UNIT 2: Task #2: What are Behaviour Triangles?

UNIT 2: Behaviour Management - Rewards and Consequences

What are Behaviour Triangles?

Behaviour Triangles support the use of your Classroom Contract to achieve excellent positive behaviour in your classroom, through a clear and open approach to giving consequences for poor behaviour and rewards for good behaviour. You will design two separate triangles large enough to be displayed on your classroom wall; one for consequences and the other for rewards. Each triangle will clearly show the first response that you will make as a teacher to your learners' behaviour and your responses will become more serious (for consequences for bad behaviour) and more rewarding (for rewards for good behaviour) as you move up the triangle.

taskTask #2

Here is a video on Behaviour Triangles, a strategy to use to support positive behaviour management. Watch and listen to the video. Try to identify how the teacher uses the Behaviour Triangles to respond to positive and negative behaviours in his lesson.

Behaviour Triangles are for individual behaviour management. The House Point system is to encourage good group work and behaviour so there is a focus on both self-management and co-operation throughout the school. 

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 2:46 PM