15. Week 2 Summary

Congratulations on completing Week 2 of Digital Literacy and Online Learning which also mark the end of the Digital Literacy and Online Learning component as well as the end of the Digital Literacy for Online Learning training!

Before we conclude this course/training, we would like to recap on what you have learned in Week 2. We started Week 2 with a discussion on terms and conditions for many online services and how they are legally binding. We also discussed the necessity to control your presence in a digital environment and benefit from this environment without harming other users, which we referred to as digital well-being. You also received some tips for communicating online in a safe way, especially when you are communicating with people you do not know. You have learned how to keep your learning legal and different types of open licences that may help you identify resources that you may legally use in your learning free of charge. 

Not all information you find online is accurate. That is why you learned how you may critically evaluate the online information you encounter. You learned different techniques that may help you deal with excessive amount of information that is available in an online environment and critique it. Equally, you learned different resources and tools you may use in your online learning including social media and the discussion forum as well as how you may manage your online learning. Towards the end of Week 2, we explored online learning opportunities, with a particular focus on OpenupEd, a portal that features free and openly licensed courses that you may find useful in your continuous professional development. 

By the end of Week 2, we are confident that you are ready for learning successfully online.

VVOB Online Learning Team.

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Last modified: Thursday, 14 February 2019, 3:32 PM