2. Technical Game Plan


In Scratch there are some important elements that you will use in the game design. They include, sprite, stage, costumes, block plates, to name but few. In the plan, you must think about which elements to use and how to use them. That is the technical plan.

How the stage will look like

In the previous modules we have looked at how to create and add a stage. But it is not all stages that would work in any story of a game. Each game needs a matching stage. A stage adds a meaning to the game and story. So, always to choose a stage that matches your story or game.


Which Sprites to use

A sprite is a character in the story or an actor in the game. For each story or game, you will choose or create a sprite based on its role, characteristics and other factors. 

Game Flow

After you have identified the sprite and the stage, you need to determine what the player will do. Which buttons to click and how to start the game. Most people use when you click the green flag, but you can choose other options. You describe what will happen and when it happens from the beginning of the game to the end. In the game flow, you also mention how to win your game.

Sound Effects / Music
In some games, there are sounds played in the background and each sound affects the game in one way or another. There are cases where each sprite produces a sound. In this section of planning, it is better to assign each sprite a sound and if possible, record or upload what you already have. In that category, you can provide each sprite with an associated sound effect.

Last modified: Wednesday, 31 March 2021, 3:56 PM