15. Collaborating online

How confident are you at working with others online to create a shared document or presentation? Is this something you have tried? Are you confident at using social media?

Different online application provide possibility to work collaborative on a project in an online environment. Those applications include Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox band Wiki. Using these application, people from all over the world can work together on a project without any of them having to leave her/his place. Social media can also offer possibility to collaborate on a project at different stages. Similar to a forum, a Facebook group can for instance be used to brainstorm on a project outline. In this case, members of this group would post their suggestion for one member to compile them into a summary. Similarly, a live Twitter session can be organised around one hashtag to brainstorm on specific components of a project.

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Last modified: Thursday, 7 February 2019, 11:23 AM