UNIT 8: Task #1

UNIT 8: Gender

At Umubano Academy, everyone is taught that both girls and boys should receive the same opportunities to learn and the support they need to make as much progress as possible in their learning and personal development. In the following video Teacher Eric demonstrates how he is gender-responsive in his classroom:

vidWatch and listen to this video on gender equality

Video: Gender:   

Answer the following questions:

During the next week, think about gender at your school and in your classroom. Reflect on the following questions and share your answers with your WhatsApp group: 

  1. How are both girls and boys portrayed in pictures/drawings at your school and in your classroom? Are the illustrations culturally appropriate and/or gender-responsive? Do the illustrations portray both girls and boys positively/negatively? 
  2. Are learners given equal opportunities in all activities such as answering questions in class, participating in sports and recreational activities, fetching water, cleaning, gardening and so on?
  3. Are the infrastructure and other facilities user-friendly for all learners (boys, girls, learners with special educational needs)? Are separate spaces available for boys and for girls, whether inside or outside the classroom? When should spaces used by boys and girls be separated? 
  4. How do girls and boys respond to questions in class?
  5. Do you plan learning activities that ensure that girls and boys work together in an effective way? 
  6. Think about the language you use with boys and girls. Is it the same?

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 3:22 PM