Interventions to increase gender responsiveness in your school


  • Organising gender sensitization activities for parents, community l members, teachers, girls and boys to raise their awareness and understanding of the need to support the education of girls and boys.

  • Training teachers in the skills for making teaching and learning processes responsive to the specific needs of girls and boys.

  • Empowering girls with skills for self-confidence, assertiveness, speaking out, decision making and negotiation for them to overcome gender-based constraints to their education.

  • Empowering boys with skills to refrain from gender oppressive attitudes and practices such as macho-ism, bullying and sexual affronts and to develop the self-confidence needed to accept gender equality positively.

  • Training the school community in the skills necessary to improve their reproductive health and protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases, particularly HIV/AIDS.

  • Training the school community to manage sexual maturation issues of both girls and boys with emphasis on menstruation management.

  • Training teachers and students in guidance and counselling skills.

  • Establishing guidance and counselling desks to provide services for the social and psychological development of girls and boys.

  • Work with the community to provide support to needy girls and boys to ensure that they do not drop out of school.

  • Providing gender responsive infrastructure including:
    • Separate and adequate toilets for girls and boys.
    • Adequate and clean water and sanitation, especially to enhance menstruation management and the overall health of the school community.

  • Carrying out activities to promote the participation of girls in science and mathematics subjects.

  • Establishing a gender responsive school management system that ensures gender equality in the governance and operation of the school.  This may include collecting gender-disaggregated data on all aspects of teaching and learning.

  • Involving the community and other stakeholders in monitoring and taking action to ensure improved enrolment, attendance and performance of girls and boys.

  • Establishing a database to track student performance and welfare as well as the levels of gender responsiveness of all aspects of the school

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 February 2019, 5:11 PM