UNIT 6: Task #1

UNIT 6: Group Work and Collaborative Learning

TaskTask #1

Here is a video on Home Teams at Umubano Academy. This is the name that Umubano Academy teachers use for their Learning Teams. Watch and listen to the video. In this video you will see Teacher Eugene leading students in an activity where the learners work in Learning Teams, or as he calls them, 'Home Teams'. What do you notice about how the learners discuss ideas together and share feedback with the teacher and the class? What does the teacher need to do to ensure that everyone is actively engaged and learning in their Home Teams? Write down your ideas.

vidVideo: Collaborative Learning (Teacher Eugene)

Collaborative learning can be done in many different ways. Working in pairs is another useful way of increasing collaboration and of sharing the learning in the classroom. Working in pairs can be better than working in groups when the activities don’t have many roles or many answers that would keep all members of a group active and sharing ideas. It is important to ensure all members of the class are active and to choose a strategy that enables learners to remain actively engaged throughout the lesson. Another strategy that teachers and learners find effective at Umubano Academy is called Think-Pair-Share. 

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 2:56 PM