UNIT 1: How to create a Classroom Contract

UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts

How to create a Classroom Contract

Classroom contract

  1. Before the Classroom Contract lesson, where you will create the Classroom Contract with your learners, make your own list of classroom rules (but don’t share it with the class yet). Remember that your voice, as the teacher, is also important but first you want to see what the learners say. Then, if the learners don’t say some of the rules you think should be included, you can share them and ask the class what they think. 
  2. Include rules related to different parts of class life e.g. to show respect for materials, yourself, other learners and the teacher or how to behave inside and outside the classroom. You could include rules on how to move around the classroom, how to speak, how to behave, how to listen and how to participate actively.
  3. After agreeing on the classroom rules for your Classroom Contract, create a wall chart to display these rules in your classroom. Make the wall chart after class so that you have time to make it presentable and understandable for all learners e.g. drawing pictures to represent rules for nursery classes, using bright colours and writing in large, neat letters that are easy to read. 
  4. During the next lesson, review what was written on the Classroom Contract wall chart. Then ask all learners to sign their names on the chart to show they agree to the contract. Younger children could do a handprint if they cannot write their name. Don’t forget to sign the contract too, teachers! You could even invite your Head Teacher to sign as well.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 11:17 AM