Topic Name Description
Page ICT in School Leadership Course Details

School Leadership and ICT in East Africa Page Swaniker, F. (2012). The Leaders Who Ruined Africa, and the Generation Who Can Fix It - Video

Swaniker, F. (2012). The Leaders Who Ruined Africa, and the Generation Who Can Fix It - Video

Page Rotich, J. (2013). Meet BRCK, Internet Access Built for Africa - Video

Rotich, J. (2013). Meet BRCK, Internet access built for Africa

Page Seddon, M. (2016). Common ICT Challenges Facing Heads and Principals.
Page Pellissier, R. (2001). Instructions to Leaders in the Digital Age

As a leader, think of climbing a ladder. Every time you take one step up the rung of the ladder, you gain a broader view of everything around you. Since the Digital Age requires a new type of leader, the new age leader needs to be quick to embrace a systems view of the school. In other words, get on the ladder and climb!

The IT Circle of Excellence" (2001), R. Pellissier

Creating a Shared ICT Vision for Your School File Ministry of Education, Rwanda. (2016). ICT in Education Policy
Page IICD. (2014). ICTs in Education - Video

IICD. (2014). ICTs in Education - Video

File Chapter 5: How Can A School Build a Shared Vision for ICT Use?

Extract from Bialobrzeska, M & Cohen, S. (2005). Managing ICTs in South African Schools: A Guide for School Principlals

Developing a Technology Plan for Your School File Rwanda School ICT Technology Template
Capacity Building Page SchoolNet SA. (nd). The Five Stages of Professional Development

SchoolNet SA. (nd). The five stages of professional development

File Majumdar, S. (2009). Modelling ICT Development in Education

Modelling ICT Development in Education Prof. Shyamal Majumdar, Ph.D. Head of Office, UNESCO-UNEVOC, International Centre, Bonn, Germany Email:

File School Snap Survey

Schoolnet SA

File Basic ICT Readiness Inventory
Considering Sustainability Issues File Rusten, E. (2010). Computer System Sustainability Toolkit. AED

Dr Eric Rusten

ICT as a Change Agent File ICT for Transformation Planning Template