UNIT 6: Task #2

UNIT 6: Group Work and Collaborative Learning

vidWatch and listen to this video on Peer Marking

Video: Peer Marking

taskTask #2: 

After watching the videos, think about group work in your classroom. Plan a lesson where you include Home/Learning Teams or Think-Pair-Share. Afterwards, reflect on the following questions and share your answers and ideas with your WhatsApp group: 

  1. Which collaborative activity did you try and why did you choose that one?  
  2. What worked well for your learners as they carried out the collaborative activity? 
  3. What would you do differently next time when you use this collaborative activity? 

We would love to hear from you about how you found using these strategies and if you have other ideas about developing your learners' skills of collaboration.

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 2:58 PM