Forum to discuss Word Processor issues

Word processing

Word processing

by Deleted user -
Number of replies: 16

How can word processing support our daily teaching activities?

I would like to welcome your discussions here

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Re: Word processing

by Jean Baptiste Nsanzimana -

Normally Word processing as a tool used to type, writing  and text editing and formatting 

In our daily teaching activity it helps us to prepare handout notes, to write some text report and to set exams

In reply to Jean Baptiste Nsanzimana

Re: Word processing

by Gaspard Hitimana -

not only that we can conclude saying that,we, as teachers word processing will help us to prepare some of teaching documents(notes,lesson plan,scheme of work,student list, etc)

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Re: Word processing

Word processing support our daily teaching activities by writing tests, Exams, Notes, formatting text, etc for our students

Re: Word processing

by Valens Twiringiyimana -
it makes work easier than you think. Preparing notes you need edit only, exams also... @ innocent
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Re: Word processing

by Gaudence Nyiranzeyimana -

word processing is very very useful in our daily life because it can be used in making lesson plans ,notes ,handovers, as the main application which helps to teach other office packages

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Re: Word processing

by Francois Hakizimana -

Not only the word processing helps in Preparation of teachers' documents, but also it helps more in school management

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Re: Word processing

by Celestin Ntirandekura -
word processing will help me in my daily life as a teacher in the following ways:

Help me in planning lessons  using some ideas  and charts and image drown

help us to make teaching and learning ideas.

Typing And making some activities such as writing invitation,application letter,composing exams.

summarrily :word processing is very importance to teachers and other users because we do many activity that are  very crucial in our daily life activities

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Re: Word processing

by Jean de Dieu Munyaneza -
as teacher, word processing help me in different activities related to teaching and learning as follow:

1. i use it to prepare note handouts

2. i use it to set exams and marking sheets

3. i use it to write different documents used by administration. 

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Re: Word processing

by Gaspard Hitimana -

word processing will facilitate our teaching activities in different ways such as: preparing notes, scheme of work,lesson plan,writing student identifications, preparing tests and examinations etc

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Re: Word processing

by Theophile Kwihangana -

This word processing  is very important because I can not type my examination and design it well unless I'm skilled on word processing.

In my classes where I teach,I need list of students in various activities .

Through bold,underline,italic and various formatting;I can design my handout for learners by distinguishing topic ,sub-topics and contents.

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Re: Word processing

by Jean Claude HABINSHUTI -

Lets me take this opportunity to thank those who prepared the training as it is very essential for us teachers.

The word processing was the fourth unity; I acquired more about typing; editing; formatting; printing; by now this skills will unable me to use word processor to process my  teaching and learning process. I will use it also to prepare my course; to make my task easiest.

The learners will benefit the software as they will be give notes in different way such as online; printed; or soft notes.


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Re: Word processing

by Eric Munyaneza -

How can word processing support our daily teaching activities?

Word processing supports our daily teaching since it helps us to prepare our lesson's notes, prepare our documents which are updated. 

It also helps us to have more knowledge about ICT. Relevant notes are prepared using word processing by highlighting the emphases in our notes.  

There is a word supporting document there attached

Allows sharing of documents: Word processing allows materials to be shared easily among writers. Teachers can exchange lesson plans, worksheets, or other materials on disk and modify them to fit their needs. Students can also share ideas and products among themselves.

Allows collaboration of documents: Especially since the release of Google Docs, teachers and students can now create, edit, and share documents synchronously.