9. Hosting


Effective hosting requires communication competences and experience. To host a forum or chat, plan ahead of time. Clearly outline the points you want to be discussed and the goal you want to be reached and communicate them to participants in your invitation email and at the beginning of the chat. In case of a forum, this may be communicated to learners in an introduction of the forum discussion activity. Stick to this plan and probe learner's contributions as needed.


At the end of the chat or forum, sum up the main points that emerged in the discussion and resolutions and share this summary with learners. In a live chat, you may delegate, several hours before the chat starts, the summing up responsibility to one of the learners who will report to peers the main points discussed in the chat towards the end of the session.


It is important to ensure all learners have their say. In large groups, you may want to establish the speaking order at the beginning of the chat. When learners are actively discussing, you may let them talk among themselves. You may rephrase contributions that are difficult to understand. Always ensure to redirect learners who introduce irrelevant topics. Make sure the time is respected.


When misunderstandings and conflicts arise, mediate the involved learners.

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Last modified: Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 12:22 PM