19. Week 1 Summary


You have now completed about 35% of the online component of the Digital Literacy for Online Learning training. 

In this week, you learned how to organise your busy schedule and find time to learn online, managing yourself and time for online learning success and skills you need to succeed in online learning. You also explored how social media may be used in your online learning, the meaning of the concept of information age, a framework for digital skills, how you should communicate with others in an online environment as well as your online safety.

In Week 2, we will learn more on some of the topics covered in Week 1 and introduce new ones.

We look forward to your continuing engagement in the course.  

VVOB Online Learning Team.

Previous: Quiz 10                                                                                                        Next: Week 2 Introduction

Last modified: Wednesday, 13 February 2019, 5:34 PM