UNIT 1: How will your school benefit from introducing B4L?

UNIT 1: Behaviour Management - Behaviour for Learning and Classroom Contracts

When B4L works well, teachers and learners have more time to focus on building good relationships and on the learning in the classroom. Learners and teachers benefit from:B4L

  • less challenging behaviour
  • more time to focus on teaching and learning
  • improvements in the learners’ social and emotional learning (SEL) skills so that they can make good choices for themselves
  • positive and respectful relationships among learners and staff
  • support for teachers to teach, model and respond effectively to the needs of their learners
  • a more predictable learning environment where staff and learners know what is expected in terms of Behaviour for Learning and so they all make lots of progress
  • a consistent B4L approach which helps everyone to strengthen the way the school works and therefore the levels of achievement of the school overall
The following is a suggested sequence for managing a learner’s challenging or disruptive behaviour, moving from thinking about the pillars of B4L through to issuing consequences:
  1. The learner misbehaves and the teacher immediately reflects on WHY this is happening; is it because of issues with SELF, COMMUNITY and/or CURRICULUM? 
  2. The teacher speaks to the learner and offers encouragement and counselling in the area that the teacher has identified as being the problem.
  3. The teacher may then issue a warning to ensure that the learner is given a chance to behave well.
  4. If the misbehaviour continues the teacher will follow the levels of consequences which will be explained in more detail in the following Unit on Behaviour Triangles (Unit 2) while at the same time aiming to solve the challenges the learner has with self, community and/or curriculum.

Last modified: Monday, 9 October 2023, 2:08 PM