
    body is known as
    (a) Glycogenesis (b) Gluconeogenesis
    (c) Glycolysis (d) Glycogenolysis

    5) Which of the following hormone is responsible for decreasing blood
    glucose level?
    (a) Glucagon (b) Insulin (c) Somatostastin (d) Adrenaline

    6) The enzyme used in the dipstick for testing concentration of glucose is
    (a) Glucose oxidase (b) Glycogen phosphorylase
    (c) Glucose phosphatase (d) Glucosidase

    II. State whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)
    1) Excess glucose in the body is stored in the form of glycogen.
    2) Trypsin is an enzyme used for carbohydrate digestion.
    3) Bile salt is secreted by exocrine liver.
    4) Glucagon is secreted by pancreas in response to high blood glucose
    5) Insulin administration is recommended for person with type II diabetes

    6) Type I diabetes mellitus is cause due to insufficient secretion of insulin
    by beta cells.
    7) Ketone bodies are formed when our body have excessive fat metabolism.
    8) Hyperinsulinaemia is associated with type II diabetes mellitus.
    9) All the living organisms have a particular range of temperature within
    which they can best survive and reproduce.
    10) Nocturnality is the simplest form of behavioral adaptation characterized
    by activity during the day and sleeping during the night.
    11) Crepuscular animals take advantage of the slightly cooler mornings
    and evenings to escape the daytime heat, and to evaporate less water.
    12) Body temperature of Ectotherms rely on the external temperature.
    13) Thermoregulation in endotherms depends on food and water availability.
    14) Glycogenolysis is the breakdown of glucose to form pyruvate.

    III Long Answer Type Questions
    1) List few adaptive features shown by plants inhabiting extreme cold and
    hot environments.
    2) Explain the role of the brain and thermoreceptors in temperature
    3) In your own words, explain the importance of maintaining fairly constant
    temperatures for efficient metabolism.
    4) Describe the functions of liver and pancreas in regulating blood
    glucose level.
    5) Discuss in brief the importance of urine analysis in diagnosis diabetes
    6) The control of blood glucose concentration involves a negative
    feedback mechanism.
    a) What are the stimuli, receptors and effectors in this control mechanism?
    b) Explain how negative feedback is involved in this homeostatic

    7) An investigation was carried out to determine the response of
    pancreatic cells to an increase in the glucose concentration of the
    blood. A person who had been told not to eat or drink anything other
    than water for 12 hours then took a drink of a glucose solution. Blood
    samples were taken from the person at one hour intervals for five hours,
    and the concentration of glucose, insulin and glucagon in the blood
    and the concentration of glucose, insulin and glucagon in the blood
    were determined. The results are shown in the graph below:

    a) Explain why the person was told not to eat or drink anything other than
    water for 12 hours before having the glucose drink.
    b) Use the information in the figure to describe the response of the
    pancreatic cells to an increase in the glucose concentration.
    c) Outline the role of insulin when the glucose concentration in the blood
    d) Suggest how the results will change if the investigation continued longer
    than five hours without the person taking any food.
    e) Outline the sequence of events that follows the binding of glucagon to
    its membrane receptor on a liver cell.


    Key unit competence
    Explain the principles of gene technology and evaluate how gene technology
    is applied in areas of medicine, forensic science and agriculture

    Introductory activity 4

    You hear about them all the time. They are often depicted in cartoons, comic
    books, movies, and science fiction as mad scientists. These are the scientists
    who take a gene from one organism and place it into an unrelated organism.
    These are the scientists who make hormones that farmers inject into the cows
    that produce the milk we drink.

    These are the scientists who modify the crops we eat, creating what some
    people call “Franken foods” or genetically modified organisms. The figure
    below shows a GMO tomato and a GMO rice also called golden rice.

    You may have wondered if it might soon be possible to replace a beloved
    family member or pet, or bring back extinct species through cloning, or even
    clone yourself. You might worry about a future where parents unwilling to fix
    their children’s “genetic defects” face discrimination.

    Use the image above and your own knowledge to answer the questions
    that follow:
    a) Who are these scientists who make such manipulations?
    b) What do they do?
    c) What are the basic tools that these scientists use?
    d) What are the possible products that they do?
    e) Is anyone trying to determine if it is unhealthy to eat these modified
         foods, whether genetically modified plants will cause environmental
         problems, or if genetically modified animals are less healthy than their

    4.1 Recombinant DNA technology

    Activity 4.1

    arpenters require tools such as hammers, screwdrivers, and saws; surgeons
    require scalpels, forceps, and stitching needles; and mechanics require hoists,
    wrenches, and pumps. These individuals use their implements to modify,
    deconstruct, or build a system that they are working with. Just like any other
    technicians, molecular biologists use tools to complete a project. The tools
    in their laboratories may aid them in investigating genetic disorders, altering
    the genetic makeup of organisms so that they produce useful products such
    as insulin, or analysing DNA evidence in a criminal investigation. Find out the
    possible tools used in recombinant DNA technology and their functions.

    Genetic engineering, also known as recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology,
    means altering the genes in a living organism to produce a Genetically Modified
    Organism (GMO) with a new genotype. Various kinds of genetic modification
    are possible: inserting a foreign gene from one species into another, forming a
    transgenic organism; altering an existing gene so that its product is changed; or
    changing gene expression so that it is translated more often or not at all.

    4.1.1 Techniques of genetic engineering
    Genetic engineering is a very young discipline, and is only possible due to
    the development of techniques from the 1960s onwards. These techniques
    have been made possible from our greater understanding of DNA and how it
    functions following the discovery of its structure by Watson and Crick in 1953.
    Although the final goal of genetic engineering is usually the expression of a gene

    in a host, in fact most of the techniques and time in genetic engineering are
    spent isolating a gene and then cloning it.

    An overview of gene transfer
    There are many different ways in which a GMO may be produced, but these
    steps are essential.
    • The gene that is required is identified. It may be cut from a chromosome,
    made from mRNA by reverse transcription or synthesized from nucleotides.
    • Multiple copies of the gene are made using the technique known as the
    polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
    • The gene is inserted into a vector which delivers the gene to the cells of
    the organism. Examples of vectors are plasmids, viruses and liposomes.
    • The vector takes the gene into the cells.
    • The cells that have the new gene are identified and cloned.

    To perform these steps, the genetic engineer needs a ‘tool kit’ consisting of:
    Enzymes, such as restriction endonucleases, DNA ligase and
    reverse transcriptase
    Vectors, including plasmids and viruses
    Host cell, a living system (microbial, plant, animal) in which the vector can
    be propagated.
    Genes coding for easily identifiable substances that can be used as

    4.1.2 Plasmids

    A plasmid is a genetic structure, in some cells, that can replicate independently
    of the chromosomes; it is typically a small circular DNA strand in the cytoplasm
    of a bacterium or protozoan. Plasmids are much used in the laboratory during
    manipulation of genes as vectors.

    The properties of plasmids are:
    – It is big enough to hold the desired gene.
    – It is circular (or more accurately a closed loop), so that it is less likely
        to be broken down.
    – It contains control sequences, such as a transcription promoter, so that
       the gene will be replicated or expressed.
    – It contains marker genes, so that cells containing the vector can be

    Plasmids are not the only type of vector that can be used. Viruses can also
    be used as vectors. Another group of vectors are liposomes, which are tiny
    spheres of lipid containing the DNA.

    The production of genetically modified organisms (GMO), also called transgenic
    organisms, is a multistage process which can be generally summarized as
    – Identification of the gene of interest.
    – Isolation of the gene of interest.
    – Cutting of gene of interest and opening of plasmid with restriction
        enzymes in order to have sticky ends.
    – Associating the gene with an appropriate promoter and poly -A
       sequence and insertion into plasmids.
    – Multiplying the plasmid in bacteria and recovering the cloned construct
       for injection.
    – Transference of the construct into the recipient tissue, usually fertilized
    – Integration of gene into recipient genome.
    – Expression of gene in recipient genome.
    – Inheritance of gene through further generations.

    Application activity 4.1

    1) Explain briefly the terms below:
    a) Recombinant DNA
    b) Transgenic organism
    c) Enzyme
    2) State the main tools of a genetic engineer and their functions.

    4.2 Roles of enzymes in genetic engineering

    Activity 4.2

    Enzymes are biological molecules which speed up the rates of chemical
    reactions in our body. There are different enzymes with different functions
    used in genetic engineering. Find the information about these enzymes and
    their possible functions.

    The enzymes involved in gene manipulation include; restriction endonucleases
    (restriction enzymes), methylases, ligase and reverse transcriptase.

    4.2.1 Restriction enzymes
    These are enzymes that cut DNA at specific sites. They are properly called
    restriction endonucleases because they cut the bonds in the middle of the
    polynucleotide chain. Each type of restriction enzyme recognizes a characteristic
    sequence of nucleotides that is known as its recognition site. A recognition
    site is a specific sequence within double-stranded DNA, usually palindromic
    and consisting of four to eight nucleotides, that a restriction endonuclease
    recognizes and cleaves. Molecular biologists can use these enzymes to cut
    DNA in a predictable and precise manner.

    Most restriction enzymes make a staggered cut in the two strands, forming
    sticky ends.

    The cut ends are “sticky” because they have short stretches of single-stranded
    DNA. These sticky ends will stick (or anneal) to another piece of DNA by
    complementary base pairing, but only if they have both been cut with the same
    restriction enzyme. Restriction enzymes are highly specific, and will only cut
    DNA at specific base sequences, 4-8 base pairs long.

    Restriction enzymes are produced naturally by bacteria as a defense against
    viruses (they “restrict” viral growth), but they are enormously useful in genetic
    engineering for cutting DNA at precise places (“molecular scissors”).
    Short lengths of DNA cut out by restriction enzymes are called restriction
    . There are thousands of different restriction enzymes known, with
    over a hundred different recognition sequences. Restriction enzymes are named
    after the bacteria species they came from, so Eco R1 is from E. coli strain R.

    Table 4.1: List of some restriction enzymes and their respective recognition sites

    The ends of DNA fragments produced from a cut by different restriction
    endonucleases differ, depending on where the phosphodiester bonds are
    broken in the recognition site. In the example in Table 4.1, EcoRI produces
    sticky ends; that is, both fragments have DNA nucleotides that are now
    lacking their respective complementary bases. These overhangs are produced
    because EcoRI cleaves between the guanine and the adenine nucleotide on
    each strand. Since A and G are at opposite ends of the recognition site on each
    of the complementary strands, the result is the overhang. Another restriction
    endonuclease, SmaI, produces blunt ends, which means that the ends of the
    DNA molecule fragments are fully base paired (Table 4.1).

    Sticky ends are fragment end of a DNA molecule with short single stranded
    overhangs, resulting from cleavage by a restriction enzyme. Blunt ends are
    fragment ends of a DNA molecule that are fully base paired, resulting from
    cleavage by a restriction enzyme.

    Restriction enzymes are named according to the bacteria from which they

    For example, the restriction enzyme BamHI is named as follows:
    B represents the genus Bacillus
    am represents the species amyloliquefaciens
    H represents the strain
    I mean that it was the first endonuclease isolated from this strain
    – Following the same pattern, the rationale for the name of the restriction
        enzyme Hind II is the following:
    H represents the genus Haemophilus
    in represents the species influenzae
    d represents the strain Rd
    II means that it was the second endonuclease isolated from this strain.

    Generally speaking, the first letter is the initial of the genus name of the organism
    from which the enzyme is isolated. The second and third letters are usually the
    initial letters of the species name. The fourth letter indicates the strain, while
    the numerals indicate the order of discovery of that particular enzyme from that
    strain of bacteria.

    4.2.2 Methylases
    Restriction endonucleases must be able to distinguish between foreign DNA
    and the genetic material of their own cells; otherwise a bacterium’s DNA would
    be in danger of being cleaved by its own immune system. Methylases are
    enzymes that add a methyl group to one of the nucleotides found in a restriction
    endonuclease recognition site, altering its chemical composition. In prokaryotes,
    they modify the recognition site of 

    a respective restriction endonuclease by placing
    a methyl group on one of the bases, preventing the restriction endonuclease
    from cutting the DNA into fragments. When foreign DNA is introduced into the
    bacterium, it is not methylated, rendering it defenceless against the bacterium’s
    restriction enzymes. Methylases are important tools for a molecular biologist
    when working with prokaryotic organisms. They allow the molecular biologist to
    protect a gene fragment from being cleaved in an undesired location.

    4.2.3 DNA ligase
    This enzyme repairs broken DNA by joining two nucleotides in a DNA strand.
    It is commonly used in genetic engineering to do the reverse of a restriction
    enzyme that is to join together complementary restriction fragments. The sticky
    ends allow two complementary restriction fragments to harden, but only by
    weak hydrogen bonds, which can quite easily be broken by gentle heating.
    The backbone is still incomplete. DNA ligase completes the DNA backbone by
    forming covalent bonds. T4 DNA ligase is an enzyme that originated from the
    T4 bacteriophage and which is used to join together DNA blunt or sticky ends.
    So, DNA ligase is able to join complementary sticky ends produced by the same
    restriction enzyme via a condensation reaction:

    iv) Complementary sticky ends produced by Hind III

    v) Hydrogen bonds form between complementary bases. DNA ligase
    reconstitutes the phosphodiester bond in DNA backbones.

    vi) If fragments are not complementary, then hydrogen bonds will not form.

    4.2.4 Reverse transcriptase
    Reverse transcription is a process whereby a mRNA is converted into cDNA
    (complementary DNA, also called copy of DNA). It requires the enzymes called
    reverse transcriptase. It is shown by this reaction:

    Application activity 4.2

    1) Which of the following tools of recombinant DNA technology is
    incorrectly paired with its use?
    a) Restriction enzyme: cut DNA into smaller segments of various sizes.
    b) DNA ligase: enzyme that cuts DNA, creating the sticky ends of
         restriction fragments
    c) DNA polymerase: used to make many copies of DNA
    d) Reverse transcriptase: production of cDNA from mRNA

    2) The diagram below shows the stages in the insertion of the gene for
         insulin into a bacterium.

    a) Name the substance that makes up the plasmid.

    b) Identify the enzyme labelled A. what is its role?
    c) Identify enzyme B on the diagram. What is its role?
    d) What term is given to a length of DNA formed from different sources?

    4.3 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

    Activity 4.3

    The polymerase chain reaction is a process which can be carried out in a
    laboratory to make large quantities of identical DNA from very small samples.
    The process is summarized in the flowchart.

    a) At the end of one cycle, two molecules of DNA have been produced
    from each original molecule. How many DNA molecules will have been
    produced from one molecule of DNA after 5 complete cycles?
    b) Suggest one practical use to which this technique might be applied.
    c) Give two ways in which the polymerase chain reaction differs from the
    process of transcription.
    d) The polymerase chain reaction involves semi-conservative replication.
    Explain what is meant by semi-conservative replication.

    The Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) is a method widely used in molecular
    biology to make several copies of a specific DNA segment. Using PCR, copies
    of DNA sequences are exponentially amplified to generate thousands to millions
    of more copies of that particular DNA segment. DNA can clone (or amplify) DNA
    samples as small as a single DNA molecule. It is a newer technique, having

    been developed in 1983 by KARY Mullis, for which discovery he won the
    Nobel Prize in 1993. The polymerase chain reaction is simply DNA replication in
    a test tube. If a length of DNA is mixed with the four nucleotides (A, T, C and G)
    and the enzyme DNA polymerase in a test tube, then the DNA will be replicated
    many times.

    The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is an automated process, making it both
    rapid and efficient. It requires the following:
    • The DNA fragment to be copied.
    Taq polymerase – DNA polymerase obtained from the bacterium Thermus
    aquaticus, after which it is named. The bacterium lives in hot springs, and
    so the remarkable feature of Taq polymerase is that it is very tolerant to
    heat (it is thermostable) and does not denature at the high temperatures
    of the polymerase chain reaction so that take place. DNA polymerase is
    an enzyme is an enzyme capable of joining together tens of thousands of
    nucleotides in a matter of minutes.
    Primers: short sequences of nucleotides that have a set of bases
    complementary to those at one end of each of the two DNA fragments.
    Nucleotides: which contain each of the four bases found in DNA. They
    are nucleotide triphosphate (dNTPs) as energy is required for the synthesis
    of the phosphodiester bonds.
    Thermocycler: a computer-controlled machine that varies temperatures
    precisely over a period of time.

    The polymerase chain reaction is illustrated in the figure 4.2 and is carried out
    in three stages:
    Separation of the DNA double helix: the mixture containing DNA
    fragments, primers, dNTPs and Taq polymerase is placed in a vessel in
    the thermocycler. The temperature is increases to 95ºC causing the two
    strands of the DNA fragments to separate as hydrogen bonds are broken.
    Annealing of the primers: the mixture is cooled to 55ºC causing the
    primers to join (anneal) to their complementary bases at the end of
    the DNA fragment. The primers provide the starting sequences for Taq
    polymerase to begin DNA copying because Taq polymerase can only attach
    nucleotides to the end of an existing chain. Primers also prevent the two
    separate strands from simply rejoining.
    Synthesis of DNA: the temperature is increased to 72ºC. This is the
    optimum temperature for the Taq polymerase to add complementary
    nucleotides along each of the separated DNA strands. It begins at the
    primer on both strands and adds the nucleotides in sequence until it
    reaches the end of the chain.

    Each original DNA molecule has now been replicated to form two molecules.
    The cycle is repeated from step 2 and each time the number of DNA molecules
    doubles. This is why it is called a chain reaction, since the number of molecules
    increases exponentially, like an explosive chain reaction. Typically, PCR is run
    for 20-30 cycles. This is known as DNA amplification. The complete cycle
    takes around two minutes. After only 25 cycles over a million copies of the DNA
    can be made and 100 billion copies can be manufactured in just a few hours.
    The PCR has revolutionized many aspects of science and medicine. Even the
    minutest sample of DNA from a single hair or a speck of blood can now be
    multiplied to allow forensic examination and accurate cross-matching.

    Applications of the PCR technique
    PCR is useful in forensic criminal investigations, medical diagnosis, paternity
    testing and genetic research, and only requires a small amount of DNA to
    work. In criminal investigations, forensic scientists can find enough DNA in a
    hair follicle or one cell to use as a starting point for PCR. Therefore, only a
    small amount of DNA evidence is needed because it can be copied over and
    over again. PCR can also improve medical diagnoses, such as confirming the
    presence of the AIDS-causing virus. HIV cannot be detected immediately by
    looking for antibodies, because it takes time for the body to build antibodies
    against it. Traditional testing relies on the detection of these antibodies. With
    PCR, primers can be designed to complement short regions of the DNA of
    HIV. The DNA can be amplified and then examined for the presence of the HIV
    genome. Another application of PCR is that researchers can use it to determine,
    from fossil remains, whether or not two species are closely related.

    Application activity 4.3

    1) Which of the following are required in a polymerase chain reaction?
    a) DNA polymerase, template strand and primers.
    b) RNA polymerase, template strand and primers
    c) RNA polymerase, template strand and ligase
    d) RNA polymerase, ligase and primers.
    2) Each cycle of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) takes 5 minutes. If
    there are 1000 DNA molecules at the start of the reaction, how long will it
    take for the number of fragments produced by the reaction to be greater than
    1 million?
    a) 15 minutes
    b) 35 minutes
    c) 50 minutes
    d) 55 minutes

    4.4 Gel electrophoresis

    Activity 4.4

    Explain the process of gel electrophoresis, the process by which
    electrophoresis takes place and the possible importance of this technique.

    Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to separate mixtures of
    DNA, RNA or proteins according to molecular size. In gel electrophoresis, the
    molecules to be separated are pushed by an electrical field through a gel that
    contains small pores.

    In a common gel electrophoresis setup, a nucleic acid such as DNA is loaded
    into wells at one end of the gel and then migrates toward the positive electrode
    at the opposite end. The rate of migration of fragments varies with size. The
    steps of gel electrophoresis are shown below.
    – The DNA samples are cut with a restriction enzyme into smaller
    segments of various sizes. The DNA is then placed in wells made on a
    thick gel.
    – An electric current runs through the gel for a given period of time.
    Negatively charged DNA fragments migrate toward the positively
    charged end of the porous gel. Smaller DNA fragments migrate faster
    and farther than longer fragments, and this separates the fragments by
    size. The gel floats in a buffer solution within a chamber between two
    – The DNA is transferred to a nylon membrane and radioactive probes
    are added. The probes bind to complementary DNA.
    – The X-ray film is exposed to the radiolabeled membrane. The resulting
    pattern of bands is called a
    DNA fingerprint.

    During electrophoresis, DNA fragments migrate through the gel at a rate that
    is inversely proportional to the logarithm of their size. The shorter the fragment
    is, the faster it will travel because of its ability to navigate through the pores in
    the gel more easily than a large fragment can. Larger fragments are hampered
    by their size. Hence, the longer a nucleotide chain, the longer it takes for the

    Gel electrophoresis takes advantage of DNA’s negative charge. A solution
    containing different-size fragments to be separated is placed in a well. A
    well is a depression at one end of the gel. The gel itself is usually a square or
    rectangular slab and consists of a buffer containing electrolytes and agarose,
    or possibly polyacrylamide. Agarose is a gel-forming polysaccharide found in
    some types of seaweed that is used to form a gel meshwork for electrophoresis.
    Polyacrylamide is an artificial polymer used to form a gel meshwork for

    The gel is loaded while it is submerged in a tray containing an electrolytic solution
    called the buffer. Using direct current, a negative charge is placed at one end
    of the gel where the wells are, and a positive charge is placed at the opposite
    end of the gel. The electrolyte solution conveys the current through the gel. The
    negatively charged DNA will migrate toward the positively charged electrode,
    with the shorter fragments migrating faster than the longer fragments, achieving
    separation. Small molecules found within the loading dye migrate ahead of all
    the DNA fragments. Since the small molecules can be visualized, the electrical
    current can be turned off before they reach the end of the gel.

    Once gel electrophoresis is complete, the DNA fragments are made visible by
    staining the gel. The set of fragments generated with a particular restriction
    enzyme produces a banding pattern characteristic for that DNA. The most
    commonly used stain is ethidium bromide. Ethidium bromide is a flat molecule
    that fluoresces under ultraviolet (UV) light and is able to insert itself among the
    rungs of the ladder of DNA. When the gel is subjected to UV light, the bands
    of DNA are visualized because the ethidium bromide is inserted among the
    nucleotides. The size of the fragments is then determined using a molecular
    marker as a standard. The molecular marker, which contains fragments of known
    size, is run under the same conditions (in the same gel) as the digested DNA.

    Gel electrophoresis is not limited to the separation of nucleic acids but is also
    commonly applied to proteins. Proteins are usually run on polyacrylamide
    gels, which have smaller pores, because proteins are generally smaller in size
    than nucleic acids. Proteins, however, are not negatively charged; thus, when
    researchers want to separate proteins using gel electrophoresis, they must
    first mix the proteins with a detergent called sodium dodecyl sulfate. This
    treatment makes the proteins unfold into a linear shape and coats them with a
    negative charge, which allows them to migrate toward the positive end of the gel
    and be separated. Finally, after the DNA, RNA, or protein molecules have been
    separated using gel electrophoresis, bands representing molecules of different
    sizes can be detected. The gel electrophoresis is used for different purposes
    such as DNA analysis, protein and antibody interactions, testing antibiotics and
    testing vaccines.

    Application activity 4.4

    The gel shown in the figure below was run after bacterial DNA was digested
    using restriction enzymes where A, B, C and D are the comb lane of the gel.
    In your notebook, indicate on the gel
    a) Where the positive electrode was located;
    b) Where the negative electrode was located;
    c) The location of the largest band;
    d) The location of the smallest band;
    e) The number of cuts that were made on the linear fragment of DNA to
    produce this number of bands.

    4.5 Production of human proteins by recombinant DNA

    Activity 4.4

    The figure below shows the process by which bacteria can be bioengineered
    to produce human insulin. Follow each of the steps used to produce GMO
    bacteria. Use the figure to make a list of steps followed when producing
    a genetically modified organism bacterium.

    Production of insulin
    One form of diabetes mellitus is caused by the inability of the pancreas to
    produce insulin. Before insulin from GM bacteria became available, people with
    this form of diabetes were treated with insulin extracted from the pancreases
    of pigs or cattle. In the 1970s, biotechnology companies began to work on the
    idea of inserting the gene for human insulin into a bacterium and then using
    this bacterium to make insulin. They tried several different approaches, finally
    succeeding in the early1980s. This form of human insulin became available

    The procedure involved in the production of insulin is shown in the figure 4.6.
    There were problems in locating and isolating the gene coding for human
    insulin from all of the rest of the DNA in a human cell. Instead of cutting out
    the gene from the DNA in the relevant chromosome, researchers extracted
    mRNA for insulin from pancreatic β cells, which are the only cells to express
    the insulin gene. These cells contain large quantities of mRNA for insulin as
    they are its only source in the body. The mRNA was then incubated with the
    enzyme reverse transcriptase which comes from the group of viruses called
    retroviruses. As its name suggests, this enzyme reverses transcription, using
    mRNA as a template to make single-stranded DNA. These single-stranded DNA
    molecules were then converted to double-stranded DNA molecules using DNA
    polymerase to assemble nucleotides to make the complementary strand. The
    genetic engineers now had insulin genes that they could insert into plasmids to
    transform the bacterium Escherichia coli.

    The main advantage of this form of insulin is that there is now a reliable supply
    available to meet the increasing demand. Supplies are not dependent on factors
    such as availability through the meat trade.

    There were problems in locating and isolating the gene coding for human insulin
    from all of the rest of the DNA in a human cell. Instead of cutting out the gene
    from the DNA in the relevant chromosome, these are steps involved in human
    insulin production:
    – Researchers extracted mRNA for insulin from pancreatic β cells, which
        are the only cells to express the insulin gene. These cells contain large
        quantities of mRNA for insulin as they are its only source in the body.
    – The mRNA was then incubated with the enzyme reverse transcriptase
       which comes from the group of viruses called retroviruses. As its name
       suggests, this enzyme reverses transcription, using mRNA as a template
       to make single stranded DNA.
    – These single-stranded DNA molecules were then converted to
        double stranded DNA molecules using DNA polymerase to assemble
        nucleotides to make the complementary strand.
    – The genetic engineers now had insulin genes that they could insert into
       plasmids to transform the bacterium Escherichia coli.
    – When the bacterial cells copy their own DNA, they also copy the
       plasmids and the donor genes that plasmids carry. After the cells have
       grown into colonies, on an industrial scale in large fermenters insulin is
       extracted from the bacteria.

    Production of bovine growth hormone
    Recombinant (r) bovine growth hormone is a protein that has been made by
    manipulating the DNA sequence (gene) that carries the instructions for, or
    encodes, the growth hormone protein so it can be produced in the laboratory.
    Hormones are substances secreted from specialized glands. Hormones travel
    through the bloodstream to affect their target organs. Growth hormone acts on
    many different organs to increase the overall size of the body. Before the advent
    of genetic technologies, growth hormone was procured from the pituitary glands
    of slaughtered cows and then injected into live cows.

    The same technique has been used to obtain human growth hormone from
    the pituitary glands of human cadavers. When the human growth hormone is
    injected into humans who have a condition called pituitary dwarfism, their size
    increases. However, harvesting the growth hormone from the pituitary glands
    of cows and humans is laborious, and many cadavers are necessary to obtain
    small amounts of the protein.

    Producing rBGH
    The first step in the production of the rBGH protein is to transfer the BGH gene
    from the nucleus of a cow cell into a bacterial cell. Bacteria with the BGH gene
    will then serve as factories to produce millions of copies of this gene and its
    protein product; making many copies of a gene is called cloning the gene.

    Cloning a gene using bacterial cells
    The following steps are involved in moving a BGH gene into a bacterial cell:
    a) BGH gene is cut from the cow chromosome using restriction enzymes
         that leave “sticky ends” with specific base sequences.
    b) A plasmid from a bacterium is cut with the same restriction enzymes,
        creating the same “sticky ends” as the cow gene.
    c) The cleaved gene and plasmid are placed together in a test tube.
         Complementary “sticky ends” fit together, resulting in a recombinant
    d) The recombinant plasmid is reinserted into a bacterial cell.
    e) The plasmids and the bacterial cells replicate, making millions of copies
         of the rBGH gene.
    f) The rBGH genes produce large quantities of rBGH proteins that are
         harvested, purified, and injected into cows to increase milk production.

    Application activity 4.4

    1) Rearrange the statements below to produce a flow diagram showing
    the steps involved in producing bacteria capable of synthesizing a
    human protein such as human growth hormone (hGH).
    1. Insert the plasmid into a host bacterium.
    2. Isolate mRNA for hGH.
    3. Insert the DNA into a plasmid and use ligase to seal the ‘nicks’ in
    the sugar–phosphate chains.
    4. Use DNA polymerase to clone the DNA.
    5. Clone the modified bacteria and harvest hGH.
    6. Use reverse transcriptase to produce cDNA.
    7. Use a restriction enzyme to cut a plasmid vector.

    4.6 Use of microarrays in the analysis of genomes and in
            detecting mRNA

    Activity 4.6.

    Indicate and explain the use and applications of the microarray DNA

    A DNA microarray consists of tiny amounts of a large number of single-stranded
    DNA fragments representing different genes fixed to a glass slide in a tightly

    spaced array, or grid. (The microarray is also called a DNA chip by analogy to a
    computer chip.) Ideally, these fragments represent all the genes of an organism.

    The mRNA from the organism or the cell to be tested is labelled with a fluorescent
    dye and added to the chip. When the mRNAs bind to the microarray, a fluorescent
    pattern results that is recorded by a computer. Now the investigator knows what
    DNA is active in that cell or organism. A researcher can use this method to
    determine the difference in gene expression between two different cell types,
    such as between liver cells and muscle cells.

    A mutation microarray, the most common type, can be used to generate a
    person’s genetic profile. The microarray contains hundreds to thousands
    of known disease-associated mutant gene alleles. Genomic DNA from the
    individual to be tested is labelled with a fluorescent dye, and then added to
    the microarray. The spots on the microarray fluoresce if the individual’s DNA
    binds to the mutant genes on the chip, indicating that the individual may have
    a particular disorder or is at risk for developing it later in life. This technique
    can generate a genetic profile much more quickly and inexpensively than older
    methods involving DNA sequencing.

    Microarrays have proved a valuable tool to identify the genes present in an
    organism’s genome and to find out which genes are expressed within cells.
    They have allowed researchers to study very large numbers of genes in a short
    period of time, increasing the information available. A microarray is based on a
    small piece of glass or plastic usually 2 cm2 (Figure 4.7). Short lengths of single-
    stranded DNA are attached to this support in a regular two-dimensional pattern,
    with 10 000 or more different positions per cm2. Each individual position has
    multiple copies of the same DNA probe. It is possible to search databases to
    find DNA probes for a huge range of genes. Having selected the gene probes
    required, an automated process applies those probes to the positions on the

    When microarrays are used to analyze genomic DNA, the probes are from
    known locations across the chromosomes of the organism involved and are
    500 or more base pairs in length. A single microarray can even hold probes from
    the entire human genome.

    Microarrays can be used to compare the genes present in two different species.
    DNA is collected from each species and cut up into fragments and denatured
    to give lengths of single-stranded DNA. The DNA is labelled with fluorescent
    tags so that – for example – DNA from one species may be labelled with green
    tags and DNA from the other species labelled with red tags. The labelled DNA
    samples are mixed together and allowed to hybridize with the probes on the
    microarray. Any DNA that does not bind to probes on the microarray is washed
    off. The microarray is then inspected using ultraviolet light, which causes the
    tags to fluoresce. Where this happens, we know that hybridization has taken
    place because the DNA fragments are complementary to the probes. Green
    and red fluorescent spots indicate where DNA from one species only has
    hybridized with the probes. Where DNA from both species hybridize with a
    probe, a yellow colour is seen. Yellow spots indicate that the two species have
    DNA with exactly the same base sequence. This suggests that they have the
    same genes (Figure 4.8). The microarray is then scanned so that the data can
    be read by a computer. Data stored by the computer indicate which genes are
    present in both species, which genes are only found in one of the species and
    which genes are not present in either species.

    Using microarray analysis, researchers can quickly compare gene expression in
    different samples, such as those obtained from normal and cancerous tissues.
    The knowledge gained from such gene expression studies is making a significant
    contribution to the study of cancer and other diseases.

    Application activity 4.6.

    Using your knowledge of the microarray DNA technology, explain three uses
    of this technique.

    4.7 Gene therapy and genetic screening

    Activity 4.7

    Gene technology can be involved in the detection and treatment of genetic
    disorders. Discuss on different cases of genetic disorders that are treated by
    using gene therapy.

    4.7.1 Genetic screening
    Genetic screening is the analysis of a person’s DNA to check for the presence
    of a particular allele. This can be done in adults, in a foetus or embryo in the
    uterus, or in a newly formed embryo produced by in vitro fertilisation. An adult
    woman with a family history of breast cancer may choose to be screened for the
    faulty alleles of the genes Brca-1 and Brca-2, which considerably increase an
    individual’s chance of developing breast cancer. Should the results be positive,
    the woman may elect to have her breasts removed (elective mastectomy) before
    such cancer appears.

    In 1989, the first ‘designer baby’ was created. Officially known as pre-implantation
    genetic diagnosis (PGD), the technique involved mixing the father’s sperm with
    the mother’s eggs (oocytes) in a dish – that is, a ‘normal’ IVF procedure. It was
    the next step that was new. At the eight-cell stage, one of the cells from the tiny
    embryo was removed. The DNA in the cell was analysed and used to predict
    whether or not the embryo would have a genetic disease for which both parents
    were carriers. An embryo that was not carrying the allele that would cause the
    disease was chosen for implantation, and embryos that did have this allele were

    Since then, many babies have been born using this technique. It has been used
    to avoid pregnancies in which the baby would have had Duchenne muscular
    dystrophy, thalassaemia, haemophilia, Huntington’s disease and others. In
    2004, it was first used in the UK to produce a baby that was a tissue match with
    an elder sibling, with a view to using cells from the umbilical cord as a transplant
    into the sick child.

    For some time, genetic testing of embryos has been leaving prospective parents
    with very difficult choices to make if the embryo is found to have a genetic
    condition such as Down’s syndrome or cystic fibrosis. The decision about
    whether or not to have a termination is very difficult to make. Now, though,
    advances in medical technology have provided us with even more ethical issues
    to consider.

    4.7.2 Gene therapy
    Gene therapy is the alteration of a genetic sequence in an organism to prevent
    or treat a genetic disorder.

    Gene technology and our rapidly increasing knowledge of the positions of
    particular genes on our chromosomes have given us the opportunity to identify
    many genes that are responsible for genetic disorders such as sickle cell anaemia
    and cystic fibrosis. When genetic engineering really began to get going in the
    1990s, it was envisaged that it would not be long before gene technology could
    cure these disorders by inserting ‘normal’ alleles of these genes into the cells.

    Gene therapy has proved to be far more difficult than was originally thought. The
    problems lie in getting normal alleles of the genes into a person’s cells and then
    making them work properly when they get there. In theory, a normal allele of the
    defective gene could be inserted into the somatic cells of the tissue affected by
    the disorder. For gene therapy of somatic cells to be permanent, the cells that
    receive the normal allele must be ones that multiply throughout the patient’s life.
    Bone marrow cells, which include the stem cells that give rise to all the cells
    of the blood and immune system, are prime candidates. One type of severe
    combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is caused by a single defective gene. If the
    treatment is successful, the patient’s bone marrow cells will begin producing
    the missing protein, and the patient will be cured.

    The most common vectors that are used to carry the normal alleles into host cells
    are viruses (often retroviruses or lentiviruses) or small spheres of phospholipid
    called liposomes. Occasionally ‘naked’ DNA is used. The first successful
    gene therapy was performed in 1990 on a four-year-old girl from Cleveland,
    Ohio. She suffered from the rare genetic disorder known as severe combined
    immunodeficiency (SCID). In this disorder, the immune system is crippled and
    sufferers die in infancy from common infections. Children showing the condition
    are often isolated inside plastic ‘bubbles’ to protect them from infections.

    Application activity 4.7

    DNA technology is increasingly being used in the diagnosis of genetic and
    other diseases and offers potential for better treatment of genetic disorders
    or even permanent cures. Suggest the advantages of genetic screening and
    therapy over the normal methods of treating diseases.

    4.8 Genetically modified organisms in agriculture

    Activity 4.8

    Discuss on the different GMO used in agriculture and the possible advantages
    of these plants over the natural plants.

    4.8.1 Gene technology and agriculture
    Many new products have been developed using this technology. Crops have
    been genetically engineered to increase yield, hardiness, uniformity, insect and
    virus resistance, and herbicide tolerance. The vast bulk of genetically modified
    plants grown around the world are crop plants modified to be resistant to
    herbicides or crops that are resistant to insect pests. These modifications
    increase crop yield. A few crops, such as vitamin A, enhanced rice, provide
    improved nutrition.

    4.8.2 Use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens to transfer genes
               in plants

    Agrobacterium is a bacterium that uses a horizontal gene transfer (HGT).
    HGT is the transfer of DNA between different genomes. HGT can occur in
    bacteria through transformation, conjugation and transduction. However, it is
    also possible for HGT to occur between eukaryotes and bacteria. Bacteria have
    three ways of transferring bacteria DNA between cells:

    1) Transformation: The uptake and incorporation of external DNA into the
    cell thereby resulting in the alteration of the genome.

    2) Conjugation: The exchange of genetic material through cell-to-cell
    contact of two bacterial cells. A strand of plasmid DNA is transferred to
    the recipient cell and the donor cell then synthesis DNA to replace the
    strand that was transferred to the recipient cell.

    3) Transduction: A segment of bacterial DNA is carried from one bacterial
    cell to another by a bacteriophage. The bacteriophage infects a bacterial
    cell and takes up bacterial DNA. When this phage infects another cell,
    it transfers the bacterial DNA to the new cell. The bacteria can then
    become a part of the new host cell.

    Agrobacterium has the ability to transfer DNA between itself and plants
    and is therefore commonly used in genetic engineering. The process of using
    Agrobacterium for genetic engineering is illustrated in the diagram below.

    Summary of formation of a transgenic plant:
    – The Agrobacterium cell contains a bacterial chromosome and a Tumor
        inducing plasmid (Ti Plasmid).
    – The Ti plasmid is removed from the agrobacterium cell and a restriction
        enzyme cleaves the T-DNA restriction site.
    – The foreign gene of interest is inserted into the middle of the TDNA.
    – Recombinant plasmids can be introduced into cultured plant cells by
        electroporation. Or plasmids can be returned to Agrobacterium, which
        is then applied as a liquid suspension to the leaves of susceptible
        plants, infecting them. Once a plasmid is taken into a plant cell, its
       TDNA integrates into the cell’s chromosomal DNA.

    a. Golden rice
    Golden rice is a staple food in many parts of the world, where people are
    poor and rice forms the major part of their diet. Deficiency of vitamin A is a
    common and serious problem; its deficiency can cause blindness. In the 1990s,
    a project was undertaken to produce a variety of rice that contained carotene in
    its endosperm. Genes for the production of carotene were extracted from maize
    and the bacterium Pantonoea ananatis. These genes, together with promoters,
    were inserted into plasmids. The plasmids were inserted into bacteria called
    Agrobacterium tumefaciens. These bacteria naturally infect plants and so could
    introduce the genetically modified plasmid into rice cells. The rice embryos, now
    containing the carotene genes, were grown into adult plants.

    This genetically modified rice is called golden rice, because it contains a lot of
    yellow pigment carotene. The genetically modified rice is being bred into other
    varieties of rice to produce varieties that grow well in the conditions in different
    parts of the world, with the same yield, pest resistance and eating qualities as
    the original varieties.

    b. Herbicide-resistant crops
    Herbicide-resistant crops called oil seed rape or Brassica napus, is grown in
    many parts of the world as a source of vegetable oil which is used as biodiesel
    fuel, as a lubricant and in human and animal foods. Natural rape seed oil contains
    substances that are undesirable in oil that is to be used in human or animal
    food. A hybrid, was made to produce low concentrations of these undesirable
    substances, called canola (Canadian oilseed low acid), and this name is
    now often used to mean any variety of oil seed rape. Gene technology has been
    used to produce herbicide-resistant strains. Growing an herbicide-resistant
    crop allows fields to be sprayed with herbicide after the crop has germinated,
    killing any weeds that would otherwise compete with the crop for space, light,
    water or ions. This increases the yield of the crop.

    c. Insect pests-resistant plants
    Another important agricultural development is that of genetically modified plants
    protected against attack by insect pests. Bt maize is genetically engineered
    (GE) plant that produces crystal (Cry) proteins or toxins derived from the soil
    bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), hence the common name “Bt maize”. Bt
    maize plant has revolutionized pest control in a number of countries, but there
    still are questions about its use and impact.

    Application activity 4.8

    Explain why are Ti plasmids are used to insert genes into plant cells?

    4.9 Significance of genetic engineering in improving the
             quality and yield of crop plants and livestock

    Activity 4.9

    The figure below shows an Atlantic salmon and a GMO salmon. A GM salmon
    and non-GM salmon are of the same age.

    Suggest any advantage of growing GM salmon over non-GM salmon and
    discuss how the GM salmons are produced.

    4.9.1 Why are animals genetically modified?
    Genetically modified animals are animals that have been genetically
    for a variety of purposes including producing drugs, enhancing
    yields, increase resistance to disease, etc. The vast majority of genetically
    modified animals are at the research stage with the number close to entering
    the market remains small. The process of genetically engineering mammals is a
    slow, tedious, and expensive process. Researchers have genetically engineered
    a number of mammals, from laboratory animals to farm animals, as well as birds,
    fish and insects.

    The most widely used genetically modified animals are laboratory animals, such
    as the fruitfly (Drosophila) and mice. Genetically engineered animals enable
    scientists to gain an insight into basic biological processes and the relationships
    between mutations and disease. However, farm animals, such as sheep, goats
    and cows, can also be genetically modified to enhance specific characteristics.
    These can include milk production and disease resistance, as well as improving
    the nutritional value of the products they are farmed for. For example, cows,
    goats and sheep have been genetically engineered to express specific proteins
    in their milk.

    The majority of work on genetically modified farm animals is still in the research
    phase and is yet to be used commercially. The advantages and disadvantages
    associated with genetically modifying animals for agriculture, divided up into
    four key areas:

    4.9.2 Why are crop plants genetically modified?
    Crop plants are genetically modified to increase their shelf life, yield and nutritive

    • To increase the shelf life: to increase the time of ripening and the time of
    • Improving the yield of crop plants has been the driving force behind the
    vast majority of genetic engineering. Yield can be increased when plants
    are engineered to be resistant to pesticides and herbicides, drought, and
    freezing. For example, a gene from an Arctic fish has been transferred into
    a strawberry to help prevent frost damage.

    Many people believe that improving farmers’ yields may help decrease world
    hunger problems. Others argue that, since there is already enough food being
    produced to feed the entire population, it might make more sense to use less
    technological approaches to feeding the hungry. Significant numbers of people
    around the world are malnourished, hungry, or starving, not due to a shortage of
    food but because access to food is tied to access to money or land.

    • Genetic engineers may also be able to increase the nutritive value of crops.
    Some genetic engineers have increased the amount of β -carotene in
    rice, a staple food for many of the world’s people. Scientists hope the
    engineered rice will help decrease the number of people who become
    blind in underdeveloped nations because cells require β-carotene in order
    to synthesize vitamin A, a vitamin required for vision. Therefore, eating this
    genetically modified rice, called Golden Rice, increases a person’s ability
    to synthesize vitamin A.

    Application activity 4.9

    a) What is the importance of using golden rice in developing countries?
    b) Suggest any three importance of using GM organism?

    4.10 Ethical and social implications of using genetically
              modified organisms (GMOs).

    Activity 4.10

    From your daily life experience, discuss the ethical and social implications of
    using genetically modified crops in food production.

    Ethics includes moral principles that control or influence a person’s behaviour.
    It includes a set of standards by which a community regulates its behaviour
    and decides as to which activity is legitimate and which is not. Bioethics may

    be viewed as a set of standards that may be used to regulate our activities in
    relation to the biological world. Biotechnology, particularly recombinant DNA
    technology, is used for exploitation of the biological world by various ways.

    Some genetically modified plants are grown in strict containment of glasshouses,
    but a totally different set of problems emerges when genetically engineered
    organisms such as crop plants and organisms for the biological control of pests
    are intended for use in the general environment. Few countries would object
    to the growth of genetically modified crops that produce vaccines for human
    or animal use, yet there are people who object to the growth of pro-vitamin A
    enhanced rice. The major bioethical concerns pertaining to biotechnology are
    summarized below:
    – When animals are used for production of certain pharmaceutical
    proteins, they are treated as factory machines.
    – Introduction of a transgene from one species into another species
    violates the integrity of species.
    – The transfer of human genes into animals or vice-versa is great ethic
    threat to humanity.
    – Biotechnology is disrespectful to living beings, and only exploits them
    for the benefit of humans.
    – Genetic modification of organism can have unpredictable/ undesirable
    effects when such organisms are introduced into the ecosystem.

    Moreover, most objections are raised against the growth of herbicide-resistant
    or insect-resistant crops as follow:
    – The modified crop plants may become agricultural weeds or invade
    natural habitats.
    – The introduced gene may be transferred by pollen to wild relatives
    whose hybrid offspring may become more invasive.
    – The introduced gene may be transferred by pollen to unmodified plants
    growing on a farm with organic certification.
    – The modified plants may be a direct hazard to humans, domestic animals
    or other beneficial animals, by being toxic or producing allergies.
    – The herbicide that can now be used on the crop will leave toxic residues
    in the crop.
    – Genetically modified seeds are expensive, as is herbicide, and their
    cost may remove any advantage of growing a resistant crop.
    – Growers mostly need to buy seed each season, keeping costs high,
    unlike for traditional varieties, where the grower kept seed from one
    crop to sow for the next

    – In parts of the world where a lot of genetically modified crops are grown,
    there is a danger of losing traditional varieties with their desirable
    background genes for particular localities This requires a program of
    growing and harvesting traditional varieties and setting up a seed bank
    to preserve them.

    Application activity 4.10

    Discuss ethical and social implications raised against insect-resistant crops.

    4.11 Bioinformatics

    Activity 4.11

    Dicuss on the importance of Bioinformatics and its importance. Thereafter;
    Explain how the bioinformatics has contributed to the progress in DNA
    sequence analysis.

    Bioinformatics is the collection, processing and analysis of biological
    information and data using computer software. In other words, it is the branch
    of biology that is concerned with the acquisition, storage, and analysis of the
    information found in nucleic acid and protein sequence data. Bioinformatics
    combines biological data with computer technology and statistics. It builds up
    databases and allows links to be made between them. The databases hold
    gene sequences of complete genomes, amino acid sequences of proteins and
    protein structures.

    4.11.1 Scientists use bioinformatics to analyze genomes
                 and their functions

    Different government agencies carried out their mandate to establish databases
    and provide software with which scientists could analyse the sequence data. For
    example, in the United States, a joint endeavour between the National Library of
    Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) created the National
    Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
    , which maintains a website
    ( with extensive bioinformatics resources. On this site are
    links to databases, software, and a wealth of information about genomics and
    related topics. Similar websites have also been established by the European
    Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
    and the DNA Data Bank of Japan,
    two genome centers with which the NCBI collaborates.

    These large, comprehensive websites are complemented by others maintained
    by individual or small groups of laboratories. Smaller websites often provide
    databases and software designed for a narrower purpose, such as studying
    genetic and genomic changes in one particular type of cancer.

    The NCBI database of sequences is called Genbank. As of August 2007, it
    included the sequences of 76 million fragments of genomic DNA, totaling 80
    billion base pairs! Genbank is constantly updated, and the amount of data it
    contains is estimated to double approximately every 18 months. Any sequence
    in the database can be retrieved and analyzed using software from the NCBI
    website or elsewhere.

    UniProt (universal protein resource) holds information on the primary sequences
    of proteins and the functions of many proteins, such as enzymes. The search tool
    BLAST (basic local alignment search tool) is an algorithm for comparing primary
    biological sequence information, such as the primary sequences of different
    proteins or the nucleotide sequences of genes. Researchers use BLAST to find
    similarities between sequences that they are studying and those already saved
    in databases. When a genome has been sequenced, comparisons can be made
    with other known genomes. For example, the human genome can be compared
    to the genomes of the fruit fly, Drosophila, the nematode worm, or the malarial
    parasite, Plasmodium. All the information about the genome of Plasmodium is
    now available in databases. This information is being used to find new methods
    to control the parasite. For example, being able to read gene sequences is
    providing valuable information in the development of vaccines for malaria.

    4.11.2 Applications of bioinformatics
    Bioinformatics has various applications in human genetics. For example,
    researchers found the function of the protein that causes cystic fibrosis by
    using the computer to search for genes in model organisms that have the

    same sequence. Because they knew the function of this same gene in model
    organisms, they could deduce the function in humans. This was a necessary
    step toward possibly developing specific treatments for cystic fibrosis. The
    human genome has 3 billion known base pairs, and without the computer it
    would be almost impossible to make sense of these data. For example, it is now
    known that an individual’s genome often contains multiple copies of a gene. But
    individuals may differ as to the number of copies called copy number variations.
    Now it seems that the number of copies in a genome can be associated with
    specific diseases. The computer can help make correlations between genomic
    differences among large numbers of people and disease. It is safe to say
    that without bioinformatics, our progress in determining the function of DNA
    sequences; in comparing our genome to model organisms; in knowing how
    genes and proteins interact in cells; and so forth, would be extremely slow.
    Instead, with the help of bioinformatics, progress should proceed rapidly in
    these and other areas.

    Application activity 4.11

    a) Describe 2 applications of bioinformatics
    b) Explain the role of bioinformatics following the sequencing of genome of
    Plasmodium in the control and prevention of malaria.

    Skills lab 4

    Sensitize people about the use of DNA in crime investigation

    In violent crimes, body fluids or small pieces of tissue may be left at the scene
    or on the clothes or other possessions of the victim or assailant. If enough
    blood, semen, or tissue is available, forensic laboratories can determine the
    blood type or tissue type by using antibodies to detect specific cell-surface
    proteins. However, such tests require fairly fresh samples in relatively large
    amounts. Also, because many people have the same blood or tissue type,
    this approach can only exclude a suspect; it cannot provide strong evidence
    of guilt.

    DNA testing, on the other hand, can identify the guilty individual with a
    high degree of certainty, because the DNA sequence of every person is
    unique (except for identical twins).

    Genetic markers that vary in the population can be analyzed for a given person
    to determine that individual’s unique set of genetic markers, or genetic profile.

    (This term is preferred over “DNA fingerprint” by forensic scientists, who want
    to emphasize the heritable aspect of these markers rather than simply the
    fact that they produce a pattern on a gel that, like a fingerprint, is visually
    recognizable). The Rwanda Forensic Laboratory can now use DNA test to
    convict criminals and to help to solve different problems such as paternity

    Student-teachers will have to sensitize people about the behavior that they
    need to take for example if there is someone who has been murdered. They
    will have to avoid to touching him because they can be taken as guilty or
    they can make the police unable to find the murderer due to the fact that the
    murdered person has been touched by a lot number of people.

    End unit assessment 4

    I. Choose the letter corresponding to the best answer.
    1) Different enzymes are used in the various steps involved in the
    production of bacteria capable of synthesizing a human protein. Which
    step is catalyzed by a restriction enzyme?
    a) Cloning DNA
    b) Cutting open a plasmid vector
    c) Producing cDNA from mRNA
    d) Reforming the DNA double helix

    2) What describes a promoter?
    a) A length of DNA that controls the expression of a gene.
    b) A piece of RNA that binds to DNA to switch off a gene.
    c) A polypeptide that binds to DNA to switch on a gene
    d) A triplet code of three DNA nucleotides that codes for ‘stop’

    3) Which statement correctly describes the electrophoresis of DNA
    a) Larger fragments of DNA move more rapidly to the anode than
    smaller fragments.
    b) Positively charged fragments of DNA move to the anode.
    c) Small negatively charged fragments of DNA move rapidly to the

    d) Smaller fragments of DNA move more rapidly than larger fragments.

    1) The table shows enzymes that are used in gene technology. Copy and
    complete the table to show the role of each enzyme.

    a) Explain what is meant by:
    i) Gene therapy
    ii) Genetic screening.
    b) Explain why it is easier to devise a gene therapy for condition caused by
    a recessive allele than for one caused by a dominant allele.
    2) Refer to what you have studied on DNA and PCR,
    a) How many molecules of DNA are produced from one double-stranded
    starting molecule, after eight cycles of PCR?
    b) Explain why it is not possible to use PCR to increase the number of
    RNA molecules in the same way as it is used to increase the number of
    DNA molecules.
    3) The latest estimate of the number of genes in the human genome is 21
    000. Before the invention of microarrays, it was very time consuming to
    find out which genes were expressed in any particular cell.
    a) Explain how it is possible to find out which genes are active in a cell at
    a particular time in its development.
    b) Why is it not possible to use the same technique to find out which
    genes are active in red blood cells?

    III. Long Answer Type Questions
    1) Bacteria are used in genetic engineering. The diagram outlines the
    process of inserting human insulin genes into bacteria using genetic

    Complete the table below by identifying one of the stages shown in the
    diagram that matches each description.

    The diagram below shows a map of pBr322, a small piece of double-stranded,
    circular DNA found in a bacterium in addition to the bacterial chromosome.
    The genes for ampicillin resistance (Ampres) and tetracycline resistance (Tetres)
    are indicated.

    Pst 1 is a restriction endonuclease (enzyme) that has its effect at the site
    shown. Pst 1 recognizes the base sequence and acts on

    the DNA between guanine and adenine bases.
    a) State the name given to such a piece of circular DNA.
    b) Explain the use of such DNA in genetic engineering
    c) Using the information given:
    i) Explain what is meant by the term restriction endonuclease.
    ii) Explain what is meant by the term sticky ends.


    Key unit competence
    Explain variation and mutation as a source of biodiversity, the role of artificial
    and natural selection in the production of varieties of animals and plants with
    increased economic importance

    Introductory activity 5

    Human population is classified as a single species ”homo sapiens” .Small
    group of individuals with different skin colour do not look the same ,here is
    a representation of human population observe it carefully then answer to the
    questions below..

    a) Some individuals in the figure above look like they are an intermediate
    of other skin colour, from your observation is there any cause of this?
    b) All of us we are human being but we do not look the same, why?

    5.1 Variation
    All living organisms on the earth are unique, individuals of different species are
    easy to differentiate and even those of the same species present differences
    (morphological, physiological, cytological and behaviouristic). Such differences
    among individuals of the same species are referred to as “Variation”. These
    differences between cells, individual organisms, or groups of organisms of any
    species are caused either by genetic differences (genotypic variation) or by
    the effect of environmental factors on the expression of the genetic potentials
    (phenotypic variation). So, organisms that have helpful variations tend to survive
    better, and reproduce more. As they reproduce, their genes (including the
    helpful genes) become more common in the gene pool, and these variations
    spread out more and more.

    5.1.1 Genetic variation

    Activity 5.1.1

    A mutation in one gene causes the shell of the Japanese land snail (Euhadra)

    to spiral in the opposite direction from others. Snails with opposite spirals
    cannot mate, resulting in reproductive isolation

    Using the knowledge acquired in genetics, what types of variation is indicated
    by the Japanese Land snail?

    Genetic variation result from the differences in DNA sequences of individuals
    (gene make up), those variations can be inherited by the transfer of genes.

    There are three primary sources of genetic variation:
    Variation from mutations are changes in the DNA. A single mutation
    can have a large effect, but in many cases, evolutionary change is based
    on the accumulation of many mutations. Ex, base substitution (Glu →Val),
    deletion and insertion
    Variation from gene flow/gene migration/allele flow is any
    movement of genes from one population to another and is an important
    source of genetic variation. Ex, a bee carrying pollen from one flower
    population to another
    Variation from recombination/ reproduction can introduce new
    gene combinations into a population. This genetic shuffling/ genetic
    recombination (meiosis & crossing over) is another important source of
    genetic variation. At meiosis, the process that generates a haploid product
    of meiosis whose genotype is different from either of the two haploid
    genotypes that constituted the meiotic diploid. The creation of genetic
    variation by recombination can be a much faster process than its creation
    by mutation. For example, when just two chromosomes with “normal”
    survival, taken from a natural population of Drosophila, are allowed to
    recombine for a single generation, they produce an array of chromosomes
    with 25 to 75 percent as much genetic variation in survival as was present
    in the entire natural population from which the parent chromosomes were
    sampled. This outcome is simply a consequence of the very large number
    of different recombinant chromosomes that can be produced even if we
    take into account only single crossovers.

    • Why is genetic variation important for evolution?
    Variation is one of the main things that drive evolution. First, there are limited
    resources available, and there is just not enough; food, water, shelter, etc.
    available for all organisms. Second, to make matters worse, most species have
    many offspring that can possibly survive. Just think of how many insect eggs are
    laid compared to the number that make it to adulthood. This leads to competition
    for the limited resources.

    Not all individuals in a species are the same. There are variations in; size, speed,
    coloration, etc. These small variations can help or hinder individuals in their
    survival. These variations are caused by small differences in genes. Organisms
    that have helpful variations are more likely to survive
    . On average, they
    get more food, get better shelter, etc. Coloration can help a predator get closer
    to prey and eat better. Or, for the prey species, coloration can make it harder for
    predators to find and eat it. So, organisms that have helpful variations tend to
    survive better, and reproduce more. As they reproduce, their genes (including
    the helpful genes) become more common in the gene pool, and these variations
    spread out more and more.

    Variation can be influenced by numerous factors including:

    i. Independent assortment of chromosomes.
    Due to the law of independent assortment, traits are transmitted from parents to
    offspring independently of one another.
    This occurs at the time of gamete formation. At the time of gamete formation
    during meiosis, the parental chromosomes separate randomly hence forming
    different gametes with different chromosomes. This independent assortment
    gives a wide variety of different gametes and hence individuals.

    ii. Crossing over
    Crossing over allows the alleles on DNA molecules to change positions from
    one homologous chromosome segment to another in other word is the transfer
    or exchanges of genetic material from one homologous chromosome to another
    during gamete formation known as meiosis. The new formed chromosomes are
    known as recombinant chromosomes; Genetic recombination is responsible for
    genetic diversity in species or population.

    iii. Random mating
    Random mating involves individuals pairing by chance, not according to their
    genotypes or phenotypes. Random mating is a source of variation in a population.
    For example, a population in which mating only occur between organisms of
    similar phenotypes as red beetles mating with red beetles and yellow beetles
    mating with yellow beetles, will tend to show less variation than a population
    where crosses are random.

    iv. Random fertilization of gametes
    Random fertilization means that the collection of genes within one gametes,
    each gametes contain a unique set of gene combination, and the ova is fertilized
    randomly by the male gamete as a result each zygote is unique hence the
    variation among individuals.

    v. Mutations
    Mutation is a random change in the sequence of DNA, either due to errors
    during DNA replication or by the influence of environmental factors. Mutations in
    gametes cell can be inherited while somatic mutations are not transmitted from
    generation to generation (not inherited).

    vi. Environmental factors
    These variations caused by environmental factors are not inherited, environmental
    variation are not prominent in animals as in plants, and this is due to the
    environmental effect on the meristems of various parts. Some environmental
    factors that can induce variation include, availability of food, light intensity,
    Temperature, water, minerals etc…

    Application activity 5.1.1

    1) Which of the following give rise to genetic variation in a population?
    a) Crossing over and independent assortment in meiosis
    b) Different environmental conditions
    c) Random mating and fertilization.
    d) Mutation.
    i) a, b, c and d
    ii) a, b and c only
    iii) a, c and d only
    iv) b, c and d only
    2) Variation caused by environmental factors are not inherited. Why?
    3) What is random mating?

    5.1.2 Phenotypic variation

    Activity 5.1.2

    1) Observe the following figures of students and make analysis on
    their size (weight and height). These students live together in the
    same school which means that the type of food they consume is
    the same.

    Figure of students

    a) Write down your observation
    b) Try to form 3 groups according to their height
    c) By looking on their size can you try to make 3 groups according to
    their weight?
    d) By considering weight and height, why are not the same to those

    Phenotypic variations can be brought about by genes or environmental
    factors or a combination of both genes and environment they are not inherited.
    So, there are characteristics that are not inherited but influenced by the
    environmental factors, a child that get insufficient food will not grow to the size
    expected, a cat with a skin disease may have bald patches in its coat. Those
    conditions are not inherited. Such Phenotypic variations can be divided into two
    types such as continuous variations or quantitative and Discontinuous variations
    or Qualitative variations.

    a) Continuous variation
    Continuous variation is variation which does not show clear cut differences i.e. it
    shows a gradual change from one extreme to another. Characteristics such as;
    human height and weight show continuous variation, and are usually determined
    by a large number of genes (i.e. polygenic) and/ or considerable environmental
    influence. Some examples of continuous variation are: Height, weight, heart
    rate, finger length, and leaf length. They are also called fluctuating variations

    In continuous variations/quantitative:
    • Different alleles at a single gene locus have a small effect on the phenotype
    • Different genes have the same, often additive, effect on the phenotype
    • A large number of genes may have a combined effect on a particular
    phenotypic trait, these genes are known as polygenes

    A typical example of continuous variation is height. There are no distinct
    categories of height; people are not either tall or short. There are all possible
    intermediates between very short and very tall (Figure 5.1).

    Continuously variable characteristic is greatly influenced by environment. A
    person may inherit tallness trait and yet not get enough food to grow tall. A plant
    may have a gene for large fruits but not get enough water, minerals and sunlight
    to grow large fruits.

    b) Discontinuous variation.
    Discontinuous variation is indicated as a variation where there is a clear difference
    among individuals there is no intermediates, in human you are male or female
    apart from abnormalities, Sex are inherited in a discontinuous way, some people
    are able to roll they tongue in a tube other can’t do it.

    There are many characteristics that are difficult to classify as continuous or
    non-discontinuous such as human eye colour people can be classified roughly
    as having blue eyes or brown eyes, but there are also categories described as
    grey, Hazel or green.

    A typical example of discontinuous variation is human blood group; discontinuous
    variations is controlled by a single pair of alleles or small number of genes.

    A person is one of four blood group: A, B, AB and O there is no blood group

    The major distinctions between continuous and discontinuous variations in
    inheritance are as follows:

    Continuous variations have the following characteristics:
    – The variations fluctuate around an average or mean of species.
    – Direction of continuous variations is predictable.
    – They are already present in the population.

    – Continuous variations are formed due to chance segregation of
    chromosomes during gamete formation, crossing over and chance
    pairing during fertilization.
    – They can increase adaptability of the race but cannot form new species.
    – Continuous variations are connected with the mean or average of the
    species by intermediate stages.
    – The continuous variations are also called fluctuations.
    – When represented graphically, continuous variations give a smooth bell
    shaped curve - They are very common
    – Continuous variations do not disturb the genetic system.

    Discontinuous variations have the following characteristics:
    – A mean or average is absent in discontinuous variations.
    – The direction of discontinuous variations is unpredictable.
    – Discontinuous variations are new variations though similar variations
    might have occurred previously.
    – Discontinuous variations are produced by changes in genome or genes.
    – Discontinuous variations are the fountain head of continuous variations
    as well as evolution
    – These variations are not connected with the parental type by intermediate
    – Discontinuous variations are also known as mutations or sports.
    – A curve is not produced when discontinuous variations are represented
    – These variations appear occasionally.
    – They disturb the genetic system of the organism
    Table 5.1. Comparison between Discontinuous and continuous variation

    Application activity 5.1.2

    The histogram shows the height of wheat plants in an experiment plot.

    Based on the figure
    a) Which type of variation is shown by the height of each of the strains of
    wheat plants
    b)Give other example of discontinuous variation

    5.2 Natural selection
    Natural selection is a process that results in the adaptation of an organism to
    its environments by means of selectively reproducing changes in its genotype
    or genetic constitution. In 1858, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
    published a theory of evolution by natural selection.

    Individuals with certain variants of the trait may survive and are capable to
    reproduce more than less successful individuals with unfavorable characters;
    therefore, the population evolves. Over time, this process can result in
    populations that specialize for particular ecological niches (microevolution) and
    may eventually result in speciation (the emergence of new species also known
    as macroevolution). In other words, natural selection is a key process to change
    organisms and make them suitable to different environment.

    The allele responsible for the variation that help individuals to survive better is
    inherited by the offspring, they will survive and transmit the trait to its offspring,
    in time this particular variety outnumber and finally replace the original variety.

    This is known as “the survival of the fittest” but this doesn’t indicate good health
    to an organism but the one which is well fitted to the conditions of environment.

    Factors of natural selection


    The puffball can produce billions of offspring, if all offspring produced survived
    to maturity they would carpet the surrounding land surface.

    For your observation, how can the factor of producing a high number of
    offspring for an organism have an impact on surviving in the environment?

    Natural selection which is one of the evolution means is due to several factors in
    a population including over production and environmental factors.

    Role of over production and variation in natural selection

    Over production is the production of more offspring that can be supported
    by the available resources (food, light, space…). Individuals possessing genes
    that help them to survive in an environment and this trait is transmitted from
    generation to generations.

    Darwin appreciated that all species have the potential to increase their numbers
    exponentially, he realized that, in nature, population rarely, if ever, increased
    in size at such rate. The reason why reproductive rate is high is because an
    individual cannot control the climate, availability of food, rate of predation etc.
    Therefore, the production of sufficient offspring ensures a sufficient large
    population surviving during hash conditions.

    Application 5.2.1

    1) In the natural selection species that is able to produce a high number
    of offspring ensure the possibility of great number offspring to survive.
    How do we call such process?
    2) How does over production lead to competition?

    Environmental factors

    Activity 5.2.2

    The figure above represents plants into different environments, observe them
    carefully and
    a) Write down your observations according their environments and their
    b) Mention your differential observation of the plant (a), (b), (C) according
    to their environment.

    Environmental factors as forces of natural selection, Environment is a responsible
    agent of natural selection. Thus, it selects and determines individuals in different
    ways according to different types of natural selections.

    Selection pressure
    Selection pressure are environmental factors that limit the population of species
    it is also known as environmental resistance.
    It includes:

    • Availability of resources:
    – Competition for food
    – Competition for a space in which to live, breed and rear young
    – Competition for mating etc.

    • Environmental conditions:
    – Need for light, water, oxygen,
    – Climate changes temperature, whether conditions or geographical

    • Biological factors: Predators and diseases(pathogens)
    Selection pressure can be density dependent or independent density factor,
    and it extent varies from time to time and place to place.
    The selection is of three main types:
    • Stabilizing selection
    • Direction selection
    • Disruptive selection

    a) Stabilizing selection
    Stabilizing selection is a type of natural selection in which a population mean
    stabilizes on a particular non-extreme trait value as result of genetic diversity
    decreases as illustrated in the figure below.

    As illustrated in the above figure (Fig. 5.3), in stabilizing selection, natural selection
    favors the individuals in the population with the intermediate phenotypes. These
    individuals have greater survival and reproductive success. Individuals with
    extreme phenotypes are less adaptive and are therefore eliminated.

    b) Directional selection
    Directional selection is a mode of natural selection in which a single or new
    fit phenotype is favored when exposed to environmental changes, causing a
    population genetic variance or allele frequency to continuously shift in one
    direction or one end of the spectrum of existing variation.

    c) Disruptive or diversifying selection
    In disruptive selection, both the extreme phenotypes in the population are
    selected and become more prevalent. The individuals with extreme phenotypes
    or end- phenotypic spectrum have greater survival and reproductive success.
    The disruptive selection pressure increases the chances of the advantageous
    alleles to be passed on to the next generation. By disruptive selection, the
    intermediate phenotype is selected against and gradually decreases in number
    from generation to generation, and may become extinct.

    From the above figure, disruptive selection many generations may cause the
    formation of two separate gene pools and the formation of new species.
    From the factors of natural selection some examples that indicate natural
    selection today are known and include:
    • Antibiotic resistance,
    • industrial melanism
    • pesticides resistance in insect and mammals

    Application activity 5.2.2

    1) Classify the following figures according to the types of natural selection

    Key: Blue line indicates a given population after natural selection while red
    line indicates a given population before natural selection.
    2) Give 2 examples of natural selection due to environment?

    A. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria

    Activity 5.2.2.A

    Those Petri dishes contain gel that are nutrient for the growth of bacteria, the
    red gel in each of these petri dishes has been inoculated with bacteria. The
    small blue circles are discs impregnated with antibiotics but some bacteria
    can grow around those antibiotics that are supposed to kill them.

    From the observation above what can you say on those bacteria that are able
    to grow in the presence of Antibiotics?

    Antibiotic resistance occurs when an antibiotic has lost its ability to effectively
    control or kill bacterial growth; in other words, the bacteria are “resistant” and
    continue to multiply in the presence of therapeutic levels of an antibiotic.

    When the antibiotic is used the bacteria can develop the ability to defeat the
    drugs designed to kill them. These bacteria survive to this antibiotic continue to
    live and produce offspring that are resistant to this antibiotic.

    Antibiotic resistance is a natural process even though a number of bacteria drug
    resistance is attributed to human being by overuse and misuse of antibiotics. In
    some countries and over the Internet, antibiotics can be purchased without a
    doctor’s prescription. Patients sometimes take antibiotics unnecessarily, to treat
    viral illnesses like the common cold.

    How do bacteria become resistant?

    Some bacteria are naturally resistant to certain types of antibiotics. However,
    bacteria may also become resistant in two ways: by a genetic mutation or by
    acquiring resistance from another bacterium.

    How does antibiotic resistance spread?

    Genetically, antibiotic resistance spreads through bacteria populations both
    “vertically,” when new generations inherit antibiotic resistance genes, and
    “horizontally,” when bacteria share or exchange sections of genetic material
    with other bacteria. Horizontal gene transfer can even occur between different
    bacterial species. Environmentally, antibiotic resistance spreads as bacteria
    themselves move from place to place; bacteria can travel via air, water and wind.

    People can pass the resistant bacteria to others; for example, by coughing
    or contact with unwashed hands.

    Can bacteria lose their antibiotic resistance?

    Yes, antibiotic resistance traits can be lost, but this reverse process occurs more
    slowly. If the selective pressure that is applied by the presence of an antibiotic
    is removed, the bacterial population can potentially revert to a population of
    bacteria that responds to antibiotics.

    Application activity 5.2.2.A

    1) Compare the two diagram below and differentiate them in the two
    categories of resistance transmission in bacteria.

    B. Pesticides resistance in insect and mammals

    Activity 5.2.2.B

    Discuss and explain the pesticides resistance in insect and mammals and
    present your findings.

    Pesticide resistance means a decreased ability of pesticides to kill pest, Pest
    species evolve pesticide resistance via natural selection and it can be passed
    from one generation to the other trough reproduction.

    a) Pesticide resistance in insect
    The intensive use of insecticide and genetics are the fundamental factors of
    insecticide resistance. By natural selection insect with the genes that confer
    the resistance to the insect survive and transmit the trait to the next generation,
    most of pest species including insect produce large broods which increase the
    probability of mutations and ensures large resistant populations.

    Resistance can be for a single insecticide, but it is more common that insect

    resistance can be developed to the pesticide with the same mode of action.

    This is known as cross resistance while multiple resistance is when insects
    resist to two or more pesticides. In addition to resistance there is Tolerance, it
    is not a result of selection pressure but a natural tendency, for example mature
    caterpillar are tolerant to many insecticides than their young one.

    b) Pesticide resistance in mammals
    Resistant weed species have now been reported and about 10 species of
    small mammals and plants attacking nematodes are known to be resistant.
    Resistance in mammals has affected the control of rat populations. A chemical
    called warfarin has been used to kill rats since the 1950s.It is given to rats in the
    form of food baited with the chemical. Once ingested, warfarin prevents blood
    clotting, causing hemorrhaging and death of the rats. A warfarin –resistant
    allele arose in the rat population that allow them to survive when warfarin was

    Application 5.2.2.B

    Answer by true or false
    1) Due to the development of exoskeleton in some insect like caterpillar
    they become more susceptible to pesticides than their young ones?
    2) In our house there is a lot of mice, we use to kill them using ‘sumu ya
    Panya”but it can’t kill them nowadays, they are resistant to it.
    3) To fight against malaria we can use a mosquito net which kills
    Anopheles, Anopheles do not resist on it.

    C. Industrial melanism

    Activity 5.2.2.C

    1) Observe the following diagram of moth and answer to the question

    a) Write down your observation about the colour of moth and its back
    b) Why those moth do not have the same colour?

    Industrial melanism is an effect of evolution prominent in several arthropods
    where melanism has evolved in an environment where the air is greatly affected
    by Sulphur dioxide and dark soot deposits. Darker pigmented individuals are
    better fitted into those polluted environments which favors their camouflage.
    Other explanation links this industrial melanism with immunization (strengthening
    of immunity), absorption of heat at high rate in reduced sunlight and ability to
    excrete trace element into melanic scales and feathers.

    Industrial melanism can be observed in more than 70 species of Lepidoptera
    (butterflies and moths).

    Application 5.2.2.C

    In the light forest, after the end of the simulation 76% light moths and 24%
    dark moths were observed. Relate this to the industrial melanism and find an
    explanation to those number.

    5.3 Artificial selection

    Activity 5.3

    1. The original Rwandan cattle (a) from which individuals were first
    domesticated use to have long horns, but now days many cattle (b) do
    not look the same as the original one.

    With the daily life experience and the observation on the figures
    above, why does the number of traditional cows (a) are decreasing in
    Rwandan societies.

    Artificial selection or selective breeding involves the selection of trait of interest
    done by human being not environment and use them as the parent of the
    next generation Artificial selection has been practiced by humans for several
    centuries. It has played an important role in the evolution of modern crop plants,
    farm animals and domestic pets from the wild ancestors. This led to a population
    with desired traits. Artificial selection is used by humans to produce varieties of

    animals and plants that have an increased economic importance. It is considered
    as a safe way of developing new strains of organisms, compared with genetic
    engineering, and is a much faster process than natural selection. However,
    artificial selection removes variation from a population, leaving it susceptible
    to disease and unable to cope with changes in environmental conditions.
    Potentially, therefore, artificial selection puts a species at risk of extinction.

    Comparison between natural selection and artificial selection

    Two methods of carrying out selective breeding are known as in breeding and
    out breeding

    Application 5.3

    1) At break time one of the student who come from Mamba sector in
    Gisagara district told us about the agriculture activity, she said that
    before sowing ground nuts their parents select seeds that look good.
    I was asking myself why they can’t saw any seed.
    a) From your knowledge is this selection, artificial or natural selection
    b) Give other examples of artificial selection that you know

    Methods of Artificial selection

    Activity 5.3.1

    1. Carefully observe the following diagram and write down what are your
    observation of the activity that take place.

    a) Inbreeding
    In breeding methods, is a method of artificial selection in which there is a
    breeding of closely relative’s individuals with a desired trait, in this case the
    chances to obtain offspring showing the desired characteristics are greater.
    This characteristic of interest is retained as far as possible and the origin of the
    desirable trait is spontaneous mutation. The inbreeding presents some negative
    consequences like the loss of vigour, with the population being weakened by
    lack of diversity, the increase of expression of recessive allele that is why there is
    a need of introducing new genes from outside to make the population healthier
    and stronger.

    b) Outbreeding
    This method of artificial selection involves crossing unrelated individuals showing
    two different characteristics in order to obtain an individual which combine both
    characteristics for example by crossing a crop plant that gives an excellent yield
    with the one which resist to disease in the expectation of a plant with a high
    yield and disease resistance. It frequently produces tougher individuals with a
    better chance of survival. This is called hybrid vigour

    Selective breeding in cattle: Nowadays milk dairy industry are interested in
    modern-day cattle for milk production and farmers involved in it use selective
    breeding by artificial insemination.

    In the selection farmers follows some factors including:
    • Volume of milk produced each day
    • Length of milking(lactation) period
    • Protein and fat content of milk

    • Disease resistance,

    The selective breeding process
    • Selecting a suitable cow and bull by consulting the pedigree records of
    each and trough progeny testing.
    • Collection of sperm from the selected bull and storing them by freezing
    • Detection of when the cow is in oestrus by observing changes in her
    behavior, e.g. Increase restlessness, feeding less.
    • Artificially inseminating the defrosted semen into the cow.
    • Checking that fertilization has occurred and the calf in cow.
    Both artificial insemination and embryo transplantation can be used.

    Application 5.3.1

    Before leading the following passage observe carefully the fig of animals

    The hybrid offspring of donkey (I) and horse (J) is a mule (k), which is robust
    but sterile, animals can be crossed according to the characteristic needed in
    artificial selection.
    a) Which type of artificial selection indicated above?
    b) What can you do, to prevent the sterility of your hybrid(mule)

    Skills lab

    This exercise illustrates the effect of natural selection on populations of
    predators and prey. Students-teacher, in groups of four, will represent
    predators, each with a different adaptation for capturing their prey. The prey
    will consist of different species represented by different colored beans.

    1) Each team of 4 students will count out exactly 100 dried beans of each
    2) Thoroughly mix the beans and spread them evenly over your’habitat.’your
    habitat depends on the weather.
    i) If the weather is poor, it is dark outside, or your instructor would
    rather, your habitat will be a tray of sediment in the classroom.
    ii) If the weather is lovely,or your instructor is adventurous,you will do
    this about lab outside.Each team will mark off 1m*1m ‘’habitat’’ in
    the grass using yarn, a meter stick,and wood stakes.
    iii) All ‘prey’ are confined to the habitat,wherever it is!
    3) Each student (predotor) will have a different feeding apparatus:A
    fork,spoon,Knife or forceps.
    4) When everyone is ready, predators will spend 60 seconds capturing
    prey with their devices and depositing them into a cup while obeying
    the following rules:
    i) Predators must only use their capture device to capture prey
    ii) Predators may not scoop prey up with their cup.
    iii) If predators ‘eat’ too much of the environment, they will become
    constipated and die.

    5) Each predator determines the number of prey captured and records
    results in data
    Sheet: Generation1.

    4) Calculate and fill the statistics on the data sheet (see example

    Data sheet: Generation1

    End unit assessment 5

    1) Suggest how each of the following might decrease the chances of
         an antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria developing
    a) Limiting the use of antibiotics to cases where there is a real need
    b) Regularly changing the type of antibiotic that is prescribed for a
         particular disease
    c) Using two or more antibiotics together to treat a bacterial infection.
    2) Differentiate between natural selection from artificial selection
    3) Some individuals of the swallowtail butterfly scientifically known as
    Papilio machaon of the family papilionidae pupate on brown stems
    or leaves; others pupate on green stems or leaves. Two distinct
    colour forms of the pupae are found, namely brown and green, with
    very few intermediates.
    a) What type of natural selection does this example show?
    b) Explain why the intermediate colour formed would be at selective
    4) Copy and complete the table to compare artificial selection with
    natural selection

    Distinguish inbreeding and outbreeding
    6) Explain why artificial breeding is beneficial to man?


    Key unit competence
    Analyze the relevance of theories of evolution and explain the process of

    Introductory activity 1

    During Kwita Izina Ceremony (naming a newborn Gorilla) in Rwanda. On
    Rwanda television I saw an image of mountain gorilla, it was closely related
    to human being. Later while I was reading biology book I found this image
    which shows human being and their ancestors

    a) Observe carefully the image above and record the similarities among
    A and D, and D and F.
    b) Write a short note of your observation about the image.

    6.1 Theories of evolution

    Activity 6.1

    1) Observe the diagram below of plant (vegetables), do you see any
    relationship among those types of vegetables

    According to the most biologists the principal questions in biology is “where do
    all living things come from?” but we know that life comes from the pre-existing
    life means that every species descends from other species, it is what we call

    Evolution is a changeover successive generation of inheritable trait of a
    population or it is the process by which new species are formed from pre-
    existing ones over a period of time. As there is emergence of new species
    others are disappearing, the species that disappear are said to become extinct.
    An enormous fossil, such as those of early birds, provides evidence of evolution.
    Genetics studies of populations of bacteria, protists, plants, insects, and even
    humans provide further evidence of the history of the change among organisms
    that live or have lived on earth.

    Theory of evolution is a short term for theory of evolution by natural selection
    which was proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in the
    nineteenth century.

    Four main theories of evolution are known:
    • Lamarckism or theory of inheritance of acquired characters
    • Darwinism or theory of natural selection.
    • Neo-Darwinism or modern concept or Synthetic theory of evolution and
    • Creation Theory.

    a) Lamarckism
    Lamarckism or theory of inheritance of acquired characters developed by Jean
    Baptist Lamarck (1744-1829) French Biologist. His theory is based on the
    inheritance of acquired characteristic (variations) in the body of organism in the
    response to the environment conditions

    i) Assumptions of Lamarck’s theory
    • Organisms tend to increase in size as they become more complex to a
    predetermined limit.
    • When influenced by the environment, body changes can be induced in
    • Organisms acquire new features because of need.
    • Development of an organ and its effectiveness is promoted by its use
    whereas its disuse brings about decline.
    • Acquired features are inherited by future generations.

    ii) Merits/Advantages
    • Lamarck was able to show that the environment influences the course of
    • He observed that features are passed down from parents to their offspring.
    • He was able to recognize that as organism increase in size, they become
    more complex to a predetermined limit. (Predetermine: to determine or
    decide in advance)

    iii) Demerits /disadvantages
    • Acquired changes are not heritable as they are influenced by genes.
    • Somatic changes are not heritable as they are not passed through
    • The process of gametogenesis is not related to occupation or their activity.
    • Use or disuse of somatic cells does not affect gamete formation.

    b) Darwinism
    The evolution is not a modern concept, since the ancient time, philosophers,
    Aristotle, Socrates, Confucius and others have suggested that complex species
    evolved from simple pre-existing ones by a process of continuous and gradual
    change. In nineteenth century Charles Darwin an A. Wallace published the paper
    describing their theory of evolution by natural selection later on 24 November
    1859 Darwin published the book “The origin of species by means of Natural
    selection or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life’’ containing
    many evidence to support the theory.

    According to Darwin’s theory:
    – Each species living today arose from a pre-existing species.
    – All species have evolved from one ancestral type.
    – Natural selection provides the mechanism for one species to change
    into another.

    The main evidence for his first suggestion, which has been called descent with
    modification, comes from fossils.

    Darwin use different observations in his research including the following:
    a) Reproductive powers of living organism/over production/biotic
    : Over production is the production of more offspring that can
    be supported by the available resources this ensures the surviving of a
    high number of offspring and the geometric or exponential growth of the
    b) Scarcity of resources: Darwinism states that, the increase of the
    population geometrically is not directly proportional to the increase of
    resources (food, space...) which increase in arithmetic way.
    c) Struggle for existence: Darwin deduced on the basis of 1 and 2 that
    members of the species were constantly competing with each other in an
    effort to survive. In this struggle for existence only a few would live long
    enough to breed
    d) Survival of the fittest by natural selection: Among the offspring there
    will be some better able to withstand the prevailing conditions. That is,
    some will be better adapted (fitter) to survive in the struggle for existence.
    These types are more likely to survive long enough to breed. Darwin’s idea
    of evolution by natural selection is relatively simple but misunderstood. To
    find out how it works, imagine a population of beetles:

    i) Variation in the beetles’ population some are green and some brown

    ii) Green beetles tend to reproduce less as they are eaten by predators than
    brown one

    iii) Surviving beetles pass they brown genes to their offspring

    iv) The brown coloration the important trait which allows the beetles to have
    more offspring and to survive, will dominate the population and eventually
    all beetles will be brown.

    e) Inheritance of useful trait/like produce like: The selected individuals
    produce offspring with the useful trait so that they can fit into the

    Darwin’s theory was based on three main observations:
    i) Within a population are organisms with varying characteristics, and these
    variations are inherited (at least in part) by their offspring.
    ii) Organisms produce more offspring than are required to replace their
    iii) On average, population numbers remain relatively constant and no
    population gets bigger indefinitely.

    After his observations Darwin concluded that within a population many individuals
    do not survive and fail to reproduce.

    Assumptions of Darwinism
    – Most organisms have the potential to produce large number of
    offspring or progeny than the environment can support. This leads to
    still competition as the numbers of organisms are fairly stable.
    – All organisms, even of the same species vary in a few characteristics,
    – Only those organisms of a given species with variations that adapt them
    to the environment, survive the competition and live. There is survival for
    the fittest by natural selection.
    – The features favored/selected by nature survive and are inherited.
    Therefore, new species may develop by natural selection, which is one
    of the forces of evolution.

     Merits of Darwin’s theory of natural selection
    – Species always change as the environment changes.
    – Species are compared with their ancestors due to presence of
    similarities in characteristics.
    – Enough data are / can be collected for explaining variation in a population
    that may result into formation of a new species.

     Demerits of Darwin’s theory of natural selection
    – Not all variations inherited, except for only genetic variations.
    – It provides inadequate explanation of existence of many vestigial
    structures in organisms.
    – Explanation on deleterious mutations that are retained in a population
    is not adequate.

    c) Neo-Darwinism
    Neo-Darwinism is the modern theory of evolution that incorporates scientific
    evidence particularly from genetics and molecular biology, the Neo-Darwinism
    combine the work of Mendel genetics and Darwin, for example, we now know that

    the variations that are so important in natural selection come about by random
    and spontaneous changes in genes, particularly from mutations in reproductive
    cells. According to Neo-Darwinism, nature selects those individuals with
    beneficial mutations and allows them to be passed to their offspring through
    reproduction from generation to generation. The mutations are transmitted
    within the population and if selected by nature, they may form a new species.

    d) Special creation
    It is believed that a special being, God created the universe and all living
    organisms (bible Genesis 1:1-2; Psalm 139:13-14). In this theory, heavens and
    earth were first created. Light, day and night were created next and subsequently,
    all living things with human beings the last in the creation. It shows that there
    was direct creation of organism with no precursor to life.

    6.1. 1 Evidence for evolution

    a) Fossils
    The evidence for evolution are provided mainly by the study of fossil
    (paleontology). Fossils come into different forms, such as imprints, the burrow
    of worm, or mineralized bone preserved by natural process in rocks, ice etc. The
    study of fossils show how the organisms have changed over time.

    Relative and radiometric dating are the method used by scientist to determine
    the age of fossils and rocks.

    b) Anatomy and Embryology
    Anatomy or comparative anatomic structures is the study of biological different
    organisms. Structures in different species that have similar internal frame, work,
    position and embryonic development are said to be homologous. For example,
    bones in the appendages of a human, dog, bird, and whale all share the same
    overall construction resulting from their origin in the appendages of a common
    ancestor. Overtime, evolution led to changes in the shapes and sizes of these
    bones in different species, but they have maintained the same overall layout.

    Paleontologists have found fossils showing how the bones of lizard-like ancestor
    evolved into the ear bones of modern mammals.

    The fact that two different organisms look alike does not always suggest a
    close evolutionary relationship. Structures of unrelated species can evolve
    to look alike because structures are adapted of similar functions. These are
    called analogous structures. Another evidence is vestigial structures
    body structure with no function or which do not serve their original purpose but
    probably useful in the ancestors.

    c) Comparative embryology
    The study for embryo it is called embryology, an embryo is an unborn or
    unhatched animal or human young in its earliest phases. Therefore, species that
    show a similar embryonic development are assumed to be closely related, even
    if the adult stages are very different. For example, echinoderms (the phylum
    containing starfish and sea urchins) are believed to be related to chordates (the
    phylum including vertebrates) because of similarities in their early embryonic

    d) Comparative biochemistry and cell biology
    The most persuasive evidence that organisms have evolved from a common
    ancestor comes from studies comparing the cell biology and biochemistry of
    different organisms, which reveal that:
    – The genetic code contained within nucleic acids is almost universal
    – Physiological processes vital to all organisms, such as respiration,
       follow very similar metabolic pathways.

    – ATP is the universal energy currency
    The cellular and biochemical details of organisms are quite similar, but any
    differences can give an idea of how closely different species are related.
    Species that are closely related would be expected to differ only slightly from
    each other. Detailed comparisons of DNA, metabolic pathways, key proteins,
    and organelles such as ribosomes have been used to work out the evolutionary
    relationships of organisms. For example, ribosomes inside mitochondria and
    chloroplast are similar to those in bacteria, suggesting that these organelles
    may have evolved from bacteria. Mammalian blood proteins can be tested to see
    how similar they are to human blood proteins: blood serum from the mammal in
    question is added to rabbit serum containing anti-human antibodies.

    Application Activities 6.1

    1) The diagram below indicates the part of front limb of different animals,
    if the labeled diagram is an arm of human being label other diagram by
    corresponding them, according to how they have evolve

    2) The skull of chimpanzee and that of human being are shown her below

    The above diagram corresponds to the adult skull, relate them with their fetus
    3) Correct this statement
    Mitochondrial DNA differences are inconsistent with the existence of a recent
    human common ancestor for all ethnic groups.

    6.2 Cause of evolution

    Activity 6.2

    Find out the cause of evolution and discuss it among your classmates.

    It is difficult to meet Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in real populations. The
    Hardy-Weinberg Theorem describes populations in which allele frequencies
    are not changing means that it does not evolve.
    The force behind evolution are mainly summarized in four factors:
    • Competition changes in the environment.
    • Sexual reproduction.
    • Mutations.
    • Gene recombination.
    • Industrialization.
    • Effect of drugs or chemical resistance.
    • Artificial selection.

    a) Competition changes in the environment
    Imagine that we are plunged into a new ice age. The climate becomes much
    colder, so that snow covers the ground for almost all of the year. Assuming
    that rabbits can cope with these conditions, white rabbits now have a selective
    advantage during seasons when snow lies on the ground, as they are better
    camouflaged (like the hare in figure 6.3.). Rabbits with white fur are more likely
    to survive and reproduce, passing on their alleles for white fur to their offspring.
    The frequency of the allele for white coat increases at the expense of the allele
    for agouti. Over many generations, almost all rabbits will come to have white
    coats rather than agouti.

    b) Sexual reproduction
    Sexual reproduction is a reproduction using gametes (male gametes and female
    gametes) each gamete contain a unique set of gene combination, and the ova is
    fertilized randomly by the male gamete as a result each zygote is unique hence
    the variation among individuals.

    c) Mutation
    Mutation creates new genetic variation in a gene pool. It is how all new alleles first
    arise. In sexually reproducing species, the mutations that matter for evolution are
    those that occur in gametes. Only these mutations can be passed to offspring.
    For any given gene, the chance of a mutation occurring in a given gamete is
    very low. Thus mutations alone do not have much effect on allele frequencies.
    However, mutations provide the genetic variation needed for other forces of
    evolution to act

    d) Gene recombination
    Natural selection is usually the most powerful mechanism or process causing
    evolution to occur, however, it only selects among the existing variation already
    in a population. It does not create new genetic varieties or new combinations or
    varieties. One of the sources of those new combinations of genes is recombination
    during meiosis. It is responsible for producing genetic combinations not found
    in earlier generations.

    e) Industrialization
    Many species of organisms, especially insect species, have two or more
    adult body forms that are genetically distinct from one another, but which are
    contained within the same interbreeding population. This condition is known as
    polymorphism (another type of natural selection). The peppered moth (Biston
    betularia), for example, has two main forms with different wing colours. One form
    has pale wings with dark markings; the other form is called melanic because the
    wings contain large amounts of melanin (a black pigment), so they are almost

    f) Effect of drugs or chemical resistance
    Drug resistance is a reduction in effectiveness of medication such as
    antimicrobial in treating a disease or condition. Antibiotic resistance is a severe
    problem throughout the world. For example, some strains of the common
    bacterium Staphylococcus aureus are resistant to antibiotics such as penicillin
    and methicillin. Penicillin resistance has probably evolved in the following way:
    – By chance, a mutation produces an individual bacterium with an allele
    that allows it to produce an enzyme, penicillinase, which deactivates
    – This bacterium is immediately resistant to penicillin. (As bacteria have
    only one strand of DNA and one copy of each gene, the mutant allele is
    expressed immediately and is not masked by a dominant allele.)
    – If the population to which the mutant belongs is exposed to penicillin,
    the mutant will survive and reproduce whereas those without the mutant
    will be killed.

    g) Artificial selection
    Over the years, humans have used artificial selection to create dog breeds over
    the past 150 years or so, humans have been specifically mating dogs that look
    a certain way to create the animals we now keep as pests via a process known
    as breeding. This is artificial selection, where one species (humans) directs the
    traits that get passed down to future generations of another species (dogs).

    Application activity 6.2

    1) Numerous factors can induce the evolution of species, observe the
    diagram below then suggest the cause of the loss of hair.

    2) After understanding the evolution, give the factors that are inducing
    today’s evolution.

    6.3 Speciation

    Activity 6.3

    1. Observe the diagram below, and write a short notes for your observation

    Speciation is the evolution of new species from the existing ones. A species is a
    group of organisms with similar features which can interbreed to produce fertile
    offspring, and which are reproductively isolated from other species. Organisms
    which do not interbreed under normal circumstances to produce fertile offspring
    are regarded as reproductively isolated. Mechanisms that prevent the formation

    of hybrids are called prezygotic isolating mechanisms, Prezygotic (before a
    zygote is formed) isolating. Mechanisms include:
    – Individuals not recognizing one another as potential mates or not
    responding to mating behavior
    – Animals being physically unable to mate
    – Incompatibility of pollen and stigma in plants
    – Inability of a male gamete to fuse with a female gamete.

    The mechanisms that affect the ability of hybrids to produce fertile offspring
    are called postzygotic isolating mechanisms. Postzygotic isolating mechanisms
    – Failure of cell division in the zygote
    – Non-viable offspring (offspring that soon die)
    – Viable, but sterile offspring.

    The most important isolating mechanism is thought to be geographical isolation,
    in which two populations originally of the same species are separated from each
    other by a physical barrier such as a mountain, river, or ocean.

    a) Allopatric speciation
    Allopatric means ‘different countries’ and describes the form of speciation where
    two populations become geographically isolated. Geographical isolation
    may be the result of any physical barrier between two populations which
    prevents them interbreeding. These barriers include oceans, rivers, mountains
    ranges and deserts. Which proves a barrier to one species may be no problem
    to another. The isolated populations then undergo phenotypic divergence as:
    • They independently undergo genetic drift
    • Different mutations arise in two populations
    • They become subjected to dissimilar selective pressure

    b) Sympatric speciation
    Sympatric literally means. (‘Same country’) Sympatric speciation occurs when
    organisms inhabiting the same area become reproductively isolated into two
    groups for reasons other than geographical barriers. Such reasons might
    1) The genitalia of two groups may be incompatible (mechanical isolation):
    It may be physically impossible for the penis of a male mammal to enter
    the female’s vagina
    2) The gametes may be prevented from meeting: In animals, the sperm may
    not survive in the female’s reproductive tract or, in plants; the pollen tube
    may fail to grow.

    3) Fusion of the gametes may not take place: Despite the sperm reaching
    the ovum, or the pollen tube entering the micropyle, the gametes may be
    incompatible and so will not fuse.
    4) Development of the embryo may not occur (hybrid inevitability): Despite
    fertilization taking place, further development may not occur, or fatal
    abnormalities may arise during early growth
    5) Polyploidy (hybrid sterility): When individuals of different species breed,
    the sets of chromosomes from each parent are obviously different. These
    sets are unable to pair up during meiosis and so the offspring cannot
    produce gametes.
    6) Behavioral isolation: Before copulation can take place, many animals
    undergo elaborate courtship behavior. This behavior is often stimulated
    by the colour and markings on the members of the opposite sex, the call
    of a mate or particular actions of a partner.

    Application activity 6.3

    1) Which type of speciation is indicated by the diagram below

    2) Which of the following is a correct definition of speciation?
    a) When one species has a genetic mutation, allowing it to breed with
    another species
    b) When a species has a genetic defect, making it a brand new species
    c) The process by which a species goes extinct, allowing a new species
    a chance to live in anew habitat
    d) An evolutionary process that leads to the formation of a new species.

    3) Which of the following is not true in the formation of a new species?
    a) If an isolated population has a new environmental conditions new
    traits can be favored eventually leading to the inability to reproduce
    with the original population.
    b) A mutation causes a population to breed with a different species.
    c) Reproductive isolation can occur by the formation of a mountain
    d) A population needs to become reproductively isolated.

    6.4 Mechanisms of speciation

    Activity 6.4

    The following image are for two different animals.

    a) Write down the similarities and differences in these animals on the
    above image.
    b) Can you consider them as a single species?

    a) Continental drift
    The continents which now exist have not always appeared as they do today.
    At one time, the earth had a single large land mass called Pangaea. This is
    thought to have broken up into two parts, a northern Laurasia and a southern
    Gondwanaland. Over millions of years, the two great land masses split up and
    moved by a process called continental drift to form our present continents. The

    theory that these land masses were once joined is supported by the discovery
    in Australia, South Africa, South America, and Antarctica of fossils belonging to
    the same extinct species. Fossils in North and South America show differences
    between the species, suggesting that these two continents have only joined
    together relatively recently. Before this, their fauna (animals) and flora (plants)
    were geographically isolated and evolved independently.

    Australia shows many excellent examples of species that evolved independently
    following its geographical isolation. It is thought that Australia became isolated
    about 120 million years ago, when marsupials (mammals without a placenta but
    with a pouch in which the young develop) and eutherian mammals (mammals
    with a true placenta) diverged from a common ancestor

    b) Migration
    Migration also called gene flow is any movement of individuals, and/or the
    genetic material they carry, from one population to another. Gene flow includes
    lots of different kinds of events, such as pollen being blown to a new destination
    or people moving to new cities or countries. If gene versions are carried to a
    population where those gene versions previously did not exist, gene flow can
    be a very important source of genetic variation. In the graphic below, the gene
    version for brown coloration moves from one population to another.

    c) Divergent evolution
    A single species evolves into several new species that live in different ways. The
    five of Darwin’s finches are a good example. There are separate species
    of finch in the group, all of which probably evolved from individuals belonging to
    ne mainland species.

    The islands have few other bird species. In the absence of competition, the
    finches became adapted to fill all the available niches. In particular, they evolved
    a wide range of beak sizes and shapes so that they could take advantage of the
    food sources on the different islands. The evolution of an ancestral species into
    different species to fill different niches is called adaptive radiation

    d) Convergent evolution
    Unrelated species independently evolve similarities when adapting to similar

    6.1: Table isolating mechanisms

    Application activity 6.4

    1) Observe the following birds

    Observe those figures, what is the type of speciation?
    2) Which effect of natural selection is likely to lead to speciation?
    a) Differences between populations are increased.
    b) The range of genetic variation is reduced.
    c) The range of phenotypic variation is reduced.
    d) Favorable alleles are maintained in the population.

    Skills lab

    Formulate models
    Camouflage provides an adaptive advantage Camouflage is a structural
    adaptation that allows organisms to blend with their surroundings. In this
    activity, you’ll discover how natural selection can result in camouflage
    adaptations in organisms.

    Working with a partner, punch 100 dots from a sheet of white paper with
    a paper hole punch. Repeat with a sheet of black paper. These dots will
    represent black paper.
    1) Scatter both white and black dots on a sheet of black paper.
    2) Decide whether you or your partner will role-play a bird.
    3) The ‘’bird ‘’looks away from the paper, then turns back and immediately
    picks up the first dot he or she sees.
    4) Repeat step 4 for one minute

    1) Observe what color dots were most often collected?
    2) Infer how does color affect the survival rate of insects?
    Hypothesize what might happen over many generations to a similar
    population in nature?

    End unit assessment 6

    1) Name two examples of adaptive radiation.
    2) What effect did industrial pollution have on:
    a) The frequency of the C (melanic) allele within a population of peppered
    b) The rate of mutation of the c allele to the C allele
    3) Explain what is meant by heterozygous advantage, using the sickle-cell
    allele as an example.
    4) Answer the following questions:
    a) Distinguish between homologous structures and analogous structures
    with specific examples.
    b) Name the type of evolution exhibited by comparing:
    i) Flipper of whale and forelimb of desert rat.
    ii) Wing of a bat and wing of butterfly
    iii) Wing of a flamingo and wing of an insect

    Essay questions
    1) Explain the various evidences of organic evolution.
    2) Explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection. The environment or
    nature selects the individual with variations that are favored by the
    environment. These compete with the others and able to reach sexual
    maturity, reproduce and pass over the favorable characteristics to their
    3) What do you understand by Lamarckism? How does it differ from
    4) How can you convince that evolution progress?
    5) A Darwin and Lamarck contribution to science is unparalleled. Discuss.

    1) Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., Urry, A.L., Cain, L.M, Wasserman, A.S.,
    Minorksy, V.P and Jackson, B.R. (2008). Biology. 8th edition. Pearson
    international, San Francisco, USA.
    2) Mackean, D.G., Hayward D. (2014). Biology. 3rd edition Cambridge
    International Examinations, UK
    3) Mader, S. (2004). Biology. 8th Edition. Mc Graw Hill. New York, USA.
    4) Mary, J., Richard, F., Jennifer, G., Dennis, T. (2014). Biology. 4th edition,
    Cambridge International AS and A Level, UK,
    5) Miller, L. (2006). Prentice Hall Biology. Pearson Prentice Hall.
    6) Michael Kent, 2000, Advanced BIOLOGY, Oxford. New York
    7) Glenn and Susan Tole, 2015, Biology in context, Oxford University Press,
    8) Michael Kent, 2000, Advanced biology, Oxford University Press, UK
    9) Taylor D. J., (1999), Biological Sciences, 3rd edition, Cambridge University
    Press, UK.
    10) Jones, M., Fosbery, R., Gregory, J., and Taylor, D. (2014). Cambridge
    International AS and A Level Biology course book fourth Edition. United
    Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    11) Neil A. Campbell, Reece J.B., Urry L.A., Cain M.L., Wasserman S.A.,
    Minorsky P.V., and Jackson R.B. (2008). Biology. Pearson Benjamin
    Cummings. 8th Ed. San Francisco, US.