UNIT 2: Summary

UNIT 2: Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences


In this unit we have talked about positive behaviour management strategies, specifically Behaviour Triangles and House Points

Behaviour Triangles are a simple visual tool that can help everyone remember what the rewards are for good behaviour and what the consequences are for what is not acceptable in the classroom. 

House Points can be used with group work to encourage team-work and collaboration in the classroom. They could also be used throughout the school, to encourage wider collaboration in all areas of the curriculum and co-curriculum. 

These are two simple but effective tools to use to motivate learners to behave appropriately and to try hard for themselves and their peers.

Used well, these tools can help teachers to have classrooms full of happy, productive learners. These are just two tools that we use in Ready to Learn: Education for Positive Peace. 

We would love to hear your ideas about what works well in your classroom too!

Last modified: Monday, 25 September 2023, 3:00 PM