Unit summary

This unit discussed 3 topics. Topic 1 is the elements of braille format that contains page number, paragraph, title and headings, line spacing, and chapters. Topic 2 is principles of braille transcription that is composed of presentation of guidelines and decimal numbering. The last topic is embossing techniques that discussed different embossing techniques depending on what’s used during the process and how bold or subtle the embossing needs to be. These techniques include blind embossing, combination embossing, fluted embossing, pastelling emboss, glazing emboss, and scorching emboss.

Reflection questions

1.     Identify and explain the elements of Braille format.

2.     Explain the principles of Braille transcription.

3.     Explain the factors that play a big part during the embossing process in the pursuit of great results.

4.     Discuss different embossing techniques depending on what’s used during the process and how bold or subtle the embossing needs to be.


Australian Braille Authority. (2016). Rules and guidelines for formatting braille. Retrieved on

3/11/2021 from http://brailleaustralia.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ABA-guidelines-for-formatting-2016-12.pdf

Braille Authority of North America. (2016) Braille formats of principles of print-to-Braille

transcription (1st Edition). Retrieved on 03/11/2021 from http://www.brailleauthority.org/formats/2016manual-web/frontmatter.html

Downey &Co Ltd (2017). Embossing & the main embossing techniques. Retrieved on 4-11-

2021 from https://www.downey.co.uk/blog/43/what-is-embossing-the-main-embossing-techniques

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Outreach Programs (2011) TETN #20437

Braille formats: Principles of print-to-braille transcription. Retrieved on 04/11/2021 from https://library.tsbvi.edu/assocfiles/40645286.pdf

Last modified: Friday, 4 November 2022, 10:08 AM