M4 - End of Module activity

Opened: Sunday, 3 October 2021, 1:00 AM
Due: Friday, 19 November 2021, 2:00 AM
Make a submission

End of Module Activity

Create the following story, applying what you have learnt in this module.  It is a discussion between Kamana and Kalisa.  Use Scratch to create that discussion.

  • Kalisa: Kamana, where are you?
  • Kamana: I’ m in Kayonza centre (round about)
  • Kalisa: Aahhh Kamana would you join me for a talk?
  • Kamana: It’s Ok Mr Kalisa, where can I find you?
  • Kalisa: Kamana, assume that the road heading to Kigali is X –axis and the road heading to Kibungo is Y- axis, find me at point (-50, -50) coordinate at Cyeru cell nearby Kayonza district Headquarter
  • Kalisa:  You mean I’ m at (0, 0) in coordinate system (Haaaa, Haaaa) it is now easy to find your location.
  • Kamana: Well, come find me at (-50, -50) then
  • Kalisa: Thank you Kamana for this orientation

If you are done with the exercise, use this link to compare your work.

Please submit a link to the Scratch project you have created for this activity.