UNIT 4: Task #2

UNIT 4: Social skills

taskTask #2

Create a social skills display and teach a Social Skill of the Week. 

On an A4 piece of paper write “The social skill of the week is…….”  You will use this display sign every week to share the Social Skill of the Week with your learners.

Now, choose 10 social skills to try out over the next term; one Social Skill of the Week per week. 

When you have created your Social Skill of the Week display sign and chosen the 10 Social Skills to teach in the term, you can now plan a lesson where you will explain a specific social skill for that week. Following the lesson planning activity, deliver the lesson. Afterwards, reflect on the following questions and share with your WhatsApp group:

  1.  What social skill did you focus on in your lesson and why did you choose this one?
  2.  What worked well in this activity?
  3.  Is there something you would do differently to make teaching and learning social skills more effective next time? 
  4.  Are there any social skills on the list provided that you don’t understand or would like to discuss more or are there some that you would like to add? Please discuss this on the WhatsApp forum.
 If you wish to discuss this topic of social skills in more detail, please add your questions and ideas to the WhatsApp group!

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 2:07 PM