Topic 3.1: Advanced Braille signs and symbols

This topic introduces you to advanced Braille signs and symbols

3.1.1 Advanced Braille literacy signs and symbols

Braille signs and symbols are signs and symbols used in literacy, mathematics, and other sciences such as Chemistry, Physics, and Biology (Simpson, 2013).

General Symbols and Indicators

i. Ampersand 

Ampersand is this sign & which stands for and

ii.              Arrows

Examples of arrows and where they are used:

1.     Road signs of → and  mark detours.

This (↑) arrow on the map indicates north.

 Enter arrow

 this arrow looks down with a sharp turn right  

Note: The dagger may be used as a reference mark or as the Latin or Christian cross to signify death or a member of the clergy. Asterisk and sometimes the dagger and double dagger appear raised from the baseline in print. This is not considered the superscript position.


Spelling words marked with an * have a silent letter.

To access your voicemail, strike *98 on your telephone

3.1.2 Braille grouping indicators 

Braille grouping indicators are used to ensure that the preceding braille symbol or indicator applies to all the symbols enclosed by the braille grouping indicators rather than just to the symbol immediately following.




It is used when you want to maintain sentence structure and paragraphing, and have a short list. 


Nutritional considerations include:

·       carbohydrates

·       protein

·       fat

·       cholesterol

·       fiber

·       sodium

Last modified: Saturday, 5 November 2022, 10:16 AM