Key Unit competence:

    To be able to make clay object by using different techniques of modeling.

    5.1 Techniques of decorating clay surfaces

    Decorating clay figures is one of the most rewarding aspects of working in clay.
    It is the time when you can add color and life to a bare clay surface that can
    show your creative talents. Decorations can be made before or after firing the
    clay figure. Firing can be done by putting the clay object in a kiln and fired so
    as to harden it.

    There are different techniques you can use to decorate clay object like; incision,
    impression, marking, grazing and varnishing, painting…

    • Painting
    Painting of surface is done using water color paints. Oil paint may

    be used on object made in clay.

    Incising is to engrave a design by cutting or scraping into the clay
    surface at any stage of drying, from soft to bone dry. ... Note: Incising
    becomes sprigging when it goes through the clay, leaving a hole rather

    than continue with additional carving.

    • Impression
    Impressing is a type of decoration produced by pressing something on the

    surface of the clay when it is still soft or stamped decoration.

    • Marking design using cord
    It is known as cord marking is the decorative technique in which cord or string
    wrapped around a paddle and pressed against an unfired clay vessel, leaving

    the twisted mark of the chord.

    • Grazing
    This is applying chemical on fired clay to create shining or various colours after

    the firing.

    5.2. The techniques and process of decorating ceramic


    Sand the pot to smooth any rough spots. Do this outside in the grass, if
    you can, to reduce cleanup. If you do it inside, or even in a garage, you may want
    to lay newspaper down so the dust doesn’t get everywhere.

    Soak the pot for 1 hour. This is good for new pots because it will loosen any
    stickers for easier removal. It is also good for pots you have planted in before
    because it will loosen any dirt.

    Scrub the pot with a brush. While soaking the pot may loosen the dirt, used
    pots are likely to need a scrubbing to get them completely clean. The paint will
    not go on even or stick properly if there is any dirt or debris.

    Let the pot dry completely. Painting the pot while it is still wet will cause the
    paint not to stick, so set it out to dry. If it’s a sunny day, put it outside to dry the
    pot faster. The time it takes to dry may depend on the size of the pot.

    Use foam brushes to paint the pot. Bristled brushes tend to leave streaks,
    so using a foam brush will give you a more even coat. You may want a couple
    brushes of different sizes, especially if you want to paint any kind of patterns on
    the pot.

    Tape off stripes or sections You can paint the pot one solid color, but for
    more variety or for fun designs, painters tape is a great option. With this variation,
    you’ll tape and paint over the tape for the first coat. Once the paint dries, you’ll
    take the tape off and paint the areas that were under the tape before.

    Paint the outside and 1-2 inches down the inside. You can use any paint
    you want for the main coats. It’s cheapest to use leftover paint you already have
    around. Exterior or interior paints are both fine, as well as acrylic craft paint.
    Spray paint works well, too.

    a).Vanishing process

    Varnish can provide a beautiful finish to clay projects and paintings. Before
    applying varnish to clay, sand your piece and clean your workspace. Apply the
    varnish in several thin layers, letting each one dry thoroughly before proceeding

    to the next.

    b) Incising process

    1. Make an object using clay.
    2. Before drying object, make design you need on it.
    3. Incise the design into the object.

    4. Let the object dry

    C) Impression Process
    There are times you can transfer a pattern from one source to another by
    impression. Patterns from hard surface as biscuits, rocks, stones, tree bark,
    coin, shoe sole, prepared clay with different patterns etch are needed to use
    this method.

    1. Make an object using clay
    2. Choice any source that you will use for impression
    3. Impress source on wet object before drying

    4. Let object dry.


    Books references:

    Kenya Literature Bureau (2007). Distinction Creative Arts, For Primary Teacher
    Kenya Literature Bureau (2010). Distinction Creative Arts, For Primary Teacher
    Studio technology revision question and answers 2016.
    Arts, crafts &design a piratical guide for teachers’ key strategies 1&2 1997.
    Graphic art Baker Apollo 2010.

    Online references:
