UNIT 3: Engagement between school and parents/families/carers

UNIT 3: Behaviour Management - Active Citizenship, School and Parent Engagement

Engagement between school and parents/families/carers

For both teachers and parents, it may seem like a huge challenge to raise children to be active citizens without some support to do this well. The goal is to have teachers, parents and children work together so that we succeed in supporting learners to become confident, positive and active members of their families, schools and communities. As children grow up they can also offer support, ideas and resources to support active citizenship.

According to an ancient African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Both school and parent engagement are essential for raising active citizens because parents and teachers are the first educators of children. Children are greatly influenced by their relationships with the adults in their lives – usually their parents and teachers. Being an active citizen starts at home, then expands to the school, the community, the country, and, ultimately, the whole world. Organising regular, frequent Parent-Teacher Meetings facilitates ongoing engagement between school and parents/families/carers and, in this way, such meetings can promote active citizenship. 

What are Parent Meetings?
Unit 3 7The relationship between parents, teachers and learners is very important. Holding meetings between parents and teachers is a great way of building relationships between home and school. These meetings can be used to identify the learner’s strengths and interests as well as to discuss any areas of concern or any difficulties the learner is facing. The goal is to find a positive means of collaboration between the family and the teacher. Meeting regularly is a useful way of collaborating and sharing ideas and updates.      

Last modified: Wednesday, 23 August 2023, 1:58 PM