UNIT 1: Task #3

UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts

TaskTask #3

This week, write a Classroom Contract with your learners. Ask them which rules they think the class should follow. Help them to make sure the rules have a positive focus on what to do. If you add some other rules, make sure the rules you have chosen are explained to the learners. Make a wall display showing your classroom contract. Ask all learners to sign the contract with you. Afterwards, reflect on the following questions and share with your WhatsApp group: 

  1. What worked well in the whole process of creating the Classroom Contract together? 
  2. What would you do differently next time and why?  

Take a photo of your classroom contract and post it on the Whatsapp group to share with other teachers.

Last modified: Monday, 8 January 2024, 1:45 PM