UNIT 2: Task #4

UNIT 2: Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences

Watch and listen to this video on House Points to further understand this positive behaviour management strategy

vidVideo: Reward systems - Use of House Points and praise 

ask #3: Designing a Five-Step (Rewards or Consequences) System

Now we will focus again on Behaviour Triangles. With your class, think of your own 5-step system for rewards and consequences. Each Behaviour Triangle will then have 5 steps.

Create 2 Behaviour Triangles; one with Rewards (for good behaviour) and one for Consequences (for behaviours that you do not want in the classroom). 

Write your 5 steps in your Behaviour Triangles, starting with the most commonly used response at the bottom and working up, towards the top of the triangle. Each step will have bigger rewards or more serious consequences. Display your Behaviour Triangles in class and refer to them every time a learner deserves a reward or needs a consequence to help them improve their behaviour. 

Read the possible ideas for ‘rewards’ and ‘consequences’ below. You may want to use some of these ideas. Afterwards, reflect on the following questions and share with your WhatsApp group:

  1. What worked well when you were making your Behaviour Triangles?
  2. What would you do differently next time you create Behaviour Triangles with a class?

Take a photo of your Behaviour Triangles and post it on the WhatsApp group. 

  When learners behave well - REWARDS   When learners misbehave – CONSEQUENCES
  • Non-verbal praise (e.g. clapping; smiling; thumbs up);
  • Verbal praise e.g. say a reward word or phrase that you have taught your class such as “flowers”; say “good”, “well done” or “I am proud of you”;
  • Give the learner a sticker or material e.g. a pencil;
  • Send the learner to the HT for praise;
  • Write to the parents telling them;
  • what the learner did well, or share the good work;
  • Create a ‘certificate’ to award to your learners;
  • Write a special comment in their notebook
  • Give them 5 minutes of extra;play time with a friend;
  • Go on the ‘Excellent Pupils’ list;outside HT’s office;
  • Let the learner choose a reward activity e.g. drawing a picture / helping another learner.

  • Verbal warning;
  • Move to another seat in the classroom;
  • Tell them to spend 5 mins / 10 mins of break in the classroom with you;
  • Give them a job to do around the school e.g. picking up litter, sweeping, gardening, etc;
  • Send the learner to a member of the school leadership team;
  • Contact parents;
  • Set the learner the task of writing out lines “I must arrive on time,” etc;
  • Ask them to stand at the back of the classroom or at the classroom door where you can see them (for max. 5 mins.) NB: standing is okay, kneeling is not okay as it is a form of physical punishment;
  • Ask the learner to write a letter of apology (to teacher / other learner);
  • Take away equipment e.g. football;
  • Move to a different class.
REMEMBER to always give learners a warning first.
Be clear that their behaviour is unacceptable and give them the chance to correct it themselves.
Remain calm and in control – if you can’t, ask for help from a colleague.

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 3:08 PM